Hey guys, this is my first Kick-Ass Fanfic ever. Most of chapters will be short so sorry if you like long chapters, I'll try to throw some long ones in here. Anyways, let me know what you thought of my fic. I'll try to update as soon as I can but no promises, school just started for me. Please REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW! Rated M for safety. This is sort of like Mindy's diary.
It has been 2 years since we've killed The Motherfucker. I kinda miss New York City, New Jersey just doesn't feel like home. I miss Justice Forever. I miss Marcus. I can only imagine how he felt when I left town. Dave said he couldn't even focus on his job. Oh my god, and Dave, I miss him the most. We've texted, talked on the phone, and video chatted, but it's not the same. I want to be with him physically. He is the only one who I can really be myself around, whether I'm Mindy or Hit Girl. He is my bestest friend ever. We've only seen each other once since I left. He gave me a phone so we can talk to each other all the time. I still go out dressed as Hit Girl looking for a little action. It might not be such a good idea, since I'm alone, but I love a challenge. I also go to school, Mid Wood High School. I'm a junior now and I've been doing well. I couldn't enlist as Mindy Macready, so my new name is Jessica Wilde. I don't participate in extra-curricular activities, so I'm in my apartment for about 5 hours until it's late enough to go patroling. I usually sleep until its time. It's was about 8:30 when I woke up, so I just decided to stay awake until 9. I was watching TV when my 'Dave' phone rang. A call from Dave.
I answered to Dave saying, "Hey Mindy, we need to talk. It's very important".
"Just tell me now" I said back to him.
"Mindy I need to tell you in person" Dave said very serious like.
"Ok, Dave. Just give a time and place and I'll be there" I said, slightly worried but hiding it from him.
"Meet me at Atomic Comics in 30 minutes" and with that Dave hung up.
I started at my phone after he hung up, wondereing what he was so worried about. I texted him, 'Do I go as Hit Girl or Mindy?'. He responded 'Hit Girl, this is kind of what this is about actually'. I put on my costume and headed out the door. I got on my HG bike and turned the ignition. It started up and I switched it from Neutral to first gear. I gave it some gas and pulled out of the alley into the highway. Right away I felt as if I was being followed. I turned around and saw a black ford expedition. It was following me, definitley. I led them to an alley and parked the bike around a corner. There were three men in suits that got out of the car. One was holstering a glock, another with a Armsel Striker slung across his back, and the last one was carrying an AK-47 in his hands. I pulled out my throwing knifes from my utility belt. I popped up and threw two at the one with AK. One hit him in the chest and the other hit his head. The other two guys pulled out their weapons and fired in my direction. After awhile the shooting stopped 'probably reloading' I thought and ran towards them with my butterfly sword. I slashed one guy and tried to get the other but he was very well trained. Not as trained as me but still very close. He caught my sword, so I punched his nose. The punch didn't look like it did any damage. He smiled at me and threw me to a wall. I watched as he turned away, got into his car and drove off. I took out my phone and took a picture of the vehicle, making sure to get the lisence plate in the shot.
I walked over to the man with my throwing knifes in his body, pulled them out, wiped the blood off, and sheathed them in my belt. I got on my bike again and headed to Atomic Comics. On the ride there, I had a lot of thinking I could do. 'Who were those guys?'. 'Why were they trying to kill me?'. 'Are they after Dave too?'. 'What is so important that I need to go back to New York City for Dave to tell me?'
I don't like being clueless.