Hi guys! Look You really need to start reviewing I got exactly one review on the last chappie which makes me veeerry sad! So if you're reading this please tell me what you think. pleeeez
Max's POV
Chapter 11: What are you doing here!
"Do you really think they could tell us anything? I mean they might not know where Max is anyways."
"Possibly," I heard Fangs say with a sigh, "But do you have a better idea of where to start looking."
"Alright good point," Iggy agreed, "But Fang they're not going to tell us anything." I decided I should make myself known at this point. So, with my heart in my throat I stepped out into the clearing and said dryly, "I certainly hope they don't tell you anything." Six astonished faces stared up at me for a moment before I was literally knocked off my feet by Gazzy and Nudge.
"OOF!" The breath was knocked out of my chest with a woosh as I struck the ground. I gasped like a fish out of water for a minute before wheezing "Get off me."
"Ooops sorry! OMG Max were sooo glad to see you we miss you sooo much! We all feel really bad especially Angel, did you know she cries like every night now? So do I! I feel just terrible and I'm sooo sorry did I mention how much we missed you?" Guess who that word spew came from, if you guessed Fang you'd be wrong. It was Nudge. At least her motormouth hasn't been damaged since I last saw her. I got clumsily to my feet and surveyed the flock. Fang was staring at me mouth hanging open. He took a step forward but I shook my head ever so slightly and he fell back looking crushed. Angel was staring at the ground with an odd expression on her face. I'd never seen her trying so hard not to cry. I have to admit it that it softened me up a little. Instead of interrogating her like I had planned to I rounded on Fang.
"Well," I told him harshly, "I give you as long as you need to explain but you'd better make it good. And if I hear any stupidity about how sorry you are or any 'please forgive me' crap I'm out and I won't come back okay. So go... tell me why you're looking for me after kicking me out." Fang bit his lip for a minute before, after taking a deep breath, launched into his story about Angel's voice. I was silent for several moments after he finished. Finally Gazzy spoke up.
"Well Max, aren't you going to say anything?" My gaze shifted to him and though I was expressionless my brain was on overdrive. The questions that kept surfacing were could I believe them? Could I forgive them?
"In a minute..." I muttered. God couldn't they show up when I wasn't sick anymore? Not only so I could drop kick them but so that I could think clearly. My mind was still fogged over. I opened my mouth to respond but Angel shrieked, "Max behind you!" Without pausing to look I flung myself to the left and rolled into a crouch. I saw I had narrowly avoided becoming eraser chow.
"ANGEL GAZZY UP IN THE TREES... NOW!" I realized I was barking out orders without even pausing to think about it. There were five erasers in the clearing and I leapt to my feet a little to fast. Riiiight I thought, fighting a wave of nausea... I was still sick... But was that gonna stop me. If you guessed yes I'm disappointed you've been reading my books for how long now? So no I had no intention of sitting this one out. Apparently Ella had other ideas. She grabbed my arm and began towing me back towards the house.
"Ella!" I cried, wrenching my arm free, "What are you doing! Get out of here!" Ella looked at me with a steely expression and told me, "There is no way in hell you're going out there! You are still sick and you will only get hurt, the flock can handle themselves." and with that she had my arm again and was towing me into the house. I sighed and muttered an apology which she barely heard.
"What was that?" She asked. I flipped her over onto her back and ran back to the clearing.
"MAAAAX!" Ella shrieked at me.
"Go inside!" I called over my shoulder as I entered the clearing. Two of the five erasers were down. I was glad to see Angel and Gazzy up in a tree. It seemed that Angel was helping him build a grenade of sorts. Nudge and Iggy were dueling one while the other two mounted on Fang he seemed to be doing fairly well too until a booted foot collided with his stomach and he doubled over. I sprang into action just as the bigger of the two erasers raised his claws. One flying side kick later he was sprawled on the ground motionless. Fang looked up at me startled for a moment. I gave him my best death glare and spun around round house kicking the next eraser, who was unfortunately, not caught on unawares like his big ugly pal. He sidestepped me and I toppled his boot landing on top of my chest, effectively cutting off my oxygen. He grinned sadistically and had time to lean in before being tackled by Fang. He slugged the eraser twice before being pushed off while I looked over at Nudge and Iggy. The eraser raised his first and they both... turned and ran? What were they doing? That thing was faster than they were. Then the grenade blasted him to bits and upon reflection I decided getting not getting blown to smithereens by their brother was good thinking on their part. That was the last thing I remember before the big ugly eraser I had first knocked out clubbed me on the back of the head and a blackness swooped in on me.
Cliiiiiif hanger!
Just kidding im nice so I made more... :)
Owwwww! That was the first thing I thought. I moaned as we hit a bump... wait... a bump... I must be in a car I decided. Why am I in a car? Suddenly the bottom dropped out of my stomach as I remembered the erasers. Crap... I felt like pudding... Pudding with nerve endings... pudding in great pain... (ps that line is from the angel experiment if u realized that go help yourself to a cookie then come back and leave a review ) I gingerly peeled open my eyes. Yup... definitely a van... Suddenly we screeched to a halt and I was jolted against the side of the vehicle. Owwwwww... I raised my head only to duck it back down as the glass around me shattered. On piece raked across my cheek leaving a shallow slice and a smear of scarlet. I tried to tbring my arms up over my head but found that my wrists were bound. I twisted away as I dark figure climbed in through the window... I couldn't make out anything but a blurred outline because the sun was to the figure back. It reached down to me and I kicked out viciously. The figure swore loudly and hopped back.
"Seriously Max! I'm trying to help!" Oh my god...
"Dylan?" I breathed.
Teda! pleeeeez review the more reviews I get the faster Ill update and the sooner you'll find out what dylan was doing there. But I am gonna tell you that Dylans story is not quite what it was in the book so stick around and ill explain in the next chappie.