Sakura awoke in the early cold morning before the sun broke through the sky, her eyes swollen from a teary scream-filled and painful night. She struggled to open her eyes as their swollen state limited the range to which she could open them. Her vision was foggy and she could barely make out the contents within the room, though she know where everything was due her memory's recollection. She had not remembered when she fell asleep, she simply just faded into the dark after Sasuke's dark silhouette disappeared into the night.

There was no running away from the previous night's happenings, her body ached in a way she had never experienced before. This pain was different from shurikens and senbons piercing one's flesh...this pain, a burning and throbbing ache that radiates deep from the crevice between her thighs. Her once precious and innocent flower now cried with tears of red which smears dry onto her legs and stains the sheets.

She was now alert.

She took a look around rolling her head side to side on the bed to see if anyone else was in the room. There was no one.

With every effort she had, used to her elbows to prop herself up on the bed. She was still weak and drained of chakra. It took another great effort to push herself up to the head of the bed where the wall was where she could support herself with her back turned to the wall. Sakura was now in perfect position to niew herself. She hesitates to take a good look at herself but looks…

Oh, God, Sakura could only think to herself as her trembling fingers of her right hand came to meet her trembling lips. Her blood was everywhere! On the bed...on the sheets...on her body. She took a look on her body, but the only vivid bruises were the purple-blue bruises he had left on her arms and forearms after pinning her aggressively onto the bed to have his way.

Her eyes welled with water.

Upon seeing her state, the thought of Sasuke's flashing sharingan and mad rage as he tore through her pink flesh as she screams and bleeds without remorse washes in. Right then and there she consciously builds a new and greater fear of Sasuke.
Despite her aching flesh, she knows she has to move her legs. She knows she has to get up, at the very least she has to get herself cleaned up. She moves her legs simultaneously, "Aah.." Sakura releases a soft and low painful moan. The throbbing ache now pounds between her thighs as her movement aggravated the already bruised flesh. She attempts to move again, suddenly she hears soft footsteps behind the door…

Her eyes widened in fear wondering if it was Sasuke coming back, "Please n-"

"Sakura?" a calm voice interrupted her. She hesitated to answer. "Are you awake?" the voice spoke again. It's not Sasuke, she thought to herself.

"I-Itachi?" Sakura weakly spoke.

"Hm." Itachi grunted lightly behind the door. Itachi could hear Sakura's voice trembled as she replied and he could understood why. He could understand that she would be in pain after Sasuke had lost all control with her. His understanding stems from his connection with Sasuke due to the Bone & Flesh justu that Madara had placed on him and Sasuke which allowed the both of them to feel what the other was feeling physically as a means of preventing the two from fighting.

Itachi felt all the sensational pleasure that Sasuke was feeling. He felt a burst of cold adrenalin just as Sasuke had. His body even reacted the same way Sasuke's body did, he too was erect, the pace of his heartbeat quickened and his breathing became shallow and fast. He felt the head of his manhood begin to burn and he assumed that was the stage Sasuke began to penetrate Sakura's tight flesh. Itachi recalls the pain becoming intense at a certain point, he assumed that point was where Sasuke was confronted with Sakura's virginal barrier...her hymen. Suddenly, a rush of overwhelming sensation washed over him, he knew at this point that Sasuke had broken down Sakura's Barrier and invaded her body. It was uncontrollable and his body reacted by shuddering from the pleasure. He experienced first hand why Sasuke had lost his self control, the pleasure was overwhelming and addictive, enough to make the most virtuest of men forcefully claim her. A man could not have helped but to want more of that innocent flesh, to paint its walls red and sign his name on it. Itachi could understand… but as for Sakura… he found no suitable words that would console her. There weren't any.

"There are clothes at the door. If you wish to b-" Itachi was cut off at the onset of Sakura's slight sobbing. He could hear the muffled cries. "They are not here. If you wish to get clean up in the bathroom you can" Itachi stared at the door before kneeling to place the clothes on the floor. "I will leave to give you some privacy". He walks away as she continues to muffle her cries. Itachi turns to look back at the door, "Forgive him, Sakura" Itachi whispers as he walks away and closes the door.

Sakura heard the door close and she knew Itachi had left.

The house felt empty, she could tell she was the only occupant.

It was best to struggle through cleaning herself now than wait until they came back for she could not face them with the sorry state Sasuke had left her in.

Sakura's room door creaked open. The floor were some clothes and new sheets and a plastic bag, she assumed it was to put the soiled linen into. Itachi was being considerate

Still with soiled sheet around the her weak body she painfully bent to take up the clothes and stood, she left the sheets on the floor and kicked them into her room, noting that she would make the bed after she had gotten herself cleaned up. Her swollen eyes looked around the surrounding to confirm her assumptions that no one was around. She was right. She made her way to the bathroom that was adjacent to her room, every step gashing fire to her already pained state.

She rested the clothes on her on the floor on top of the plastic bag and headed for the shower. The water came on and trinkled onto her body, each drop gave an exaggerated pounding feeling as Sasuke's rough handlings left her body very sensitive.

She rose her hand slowly to begin washing her body. Lather appeared as she scoured away at her tear stained face, then her bruised arms, and then her belly. She eyes her aching crevice and hesitates to wash there. Sakura notices the red water running down her legs as the water loosens the dried blood on her legs. Her fingers trembles as she nears her crevice, "Ah!" she winces at the pain and pulls back her hand like a reflex. "Ahh…." she moans lowly as she attempts again. This time she bears the lancinating pain as the soap brushes and burns her sensitive spot. She slowly washes back and forth to clean herself, the blood water that flowed from her body became richer and it washes away into the drain. Sakura puts the sponge into her other hand and her fingers find their way back to her aching crevice, she feels around cautiously, It's swollen, She thought as she felt around. She feels further posteriorly only to encounter her entrance. She lightly brushes her finger around "Ahh.." she moans lowly again. The swelling there was more prominent and it burned more than anywhere else on her body. She quickly removed her finger but notices that there were streaks of blood, "Am I still bleeding?" she asked herself. Her head snapped up suddenly with the realization that she needs to hurry and finish before the others return. Bearing the pain she hurries to wash her legs and the rest of he body wincing at each time the sponge meets upon new bruised flesh.

Sakura come out of the shower and retrieves the towel Itachi had gotten her, she dried off and took up the clothes. It was a casual black and red rosed kimono that was knee and elbow lengthed when Sakura measured it against her body, it seemed to be an okay fit. Something small caught her eyes on the floor, it appeared to have been buried between the folded towel and kimono were two underwears, a black and navy blue. It was odd for Itachi to bring her underwear, but she had no time to think about that. She needed to get out of the bathroom before the-Sasuke returned. She hurries to put on the thin black underwear that seemed to be an unpleasantly perfect fit, the closeness of it hurts slightly as it hugs the folds between her legs.

She hurries out and makes her way to her room. She opens the door to notice something strange. The bed was made. "W-Who…" she trailed off as she questioned herself. She head turned to the floor where she had kicked the sheets but they weren't there, they were spread nealty and expertly on the bed.

Sakura felt a shadow creep up onto her as she stood in the doorway with the door half open and knob still in her hand and the soiled linen cradled in the other hand. She trembles and she hesitates to turn around.

"I did." spoke the voice of the shadow, Sakura recognizes the voice. "I was only trying to help."

Itachi, Sakura thought not bothering to turn around, her trembling eased and her tensed state softened. It wasn't Sasuke to her relief. Itachi stood five feet away from her back not wanting to go any nearer. "I brought you something to eat." he declared. Sakura slowly turns around her body, the door intersecting her body perpendicularly as if to acknowledge Itachi. He understood her actions, he understood her not wanting to talk. "I'll go ge-" he was cut off by footsteps approaching the door, and before she had time to react the door flew open. She looked, her eyes widened in disbelief and she froze where she was, there he was standing at the open door with the sunlight behind him as it emerges for daybreak. His presence more heavier than lead and more prominent then red paint in a white canvas, their eyes met and he stared at her with piercing obsidians. Sasuke! She thought in shock.