Chapter 1: first sighting

Sasuke lay down, basking in the sun as it shone through the window, his tail slowly swaying back and forth as he rested his head on his paws. It was hard to tell that not even five minutes ago he was running for his 9 lives. Well... maybe that was an overreaction, but it was close enough to the truth.

You see it had started like this, after he had woke up and stretched for a bit he came down had had his fill of food and drink, before scratching at the door lightly to gain the attention of his human, Itachi, to let him out. He would have used the cat flap but it was broken, and Itachi had yet to get a new one. Even though this did annoy him greatly, he couldn't hold a grudge against his human. Itachi had been with him since he was only a small kitten.

Once he had been set free from his home he had started to make his way to his favourite tree, it had a great view near the top and he could always find a few birds hanging around it. However before he even got to the end of his street his path was suddenly blocked by a group of female cats, something he did not want to see, turning to go another direction he was once again blocked off by more of them. Looking around he found he was trapped. They all began to close in, saying the same thing over and over again "Sasuke-Kun! We missed you" "Sasuke-kun I love you!" Sasuke" "Sasuke" "Sasuke"... Finally having enough he turned back and leaped over a few of them and began to run towards home, the pack of females hot on his tail, so to speak. Lucky for him, he was much faster. As he spotted his door he ran towards the cat flap only to remember too late that it didn't work, resulting in him running face first and rebounding off of it. He lay there for a second, a bit dazed and confused, until he heard the female's whiney voices, indicating they had gotten closer. In record time he was up and scratching the door, meowing loudly for Itachi to open the door. His prays were answered as the door quickly opened. And that was why Sasuke found himself back inside the house.

Unfortunately this had become a daily routine, for both him and Itachi.

Sasuke's eyes had just closed when he heard a light meow. He raised his head, looking around almost curiously, he hadn't made a sound but it was awful close sounding. Looking out the window, his eyes grew wider at the sight before him. A fluffy, golden furred cat was sitting outside by his window, leisurely licking his paw before wiping it over its ear. He (Sasuke) stood up pressing his front paws against the window, trying to get a better look, when the other cat turned and spotted Sasuke. He was lost in a smaller version of the sky, as their eyes connected. 'Beautiful' was the one of two words his mind came up with, the other being 'mine'.

The other cat got up and started to walk away before casting one more look towards Sasuke over its shoulder. Sasuke wasted no time and was once again demanding for the door to be opened, needing to get to the other fast. Grumbling slightly Itachi got up to let Sasuke out, "You only just came back in, make your mind up Sasuke"

As soon as there was a big enough gap to squeeze through Sasuke was out, and running towards where he had seen the golden cat. Only to find no one was there. There was no sign of them anywhere! Disappointed and frustrated Sasuke once again went back to his door to alert his human he wanted to be let back in.

Itachi opened the door, looking down at his cat with a look of irritation. "Getting real tired of your shit Sasuke. Seriously, make up your mind." Sasuke just looked up at him, before going back to the window. He didn't care what his human thought at the moment, he was determined that tomorrow; he would find that golden kitten.