Well hello again! I'm sorry I've been pretty quiet for most of the summer, but hopefully I'll be posting more through the fall. This is the sequel to my other story History's Door. This can be read alone, but I think it would make more sense as a whole of you read the previous stories. Please review! I love to hear what you all have to say :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my cat.

Chapter 1:

Fall had slowly drifted over Washington DC, painting the leaves beautiful shades of red, yellow, and orange. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze blowing leafs off of the trees. Tony and Kate were walking hand-in-hand through the park near the NCIS building. It was their lunch hour and they were wasting time before they needed to be back.

"Tony, have you noticed anything weird going on with my mom and dad?" Kate asked looking up at him.

Tony looked at his girlfriend with a questioning glance, "No, nothing out of the ordinary, why?"

"I can't put my finger on it, but something between them feels different, not a bad different just a different different."

"Different different? Really Kate, that's the best yah got?" Tony teased

Kate slapped his chest playfully before becoming serious again, "Tony, I'm serious, something isn't right."

"Kate," Tony sighed, "I'm sure everything is fine. Gibbs and the Director have always had a peculiar relationship."

Kate was still skeptical but decided to drop the subject for the time being. Tony and Kate hurried into the bullpen with just enough time for Tony to avoid a head slap. Kate ignored the glare her father was sending her way and kissed Tony before heading up stairs to her mom's office. She waved at Cynthia before walking into the office. Kate stopped short when she didn't see her mom anywhere. She had seen her schedule and knew she was supposed to be at the office all day.

Kate heard a noise and turned to see the bathroom door was closed. She hurried over and knocked on the wood door. A strangled sob was her only response.

Kate knocked again with more urgency, "Mom, are you okay?"

"I'm fine sweetie. Don't worry about it." Jenny's muffled voice came through the door

Kate took one more look at the door before hurrying back downstairs. She halted in front of Gibbs' desk and quietly told him what was going on. Kate watched her father disappear upstairs before she sank into his vacated office chair. Tony sent her a look, but Kate just shook her head letting him know she didn't know what was going on either.

Gibbs entered his wife's office and immediately made his way over to the bathroom door. He knocked lightly before entering slowly. The sight that greeted him broke his heart. Jenny was leaning against the bathroom wall, her knees pulled up to her chest and her shoulders were shaking with the force of her sobs. Gibbs slide down the wall and made himself comfortable before he pulled Jenny into his arms. He kissed her forehead, brushed her red curls away from her face and waited for her to calm down.

When Jenny was composed enough to talk she picked a spot on the wall and stared at it blankly before beginning. "I know I promised I wouldn't take any more tests without telling you, but I thought for sure this one would be positive." Jenny said trailing off.

"It was negative wasn't it?" Gibbs waited for Jenny's nod. "Jen, this isn't healthy. We promised each other from the beginning that if it's meant to happen it will. All this stressing out about isn't good for you and on top of that it isn't accomplishing anything."

"I know I promised, but dammit Jethro it's already been four months! With Kate and with-," Jenny choked briefly on her words, "It just happened."

"I know." Gibbs said softly

"I just want another baby, Jethro."

The raw pain in her voice cut Gibbs to the core. He pulled her into his lap and held her tightly. He ran his hand through her curls soothingly as fresh tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

After about an hour in her husband's arms, Jenny was feeling substantially better. Gibbs was the first to break the quiet that had fallen over the pair.

"We should go on vacation."


"We should go away. Just you and me."

Jenny lifted her head from her husband's chest and looked up at him.

"Jethro, do you realize how much work it would take me to arrange for both of us to be gone let alone plan an actual vacation?"

"Leave it all to me, Jen." Gibbs said confidently

"Really?" She asked skeptically


Gibbs watched as Jenny yawned for the millionth time in the last hour and helped her off the floor and led her to the couch. When he pulled the blanket out from the coffee table she sent him a glare.

"If you think I am going to stop in the middle of the afternoon and take a nap you have lost your mind. I'm already behind as it is." Even as she was arguing Jenny was lying down and letting Gibbs spread the blanket over her. Jenny really was tired, but she hated giving her husband the gratification of being right.

Gibbs rubbed her shoulder lovingly, "It's going to happen, Jen. You just have to be patient."

"How can you be so sure? It's your famous gut again isn't it?"

"Something like that." He replied. He placed a loving kiss on her forehead and turned to leave but was stopped be Jenny.

"How do you know I have nothing going on for the rest of the day?"

"I may have looked at your schedule on the computer after I told Cynthia she could go home for the day."

"Jethro, you know that the Director's schedule is strictly confidential." Jenny said trying to be reprimanding, but failing miserably.

"What can I say? Sleeping with the Director has its perks." Gibbs said with a smirk as he closed her office door.