Brood: Hello all! It's been suggested that I write a prequel to this story, and I would like to know if the majority of you really would like it!

Zutsokaki: No. Just. Vote. No.

Brood: Don't listen to him. He's insensitive to romance like this.

Zutsokaki: Am not. I like romance......*looks out dreamily*

Brood: I think it was a good idea that I took him for awhile. That poor girl couldn't handle him around anymore. ANYWAY! I would like a simple review/vote. Tell me how well you liked this story, and then vote Yay! Or NAY! NOO! DON'T DO IT!! NOOO!! If you would like to see a prequel! Simple, right?

Zutsokaki: *snaps back in* Yeah, and this will just mean more late nights for me...

Brood: But be notified that I will not start on this project until I feel good about where I am on my other stories. I have others to work on as well. I can't get too swamped with stories, or my chapters will be few and far in between....So cast your vote! See ya all later!