Zuzana Lišková walked into her boss's office wondering what he wanted. "Přál jste si mě vidět kapitáne1?" she asked.
"Yes nadstrážmistr2 Lišková," the captain said speaking in English. Zuzana was wondering why he switched from Czech until she saw the other man standing in the office. "This is Major Daniel from the French National Police and he has a proposal you might be interested in."
"I am putting together a team of cops from all over the Eurozone," Major Daniel explained. "Each has a special skill like you. I was wondering if you would be a part of it Senior Sergeant Lišková. A serial killer has killed three young women in London, Rome, and Dublin in the past ten months. So will you join the team?"
"Where is this team located?" Zuzana asked.
"The Hague," Major Daniel answered. "It's only temporary unless the I.C.C. makes us a permanent team to handle on-going cross border crimes."
Zuzana nodded. "I'm in." She and the major agreed to meet at the train station in a couple hours. Zuzana took care of a couple things at the office before heading home to pack.
When they got off the train they drove to the International Criminal Court. Zuzana walked in behind Major Daniel and saw a group of people gathered around a table. A blonde was the first to look up and Major Daniel introduced her first before going around the table, "Inspector Sienna Pride. Scotland Yard. Interrogation Specialist. Investigator Sebastian Berger, tech genius, Polizei Berlin, Germany. Eva Vittoria, sergeant, anti-mafia. Undercover and covert operations. Detective Tommy McConnell, Police Services, Northern Ireland. And Detective Anne-Marie San, criminal analyst, trafficking crimes specialist. Team, may I present Senior Sergeant Zuzana Lišková, explosives expert, from the Police of the Czech Republic in Prague."
"Hi so what do you guys have so far?" Zuzana asked.
"Well someone's eager to get started," Tommy commented.
Zuzana smirked. "I figured that instead of just standing around talking we could work on catching this čubčǐ syn3 before he kills again and talk at the same time."
"She has a point," Sebastian said.
Zuzana worked on getting caught up with the case so far. "Hey Tommy could you pass me the Dublin file?" she asked the Irishman. When he handed her the file she couldn't help but notice his tattoo of a compass rose when his shirt sleeve rode up a bit. He pulled his sleeve back down and Zuzana could tell that it wasn't a tattoo he wanted to talk about. She certainly knew that feeling. Instead after she thanked him for giving her the file she mentioned something else she noticed, "So you're a fighter huh?"
"Yeah so?" Tommy asked. "How could you tell?"
Zuzana smiled, "Oh I don't have a problem with it. In fact one of my good friends is a fighter. I could tell you were one by your hands and you have a similar look about you to what my friend has."
"Really what's this friend's name?"
"Eliot," Zuzana replied. Tommy didn't press her to elaborate and they went back to discussing the case.
Fair warning I don't know what the Czech police system is like so I just went with some information that I knew some American police systems used (Captain being the boss of the precinct) and for Zuzana's rank I got it from a site I found using Google. If I made any mistakes either in the system or in my translations in Czech that I used Google Translate for please let me know.
1 - You wished to see me Captain?
2 - senior sergeant
3 - son of a bitch