Prologue: Happily never after


My work day went by slow.

Too slow if you asked me…

I was late for work this morning. Not just any kind of late, hours late. That meant I couldn't stop by mom and dad like I did every morning and have breakfast with them.

Today just wasn't my day.

Jasper and I were fighting about something I forgot about as soon as I woke up, which was weird because we never fight. On top of that, the art center was a mess. Apparently two of my students decided to ask the same boy out and fight it out in the middle of class. They broke three canvases, several brushes, and spilled tons of paint. I wasn't being funded in that building so I would have to replace the materials myself. I also had to kick the girls out of my class and without their budget that would make affording materials harder. I was completely drained. The worst part of it all was I couldn't call my fiancé and talk about it because he was ignoring me.

I just needed to relax.

After everyone calmed down and I was able to get some alone time, I took a late lunch in between classes.

"Jane, I'm going out for lunch today. I'm forwarding all my calls to your desk phone until I get back. I don't want to be bothered unless this place is on fire."

"Ok. Anything I can get for you before you go?"

"No thank you sweetheart, but if you can, leave my messages on my desk ok?"

"Sure thing." Jane smiled, "Enjoy your lunch."

"I'll try." I mused, "I'll bring you something back. Your favorite."

"Thank you." she giggled warmly.

Jane was an undergrad majoring in early childhood education. She was a family friend and could use the experience so I got her a job at the community center I opened. I see a little of myself in her when I was just barely getting my foot in the door. She's afforded more opportunities than I was.

After my older brother and sister scrapped most of my parents' savings, I had to go to community college so my parents could make ends meet. I ended up majoring in something that got me the quickest degree and made a decent rate of pay to help pay back on some loans. It was days like these that made me realize why I despised them…

When I'm having a busy day I head to the nearest Olive Garden for my favorite: shrimp scampi with the house salad and glass of white wine. Though I know I shouldn't drink before I handled the children, it was the only thing that kept me grounded on a bad day. As if on schedule for the stars to align and continue this 'ruin-Alice's-day' scheme, Olive Garden was full to the max.

It took me an hour to get a seat and an hour to get my food, which gave me about forty five minutes to get back to the building to close. I didn't have time to get Jane's lunch nor could I call her and tell her to go ahead and have lunch there because I left my cell phone on the kitchen counter this morning.

What else could go wrong?

I hurried back as soon as I could and Jane was waiting for me.

"Oh my God Jane, I am so sorry it took so long. You would not believe how horrible my service was today." I rambled on as I headed to the door to unlock it. "I tried to call you and let you know to have lunch here but I remembered I left my phone. I didn't have time to get anything for you. Would you like me to take you to get something to eat?"

"It's fine, I ate. Uh, Alice?" she called softly.

"Yeah hun, hold this for a second?" I handed her the chain from the door as I went through every key on my key ring. She took it wrapping it up.

"Ms. Swan called today."

"Oh yeah? Was she whining about taking over my classes again?" I joked unlocking the door and turning to smile at Jane. She just showed a not so amusing smile. I got in and went straight to my classroom.

"I think it was an emergency. She wouldn't say why she called." I went to my desk and found some student evaluation forms I needed to go over at home.

"Really? Well I'll call her when I get to the house in a few." I continued to ruffle through my drawers looking for the papers.

"Alice, she was crying." I looked up at her serious and worried expression. She held the chain in her arms longingly.

"Oh my God." I dropped a folder on my desk with attitude, "I hope this doesn't have anything to do with Jake. I told her not to go there but…" I gave up looking and grabbed all of the papers off my desk. Jane and I locked back up and said our goodbyes for the night.

Having left my cell phone, I was so anxious to get home. I sped the entire time and still didn't get there until six thirty. When I finally made it to my house, there were two squad cars blocking my driveway behind Jasper and the recognizable police chief's car. Bella and Jake's cars were there too.

My first reaction was to panic.

I hopped out of my car and ran to the porch.

This was most definitely bigger than a Jake problem.

Three days ago

"Mom! Dad! I'm here!" I shook my wet jacket and hung it on the coat rack.

"Gosh Alice, you can still wake the dead can't you." My dad laughed coming towards me. "How are you honey?" he hugged me kissing the top of my head.

"I'm good daddy. Where's mom?"

"Where else is she at this hour? She's taking a Hollywood shower." We both laughed at our inside joke.

"Still cracking that joke huh dad?"

"Never gets old. Speaking of which, have you talked to her at all?"

I let out a deep breath. No matter how old I get, lying to my parents never got easier.

"She called this morning but I missed it. I'm gonna talk to her at lunch." I said, feeling my throat tighten.

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side the way I loved.

"Pumpkin, I know you haven't spoken to your brother and sister in a while. You don't have to cover for them anymore."

My eyes grew wide with shock as I looked up at him. He shook me a little to relax me before he finished. "It's just, their birthdays are right around the corner and your mother has been unusually sad this last week because she was hoping to see them. She often questions herself on if she did something wrong because they won't call or come by. I know your sister is always busy and your brother has a lot of cases, but your mother and I miss them. If you do talk to them, please tell them to give us a call." He kissed my head again. "Will you do that for me pumpkin?"

"Yes daddy. I will." I placed my head on the side of his chest letting a tear run into his shirt. I knew there would be no way I could keep that promise…

I heard mom singing my name. Automatically I perked up.

"Alice my Alice." she sang coming down the stairs.

"Mommy." I smiled holding my arms out to her. She pulled me into a firm hug and squeezed me. I inhaled her lavender shampoo and body wash.

"I am so happy you're here angel."

I giggled hugging her tighter, "I just saw you yesterday. I see you every day."

"Oh, I know." she said pulling away from me holding my shoulders. "I can still be happy can't I?"

"Sure mom." I smiled up at her beaming smile. Her wet hair fell in waves around her healthy face. It illuminated like she had a halo.

"I have something for you." She placed her hand on my cheek and winked at my dad who smiled back.

"What is it?" I asked confused looking from her to my dad.

"Just follow me, it's a surprise." She patted my cheek and turned towards the living room. I followed her while my dad walked beside me with his arm around me. In the living room hanging on the mantle was my mother's wedding dress still in its plastic cover.

"What is this?" I smiled confused.

"We want you to have it." She said waiting for my response.

I lost my breath.

"Are you serious?" I said surprised looking from my mom's smiling face to my dad's.

"It would make us both very happy Alice. And proud." My dad said. He reached for my mother's hand. She grabbed it and joined him.

"Originally I was going to give it to Rosalie but," her voice grew sad and low, "apparently she has other plans." she looked down. "But you're here my love." she smiled up at me. "We've watched you grow, been around for the biggest moments of your life. We're grateful that you stayed and shared them with us." she started to tear up. "And now you've met wonderful Jasper. Nothing would make us happier than to see you in this dress on your special day." A lonely tear escaped her eye.

"Oh mom." I sniffed feeling my own tears deceive me. "That's not fair." I stepped to her and wiped her face.

"Well. You're my baby. Now you're getting ready to start your own family."

"Yeah I am but it's no reason to cry. I'll be honored to get married in you and Nana's dress." I hugged her and my dad.

"Will your brother and sister make it to the wedding?" she asked putting herself back together. I opened my mouth to answer but my dad intervened before I could say something.

"Well she mentioned that Rose called this morning, right pumpkin?" I smiled and nodded at my dad as he winked at me.

"Yeah, I have to call her back later. You know her time is different from ours." the lie fell from my mouth effortlessly.

"Well then let her know we miss her and as soon as she's done with….oh what was it honey?" she looked to my dad.

"Fashion week." I corrected.

"Yes fashion week, tell her to come back home. We just want her to stay for a while. A few days even."

"Sure thing mom. I'll tell her." I walked over to the dress and looked over it. I had always thought it was beautiful but I was never next in line for it. I was going to go dress shopping as soon as I left here.

"What about Eddy?" my dad said as I rubbed the cover on the dress. I turned to look at him quickly.

"Uh, he called about two days ago." That wasn't a lie. Edward had actually made an effort to keep contact with us but he was always so busy.

"What did he say?" my mom asked with anxious eyes.

"He misses your cooking." I smiled looking at her. She clutched her hands together bringing them to her mouth. "He wanted me to tell you guys he loves you and he'll come by soon."

She dropped her hands and smiled brightly as my dad held her close to him.

Edward loved our mother dearly and had a great deal of respect for our dad. It was a mystery why he didn't come home more often.

I guess you could say Edward and Rosalie got away.

Rosalie was always the beautiful, popular girl. She did all the things that got pretty girls like her noticed. She was swept away by stars and big dreams when she was seventeen and never turned back.

Edward and I have always been close. Somewhere between high school and graduation, Edward changed his plans and he left Forks. We were going to start our own catering business, night clubs, and restaurants. One day he just turned cold and forgot all about this place.

"Well, tell him we love him too and I miss cooking for him."

"Better yet tell him to give us a call." my dad chimed in.

"No problem dad."

"Ok, now that's out of the way, how about we have some breakfast. Your favorite?" my mom said looking at me.

"Of course." I smiled back.

My dad put his arms around our shoulders and walked us to the kitchen.

"I may not have much in life. And all of my children may not be here to share this special moment with my baby girl, but I feel like I have the world at my feet when my girls are under my arms." He kissed the both of us on the cheek and we all went into the kitchen.

My older siblings are complete morons…

"I just hate lying to them Bella. They think the world of them and I belittle it by telling them they ask about them all the time when they don't."

Bella and I were waiting for our appointment with my wedding planner. Her mother Renee opened a business and got us a deal with one of the best wedding planners in the city.

"Well Al you're just trying to protect your mom and dad."

"I'm not protecting them. Jasper says I'm emotionally paralyzing them by numbing the truth."

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to the fact you're marrying a psychiatrist." I rolled my eyes and laughed at her smart remark.

"Whatever Bella let's focus on the issue at hand here, please?" I flipped viciously through another page of the magazine I was reading.

"Ok, I'm sorry. So, have they called in the past month?"

"Just Edward but he never says anything. He tells me to say hi to mom and dad but he never says he's gonna come see us or anything."

"What about Rose?"

"Who's that?" I asked sarcastically. "I honestly can say I haven't spoken to her since Edward's graduation."

Bella shook her head and folded her arms, "I just don't get what was so terrible about Forks they just up and left and never came back." she pouted.

I slammed the magazine on my lap. "Right? I mean, would it have killed them to see me graduate? Come for mom and dad's twenty fifth anniversary? Nana's funeral?! Yeah they sent a gift basket along with a few cards. Wow, at least we know they exist." I said in a mock tone. "You saw mom's face when she and dad unwrapped that gift." Bella nodded in agreement. "She would never say it but her heart was broken. Edward told me that Rose was in the states and they were coming to see mom then mysteriously they had something more important to do." I picked up my magazine and started to flip through angrily.

"It's ok Al. Just calm down."

"No it's not ok. You know like a week later I saw Rosalie in a tabloid with some model actor dude?"


"Yeah! It was dated for the night of mom and dad's dinner party. That's the other important thing she had to do."


"Please, this is Rosalie we're talking about. It's very believable…." I flipped a page almost ripping it.

"Isabella Swan?" the receptionist called over her desk, "She'll see you now."

Bella smiled and thanked the woman. She grabbed her purse and pulled me out of my chair towards the office.

"Ready to plan your wedding, future Mrs. Whitlock?" she smiled cheering me up.

I smiled a little and nodded following her in as she put her arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry. They're adults." she said hugging me towards the door, "They'll figure it out eventually."

Eventually was too long if you asked me.

My day was full of wedding crap. Pick this color or that. Which dressing for the cake? What table cloths fit the theme?Yadda yadda yadda. I just wanted to get home to Jasper and relax. Once this wedding was over I could go back to enjoying quality time with the love of my life. I got home around ten, bushed from walking around all day without a comfortable pair of shoes. The house was dark with no sign of my fiancé around.

"Babe?" I called from the door as I took off my shoes. "Babe, I'm home." I tried again.

I sat my purse near the door and walked towards the bedroom. "Baby you have got to come with me next time. Bella drove me nuts with this wedding stuff." I spoke into the darkness of the hall. He had to be home, his car was in its usual spot. "She made me look at like four hundred different color schemes and themes. I mean don't get me wrong, I love to coordinate more than the next girl but gee whiz. Whose idea was it? I mean, how many shades of green does the world need? Can't we just elope?" I giggled walking into the bedroom door. There was a glow underneath the bathroom door in our room. I smiled and walked closer to it. "Baby, are you gonna make me play hide and seek when we move into a bigger house after the wedding? I'm too tired to play."

I twisted the knob to find Jasper sitting on the tub holding a single rose smiling at me. Candles were lit in a path leading to him on the floor.

"No I won't make you find me. But I will make you play." he grinned. He got up and walked over to me kissing me gently.

"I am so tired and my feet hurt." I complained as he unbuttoned my shirt and kissed my neck.

"I'll take care of you. Just relax." He undressed me and led me to the bubble bath he drew for me. He washed my hair and massaged my muscles in the warm water.

"I needed this Jazz. Thank you so much."

"You're entitled to it my love." he whispered as he ran his fingers along my scalp. "How was this crazy day of yours anyway?"

"Oh my goodness was it crazy… First dad tells me he knows I've been lying about Edward and Rosalie calling. Or not calling for that matter."

"Well they were going to have to find out sweetie."

"Yeah but I just don't want mom and dad to be mad with me for covering up for them or feel down on themselves when another holiday comes and they don't show up even though I've been saying I talk to them all the time."

"See, that's why I tell you not to lie for them. They're adults honey. I'm sure they have good reasons why they don't come around."

"I'm sure Edward does. I'm not so sure about Rose…" I trailed off angrily.

"Ok before you start pouting tell me about the rest of your day." He moved from my scalp to my shoulders.

"Alright, alright." I grumbled. "Only because you're doing that." I joked. He chuckled a little and kissed my shoulder.

"In that case I'll do more of this." he kissed my neck.

"Hey, if you wanna hear the rest you'd better keep those lips to yourself." I smiled closing my eyes. He chuckled and continued to massage my neck and shoulders. I was silent for a moment.

"Mommy gave me Nana's dress today." I said rolling my head around to the front.

"Did she?" he asked rubbing harder.

I put my head up and looked at him.

"You knew?" I smiled.

"I may have gotten a tip off from a very sweet and…emotional… mother-in-law to be." he smiled.

"Oh my God." I rubbed my eyes with the inside of my index finger and thumb. "That's why you were pushing me out of the door this morning. You suck!" I pushed his leg. He chuckled and started massaging my back.

"Well she had to tell me because my mom was thinking of buying your dress to surprise you. So my mom wanted to call and check to see if anyone was planning on getting you a dress."

"You guys are too much. You're too good to me Jasper." I looked up and kissed him on the lips.

"You deserve it. Nothing's too good for you." he planted kisses all over my face then finally my lips. He cradled my face in his hands and looked me in both my eyes, "Happy birthday Alice. I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N: Hello! This isn't my first fanfic but it's my first time sharing. Thank you to my lovely Beta FannishBehavior for the last minute edit!

I hope it isn't boring or cheesy. Just take the ride with me please. Questions/comments/concerns/reviews are welcomed. A little background for now, Alice and Bella teach an after school art program in a building they rent to own someday. Any other curiosities feel free to ask.

Thanks again!