Okay my first story on fanfiction. I hope people like it if not I will just leave it as a one shot. I'm sorry if my spelling is wrong or I messed something up. If I did just tell me in a review. I will take any kind of tips pr advice to improve my writing. (Edit as of 9/4/2013: I know that my character is a mary sue so please at least give it a chance and look at the rest of the chapters as well. I have a plan for this and understand how stupid or annoying this is but I will not change the story at the moment. Again sorry if this fact makes anyone angry.)


A simple thing that has everyone hurrying home. All of them trying to stay dry by using their schoolbags or umbrella's. I do not mind it for I do not care to be dry. Many of the boys ask me if I want them to walk me home, having to share an umbrella with them and squished into their side. I refuse all of them and rush out into the cold downpour. My uniform and hair getting soaked almost instantly. My long sea-green and red hair is flattened and sticking to my forehead and neck. I curse silently to myself thinking of how my hair clips just vanished during gym today. I know that they were taken by the other girls just to mess with me. But I am used to it, every school I go to I get picked on just because I'm different. My name is Ambrosine Cerise Thorn, I am 19 years old about to turn 20 next month on October 17.

I snap out of my thoughts when I crash into someone, falling backwards into a large puddle. I get up quickly and bow to the person, I look back up to see a young man staring at like I'm crazy. He stares at me for a little longer before walking away down an alley next to us. I watch him disappear around the corner at the end then rush off again. That was strange, usually people ask why I don't say sorry. Not that I could reply to their questions. For you see I am mute, I don't remember why or what caused it but when I was 5 I lost the ability to speak. I reach the front door of my house and pull my key out of my schoolbag. I unlock the door and go inside, leaving my soaked shoes at the door I head up to my room.

My house has two floors. The first floor has the kitchen, dinning room, and living room. The second floor has my room, the guest room, a study or office room, and a set of stair that leads to the small attic. Each bedroom has a personal bathroom attached to it. I live alone most of the time, my parents are always away on business trips. They bought this house for me and send me a monthly allowance. Neither of them really care about me, both hating that their daughter is a freaky mute girl. It's not the fact that I''m mute that they hate, it's the fact that I look like my grandmother. I don't know why they hate that I look like her though.

Grabbing some dry clothes and a towel I head into my bathroom. I start the water and go back into my room while it fills up. I pull everything out of my drenched bag and sit it on some towels to dry. I brush my hair out to get rid of some of the tangles before returning to the bathroom. I see that the tub is filled and undress, looking at myself in the full body mirror before getting in. I am 5'8 with long sea-green and red hair that reaches my ankles, the red parts of my hair start at the roots stopping at about chin length, and turn sea-green as it grows longer. My eyes are large and bright neon pink shade, and change into a bright yellow-green whenever I get very emotional usually when angry or scared. My looks are what others girls call perfect and an enemy to them all, to me my beauty is a terrible thing it makes boy's go crazy over me and girls hate me. My only friend Karen tells me that I am elf like, or pretty as a goddess. I can see why I could be an elf with my slightly pointed chin and high cheekbones. Karen says I have a goddess body, coming from the fact that I have large DD breasts and perfect curves. Karen is a strange girl but she loves me for me, strange appearance and all. But a goddess doesn't have scars or pointy teeth.

I sigh and step into the tub of hot water, leaning my back against the back of it. I sit in the water thinking over everything or anything. After about 30 minutes I decide i had been soaking long enough. I wash my body with my favorite peach scented soap, and my hair with the peach scented shampoo. What can I say I love peaches, well the smell anyways. Once I'm done I rinse off and get out, drying off I get dressed. I have to leave in about 3 hours to go meet my parents. They have something to tell me and say it is very important and a wonderful surprise. I dress in one of my favorite outfits, a long red sweater dress that goes down to my knees with a black belt, it has little skulls on the bottom and long sleeves that billow out in a bell shape. I put on my black and silver thigh-high socks along with my knee high red Victorian boots with the silver heels/bottoms. The boots have buckles and a zipper instead of laces with a wide heel that is 3'inches high. I put my hair into two large pigtails using my silver ribbons to tie them in place. I put on my black over coat that goes a little past my knees, buttoning it up and straightening the collar out. The only jewelry that I have on are a pair of skull and coffin earrings, my black leather choker, and the necklace my grandmother gave me. The necklace it a simple silver chain with a large charm in the shape of a lily. The charm itself is beautiful being made of some kind of crystal, and when held up to the light it shines in a rainbow of colors. When my grandmother died she left it to me in her will, my aunt was furious having wanted the necklace herself, but to her it was just something she could have sold off for quick money.

After getting dressed I start packing my bags for the trip. I have to go all the way to Japan just to meet my parents. For me that means a plane ride lasting almost a whole day. And making up whatever work I miss while away from school for god knows how long. Sighing I grab my large black bag with the red rose designs on it. I pack at least two weeks worth of outfits, thinking that if I needed any more I could just buy what I need in Japan. I sit the bag on my bed and start packing the things I will need while on the plane into my purse. Well I call it a purse but in reality it is a small backpack. It is solid black and shaped like a little coffin, the top half opens by a zipper and has a second zipper that lets you open it like it was a real coffin lid. I made this bag myself along with most of my outfits. I put my art supplies in this bag, along with my sewing kit and makeup. I put my cellphone in as well turning it off and putting the charger in with it. I run down to the kitchen and pack some of the cookies I made. As a last though I grab the recipe book that only me and my grandmother used. My mother said that it was full of stupid foods that no one likes these days. She had thrown it away but I snatched it when she left and hid it in my room.

Having finished packing I return to my room and sit on my bed. I let out a yawn and lay over my suitcase with my coffin bag already on my back. I lazily look over at my alarm clock groaning when I see that I still have at least 2 hours until I have to leave. I sigh and close my eyes resting my head on my bag. I don't know how long I was just sitting there but I ended up falling asleep. And I could vaguely hear the sound of a sad melody playing near me.


A young man with blond and black hair rushes past a group of older men. Some of the people he passes shout at him to stop running or curse at him for almost hitting them. But the man ignores all of them focusing on his goal. He jumps over on of his coworkers who was picking up some dropped papers. Flipping through the air before landing perfectly on the other side of the man. He quickly apologizes before running of again. He skids to a stop outside of one of the many office doors. Pausing a minute to catch his breath before opening the door. He immediately walks over to the raven haired man sitting behind the only desk in the room. The man pauses looking up from his work before resuming it with a sigh.

"Mr. Knox I hope you have a good reason for barging in here." he says coldly not even looking up at the young reaper.

"Yes! No! I don't really know! But you have to come with me to the hospital wing!" the blond rambles out like a hyper child. The other man looks up at the mention of the hospital wing, curios as to who it is that is there now.

"And who is it that is there that I need to see?" the man asks raising an eyebrow at the boy as he stands, grabbing his scythe and the papers he needs to drop off.

"Well that's the thing Mr. Spears I don't know who she is. She literally just popped out of nowhere!" Knox shots pulling at his hair in frustration.

"Hmm. Explain on the way Mr. Knox." he holds open the door letting the frantic blond exit first. Closing and locking the door behind him, he hands the finished papers to one of the receptionists. Then the two reapers head off towards the hospital wing.

"I was just returning from doing my field work when a girl just popped out of nowhere. She was knocked out cold and wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried. Eric and Alan where with me and took her to the hospital wing while I came to get you. She is wearing the strangest clothes and had 2 bags with her. It seemed as if she was going to travel somewhere. And her physical looks are strange as well." Knox says finishing just as they reach the entrance to the hospital wing. The two men enter the wing to see Eric waiting for them, his scythe slung over his shoulder carelessly.

"Ronald, Will nice of you to join us. The girl is in room 32 Alan is in there in case she woke up while we where waiting for you." The older man the proceeds to lead them to the room. Opening the door and leaving it open for the other two to follow in. Alan is sitting in a chair next to the bed watching the girl carefully.

Will walks over to the girl to get a better look at her. She has strange hair that is red at the top and a sea-green at the bottom. Her hair is so long that it hangs off of the bed and touches the floor. She has an elf-ish face with long eyelashes and rosy cheeks. A blanket is covering her making it impossible to see her outfit at the moment. At the foot of the bed are a large black bag and a small coffin shaped bag. A large woman's coat has been folded and placed over the bed rail.

"She may have weird hair but she is quite beautiful." Alan states breaking the silence. "But it seems... how do I put it..." He murmurs grabbing his chin in-between his thumb and forefinger and looking up at the ceiling.

"She is like us..." Ronald says causing everyone to look at him." I mean like us she has unnatural beauty, so maybe she is a shinigami."

"She could possibly be but we won't know until she wakes up." Will states using his scythe to push up his glasses. They don't have to wait long for only about 20 minutes later the girl starts to stir.

POV -Ambrosine

I hear people talking next to me and think nothing of it, assuming I just left the tv on. But I don't remember watching any tv when I came home. Then I remember that I was supposed to catch a plane soon. I try to open my eyes but I can't seem to get them too. I feel someone pick me up bridal style and start to panic. I try to move my arms to push the person away but nothing happens. Whoever is carrying me starts to move at a fast pace, I can do nothing but let my head rest on thing strangers shoulder as he carries me off. After a few minutes I hear more voices I can't understand what they're saying, but I can tell that they are female and the one holding me is male. The talking stops and we're moving again, then I am sat down on what feels like a bed. Someone is taking off my jacket and boots, then I am lain down and covered up with a soft blanket. I hear two men talking then someone walking away and a door closing. The sound of a chair scratching against the floor comes from my left. I don't hear anything after that, having fallen back into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long I had been asleep for this time but I could move now. I hear people moving around near me and try not to panic. I slowly open my eyes squinting at the bright lighting. Once my eyes have adjusted to the light I sit up looking around me. I am greeted by the sight of 4 men staring at me wide eyed.

"Woa her eyes are pink!" I jump when one of them yells. a man with short blond hair that is black on the lower half walks up to me. He has a pair of large black square glasses on and his eyes are so strange, they have a green pupil and yellow just stares at me and I stare back, we do this until he is hit on the head with a pair of large shears. He backs away rubbing his head in pain and pouting at the man behind him.

"Mr. Knox please refrain from trying to flirt with the girl." The man states walking up to stand next to the bed. This man has short raven colored hair that has been slicked back. He has silver glasses with the same kind of eyes as the now named Mr. Knox. He is holding what appears to be a pair of elongated shears, he uses them to push up his glasses and starts to speak again. "I am William T. Spears head dispatch officer of the London shinigami division. Miss who are you and where are you from." Wait shinigami? Does he mean a grim reaper?

"Straight to the point as usual Will, well this has been fun but I still have to turn in my paperwork. Come on Alan we have to turn in yours too." I watch as the other blond haired man and the brown haired man Alan leave the room. I turn back to face Will and Ronald who are looking at me expectantly.

"Well miss are you going to tell us who you are and where you came from." Will asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I sigh and point at my throat then make an X with my arms. "I don't understand what you are trying to say miss."

"You would think she couldn't speak at all." Ronald murmurs crossing his arms over his chest. I smile and point at him with one hand and my throat with the other. "Eh? Did I get it right you can't speak at all?" I nod my head and smile at him and he smiles back at me but it turns into a frown. "Why can't you talk did something happen to you?" I put my hands up and shake my head in a I don't know manor.

"Well can't you tell us your name at least and where you are from." Will asks again slightly irritated and handing me a pen and paper. I quickly write out my full name in my fancy cursive writing, along with the name of where I am from. I hand them back to him and he looks back at we with a frown. "Miss Thorn I Know every name of all the living beings in London. You are not on that list, I can tell you are not lying to me though. But What are we to do with you for now until we figure out why you are here."

"Well she can't stay in the hospital forever... maybe she could stay with one of the female shinigami." Ronald says looking over at me then back to Will.

"No possible all the rooms for the female shinigami are full, each of them can only hold 2 girls at a time. And all of the female shinigami the have their own homes have families to take care of." Will states closing his eyes in thought. I decide to take this time and put my shoes and coat back on, I only button up the coat down to just under my chest leaving the rest undone. I put my coffin bag on and look back over at the two reapers.

"I got it I know who would love to have her live with them!" Ronald shouts out grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me towards the door. I grab the handel of my suitcase just in time as I am dragged out of the hospital area. I look behind me to see Will following us calmly but swiftly. I turn my attention back to walking, trying not to trip as I am pulled off to wherever Ronald has in mind.