Hey y'all! I'm so sorry that this update took a million times longer than I said it would. I've been in and out of the hospital these last few weeks with kidney stones and then subsequent surgery to remove said kidney stones. But I am on the mend and the next chapter is almost half way finished. I hope you enjoy this new update. Please drop me a line when you're done and let me know how you're liking it.

One second they were driving down the road and the next they were going end over end.The big black SUV was tossed down the road like a boat in a storm. The metal crunched and the glass shattered like bones as it rolled down the street. The SVU came to a stop on its bent tires after 4 rolls. Jenny fell into consciousness when she heard her name being called.

"Stan?" She asked hoarsely as she cracked an eye open

"Yah, Jenny it's me. That was quite a crash." Stan answered trying to keep the mood light as he yanked on her door.

"Decker?" Jenny questioned closing her eyes again.

"Just got him out. He's over in the grass. We gotta get you outta here. I can smell gasoline. If you die on my watch, Gibbs will skin me alive." Burley said yanking on the door some more. He noticed her eyes had slipped closed. "Hey! Jenny! You gotta stay awake and help me!"

Jenny startled back awake causing her right shoulder and lungs to burn. She let out a few strangled breathes before she could catch it again.Stan took in the white tint that was slowly engulfing her usually rosy cheeks. He knocked the rest of the glass out of the window. "Doors stuck. You're gunna have to climb through the window."

"Can't." Jenny croaked, pain clouding her mind.

"If you want to see your husband and kid again, you will get your ass in gear!" Stan ordered.

Jenny shakily yanked her seatbelt off. She was about to turn toward the window when she felt it. A searing pain radiated from the left side of her lower abdomen to the right. She sensed a damp spot on her slacks. She brought her hand down to her hip to investigate. When she brought her hand back up her fingertips were stained with blood.

Jenny shot up in bed and rested her hand over her rapidly beating heart. She took a few shaky breaths and tried to calm down. The pain in her dream had been terrifyingly real. She swiftly got out of bed. As she was putting her slippers on, she froze. There was a dull ache on her lower right side. Her throat constricted—this could not be happening again. She hurried down the hall and quickly descended the stairs looking for her husband. The pain in her right side was increasing with every step.

Gibbs was downstairs in the basement re-finishing Kate's old crib that he had made for her. He didn't even look up from his work when he heard the top stair creak. "Jenny, you shouldn't come down here. The fumes aren't good for you."

"Jethro." Jenny said her voice quivering.

He immediately looked up from his work at the tone of her voice. He could see that her face was pinched in pain and her green eyes were wide with fear. He threw his brush down, bounded across the basement in two steps, and met her in the middle if the stair case.

"Something's wrong." She said, a tear rolling down her pale cheek.

Gibbs looked down to see her hand clenched tightly to her side. He immediately understood. He gently propelled her up the stairs, wrapped her in her winter coat, and got her tucked in the front seat of the car. He squealed out of the drive way and flipped the lights and sirens on.

Jenny let out a muffled sob. Gibbs took his eyes off the road to take in his wife's form. She was hunched over in her seat and her arms were wrapped around her lower abdomen. He pressed the gas pedal closer to the floor and slide around a corner. "Everything's going to be okay, Jen." Gibbs tried to reassure her, but his voice sounded strained even to his own ears.

A mere 12 minutes later, he swung into a parking spot right in from of the entrance to the ER. He jumped out of the car and wrenched the passenger side door open. "Jen, we're here." It was then that he noticed that she was unconscious; he cursed. He leaned in and fumbled her seat belt off. He had just lifted her limp form into his arms when two interns appeared next to him. They immediately began asking questions and he tried to fill them in the best they could as they rushed for the sliding doors.

Addison Montgomery was filling out the last of a patient chart at the nurses' station. She was on pit duty. For the most part, it had been a quiet night—at least until two interns came busting in yelling for a gurney. She turned around to assess the scene. All she saw was the back of a man with salt and pepper hair; she knew who he was instantaneously. She slammed her chart down and ran across the room.

"LJ! What are you- oh God! Jenny!" Addison froze briefly at the sight of her best friend before getting down to business. "What are you waiting for? Get her in a room!" She ordered the interns.

She grabbed Gibbs' arm and led him a few steps away. "What happened?"

"She's been throwing up on and off since midafternoon. She woke up with pain in her right side." Gibbs said quickly. "You have to help her Addie. She can't go through this again."

"I'll do everything in my power to keep them alive and healthy." Addison said before entering the room and barking out orders.

Gibbs ran a hand through his hair and nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he paced outside in the hallway. What felt like hours later, the door flew open and Jenny was rushed down the hall. Addison followed the gurney out. "She has appendicitis. We've caught it just in time."

"The baby?"

"Is fine. Dr. Grey will be performing the surgery. While she is doing the appendectomy, I will be monitoring the baby's vitals."

"Thank you, Addie. Keep them safe." Gibbs said quietly

"Always." Addison said squeezing his arm encouragingly before running down the same hall Jenny had gone down seconds earlier.

It had been almost 12 AM when Jenny had been admitted to the hospital and it was now approaching 7 AM. Gibbs had just returned from getting his 4th cup of crappy hospital coffee when a nurse came to update him.

"Your wife was just moved out of post-op; she is on her way to a room. Dr. Montgomery said to let you know that she would be out shortly to update you."

Gibbs nodded politely to the nurse as she turned and walked away. He felt a little bit relieved, but not knowing Jenny's condition was nerve wracking. True to her word, Addison came striding through the waiting room doors 10 minutes later. Gibbs immediately stood and met her half way.

Addison ran a hand through her auburn locks before leading Gibbs down a series of hallways. "She did wonderfully. Both her and the baby's vitals are where we want them. She should be awake within the hour. I probably won't have her released for a few days. Has her morning sickness been bad?"

"She's been pretty sick. On good days she can eat after lunchtime; on bad days she can't eat until the evening." Gibbs answered truthfully

Addison sighed. "I had a feeling from the way she talked when she called me that she was sick. She's lost almost 5 pounds since her last checkup. It isn't a problem now but I'd like to nip it in the bud before it becomes one."

Addison stopped in front of a door. "It looks way worse than it really is. I'm going to do one last round before my shift is over. It shouldn't take me any more than half an hour. I'll stop by when I'm done."

Gibbs was sitting in a chair pulled up close to Jenny's beside with her hand held in his when she began to awake. He felt her hand tighten around his. He stood and brushed a light kiss on her forehead as her eyes popped open. "Everything's okay, Jen. It was just appendicitis. Addie was with you the entire time; she's going to stop by in a little while."

"I was so scared, Jethro." Jenny whispered, tears of relief rolling down her cheeks. Gibbs brushed them away lovingly with his thumb.

"I was too." He admitted quietly and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Is Kate here?"

Gibbs froze at the question. "Shit! I didn't even think to call anyone." he checked his watch, "It's almost 9 AM."

Jenny patted his cheek. "You had better get to the Navy Yard and calm the masses before they go into full panic mode."

"Jen, you just had major surgery. I don't want to leave you."

Jenny sighed at his over protectiveness, "Jethro, I'll be fine. For one, I'm in a hospital full of competent and trained medical staff. You also just told me that Addie was going to stop by."

Gibbs admitted defeat and kissed Jenny goodbye before heading out. As he exited Jenny's room, he nearly ran Addison over. He grabbed her shoulders to keep her from toppling over. "Sorry Addie. I gotta head to work for a few minutes will you keep her company?"

"Of course! They should be bringing around breakfast soon. I'll make sure she eats something."

"She isn't going to touch the crap they serve here. Can I grab her a croissant and a fruit cup from the café by the Navy Yard?"

"I guess. As long as she eats something, I can't be too picky."

With that, Gibbs hurried out of the hospital intent on spending the shortest amount of time possible away from Jenny.