How to fix a broken god

Chapter 3

"Okay" Loki said with a quick smile but his face dropped remembering the pain around his mouth. Tony walk to the elevator and went down to the kitchens. Tony had a huge kitchen full of high tech appliances, which he never used, mainly because he didn't know how to cook usually pepper would sort out food. "So breakfast" he said to himself "this is going to be fun".

After spending ages in the kitchen preparing breakfast (in which he may or may not have rung Pepper a couple of times as he was useless at it) he got back to where Loki was carrying a tray with food. It was only now, carrying a plate of toast with various toppings that he realised how hungry he was. "Hey Lok, I brought food, hope you don't mind me calling you Lok not that I care as I'm going to call you it any way" Tony announced as he walked in to the room. Loki rolled his eyes but didn't comment, he honestly didn't care but wouldn't let Tony know. Loki pushed himself up but closed his eyes tight shut and moaned in pain from his injuries.

When Loki was sitting upright, Tony put the tray on the bed then sat down next to it. After about ten minutes of silence and eating toast, Tony pulled out his phone and started searching some stuff he remembered Pepper telling him about. Loki instantly looked up, a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

"It must suck" Tony said confusing Loki "Having no technology at your home". "Asgard is not my home" Loki snapped making Tony jump slightly, he looked at Loki quickly but looked away again. "What I meant was where you used to live" Tony corrected himself. "We had ways to keep entertained, however after spending over a hundred years it can get fairly boring" Loki informed him "These...devices you have they intrigue me". "well if you continue to stay here without cause trouble I could teach you about them and the general things we have now, as far as I can tell you and you-… Thor haven't spent a lot of time on earth recently" Tony said looking up at Loki and smiling at him, "No we haven't had the chance to come here in more recent years, also I can assure you I have no intentions of causing any trouble while being here" Loki shook his head, then looked up at him, a small smile tracing his lips.

It was at that moment that JARVIS announced "Sir Nick Fury wishes to speak with you" "Yeah well tell him I'm busy" Tony told him slightly annoyed "Sir he insists it's urgent "now Tony was really annoyed, Fury was always a pain. "Fine then but wait he can't see Loki" Tony replied irritably "I'll be back soon" he said to Loki then went to his lab.

"put them on screen" Tony said once he was sitting in his lab. A picture of Fury, agent Hill and Thor popped up on the screen, "What's this about eye patch?" Tony queried. "It's about Loki" the second Tony heard that he quickly looked up at the screen "What about him?" Tony said alarmed "he's missing" Tony let out a small sigh of relief glad they didn't know he was actually there. "His punishment had just started when we lost him" Thor informed him. This made a pit of rage build up in his stomach, if his punishment had just started it must have been them who did this to him, caused him so much pain and although he was hiding it now he was still in a lot of pain. Tony collected his thought then said "so why are you telling me this?" "We need you to keep a look out for him, we are tracing him now but we need as many eyes as possible" this made Tony laugh "we don't know if he's up to anything so we need to find him quickly" Fury continued irritated but still with his poker face. "Sure I'll keep an eye out for the reindeer" Tony smirked "right goodbye now" Tony said as he switched of the screen. Tony sat just thinking about how Thor could do this to his "much loved brother", he would have to speak to Loki about it although he knew it was a sensitive subject and he found himself slightly caring about Loki. He shook his head, no he didn't care about Loki he just knows what it's like to be tortured and to go through the pain, yeah that must be it after all Loki was the enemy right?