Quinley and the Doctor were standing on a doorstep in front of a door the color of the TARDIS in 2011. The Doctor held seven boxes in his arms. "Knock," he instructed.

Quinley did as she was told. "Where are we?"

Her question was answered immediately by a voice on the other side of the door. "If that is more carol singers," the woman began angrily. "I've got a water pistol. You don't want to be all wet on a night like this!" The door flung open, revealing a fiery redhead. Immediately, Quinley understood. Amy stood in the doorway, speechless, her water pistol pointed directly at the Doctor.

"I'm not really sure how long…" He handed the boxes to Quinley.

"Two years." She squirted him angrily.

"Okay… fair point."

"So, you're not dead." She nodded to Quinley. "And you weren't taken by the angels." Quinley shrugged.

"And a happy New Year!" the Doctor said happily.

"River told us," said Amy softly.

"Of course she did."

"She's a good girl!" Amy glared at him. "I'm not going to hug first."

"Nor am I."

Quinley stood awkwardly beside the Doctor, the wrapped boxes clutched in her slowly numbing fingers. Snow was starting to gather in her and the Doctor's hair. Finally, Amy began to laugh and they hugged.

"Mr. Pond!" Amy yelled into the house. "Guess who's coming for dinner!"

Rory walked into the entryway. "Oh! You're not dead, then?"

"We did that already."

"Oh." He looked to Quinley. "Quinley!" He hugged his college friend. "It's been a while, eh?"

"We're about to have Christmas dinner," announced the ginger.

"If it's no trouble."

"There's a place set for you," Rory stated matter-of-factly.

"But you didn't know I was coming. Why would you set me a place?"

"Because we always do." Amy looked to her husband. "Just one more, then, I suppose."

Quinley shifted awkwardly. "Oh, no, that's okay. I'll go back to my place. It isn't that far." Rory glared at her. "Enjoy your time with the Doctor."

"Oh, no you don't." Rory grabbed her arm before Quinley could escape. "You're eating here."

"It's Christmas, you moron!" Amy smacked the Doctor before walking away into the house.

"Come on." Rory led the Doctor and Quinley through the entryway into the dining room, where a table was set for three. Amy had a plate and flatware in her hand, setting another place. The Doctor turned away, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw him wipe his cheek and stare at his palm. He grinned to himself and wiped under his eyes again before turning back around.

"Where d'you want me to put these?" Quinley questioned, flourishing the boxes.

"Oh, under the tree." Rory pointed her into the sitting room, where a huge evergreen tree was decorated for the holiday. "You didn't have to get us anything."

"Shut up, yes we did. It's Christmas. Can't just go popping into someone's house unannounced without presents. It's rude!" Rory chuckled.

Quinley had never been so full in her life. If she never saw another turkey in her life, it would be too soon. Amy was a fantastic cook, and had made enough festive food to feed an entire army. Amy and Rory had a huge oak table in their dining room, and every inch of it was covered with food. From the dry fowl, to stuffing, Brussels sprouts, cranberry sauce, and roasted potatoes, Amy had made sure her feast had everything desired. Just when Quinley thought she couldn't eat any more, Rory had emerge from the kitchen carrying a large bowl of Christmas pudding.

After they had stuffed themselves to the seams, Amy and Rory led Quinley and the Doctor to the sitting room, where they exchanged stories, the Doctor told of Paris and then of the Arwells, while Amy and Rory regaled Quinley with tales of their travels with the Doctor. When it grew cold, Rory built a roaring fire in the hearth, and Amy made tea. The four sat around the crackling fireplace, listening to carols float on the radio.

"Why so quiet, Quinn?" Rory questioned. "You've barely said two words since you got here."

"Just… thinking," she replied, looking out the window. It had started to snow. "It's been a while since I've spent Christmas with people I actually care about. Three years, actually."

Rory nodded knowingly, but Amy and the Doctor looked confused. "Why?" Amy questioned. "What happened three years ago?"

Quinley smiled sadly, avoiding Rory's eyes. "I changed schools, leaving my best friends behind."

Amy looked between her husband and the auburn haired woman. "What about your family?"

"My parents are in Africa, working as doctors. No siblings. No cousins." She sighed. "It's just me. Alone in my little corner of the world."

"Not anymore," the Doctor announced happily.

"No," Rory agreed. "You've got us. Amy, the Doctor, and I."

"Presents!" cried the Doctor, lunging for the seven boxes wrapping in blue paper under the tree. "I almost forgot about them!"

"Doctor, you really shouldn't have gotten us anything," Amy insisted, her slight Scottish accent peeking through her words. She grabbed a box from behind the tree and sat it in her lap. "I'm sorry," she said to Quinley. "We didn't get you anything."

"It's fine. You didn't know I was coming."

"Presents!" the Doctor repeated, passing out boxes. "Four for the Ponds… one for me… and two for Quinley."

"Two for you," Amy corrected, handing him the box in her lap.

The Doctor smiled in wonder at her. "Now. Who's going first? Rory!"

"Uh… I… okay," Rory stammered, opening the first of his boxes. "It's from… Quinn. Thanks."

"Don't thank me until you open it, mate."

"Right." He continued to rip open the paper, revealing a photo frame. "What's… oh." He began to chuckle. "Thanks."

"What is it?" Amy questioned, craning her neck to see the picture.

"The one time Rory decided not to be awkward at university," replied Quinley, grinning.


"I'll tell you later," Rory said, already halfway through opening his second present, this one from the Doctor. "A watch," he announced. "From the Time Lord. Funny."

The Doctor looked offended. "I wasn't going for funny, I was going for practical."

"Well, it's very practical… Who's next?" Rory attempted, taking the attention from him.

"Pond!" the Doctor volunteered.

"Okay… this is from…" She pulled the tag closer to her face. "Raggedy Man." She smiled at the Doctor before opening the box. "Oh, Doctor, it's beautiful!" she gushed, pulling the bracelet out of the box. Multiple strands of charcoal grey chain clutched onto a singular gem. "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's from the waters of San Saroth. It's called rusvalin."

"Thank you, Raggedy Man." Amy stood and pulled the Doctor into a hug. When she sat back down, Amy opened the box from Quinley. It was a strange shape, and larger than the Doctor's box. "It's heavy," remarked the ginger, pulling at the paper. She gasped when she saw what was inside. Sitting nestled in the paper was a wooden box decorated on top with the image of a river flowing through a forest. "Not one to be outdone, I suppose."

Quinley smiled. "It's from Pingyao, China, in about… 159 BC."

"It's gorgeous. Thank you."

"Quinley's turn!" sing-songed the Doctor.

Quickly, she unwrapped the longer package. She had been waiting to know what was inside the presents since before the adventure with the Arwell family. Inside the carefully wrapped box was a key on a long chain. It looked like a perfectly normal key, but, as it was from the Doctor, it more than likely wasn't.

"TARDIS key," the Doctor explained, as if reading her thoughts. "I thought that since you were travelling now, you should have one."

Quinley said nothing, unsure of how to express her gratitude. She just beamed and moved on to the second box. "Doctor!" she sighed as she pried open the lid. Inside, laying on a light cloud of cotton, sat a bracelet, draped with various charms. She picked it up and examined each one. The first, closest to the clasp, was the Eiffel Tower, made out of blue and red crystal. Immediately, she thought of the quatorze juillet in Paris. Rotating the chain anti-clockwise, she noted the other charms. An airplane, similar in looks to the one Reg Arwell flew, was next. Beside it, a beautiful blue-grey gemstone sparkled in the firelight.

"Also from the waters of San Saroth. Vanrine, it's called." He grinned wildly as she continued to look at the charms.

After the vanrine teardrop came a key and blue rectangle: The TARDIS and its key. The second to last charm, an angel attached to a shoe with wings—the increasingly popular modern-day symbol of Hermes—made Quinley shudder; it was a permanent reminder of the ache in her legs after running from the angels. At the final charm, Quinley couldn't help laughing. It was a bowtie. Not just any bowtie, though. Its two wings were made out of blue crystal, and in the middle, a dark gemstone glittered. It looked as though it held all of the cosmos in its tiny body.

The Doctor took the bracelet and clasped it around Quinley's wrist. "Galaxy sapphire. You humans have star sapphire, but on Gallifrey, we had galaxy sapphire. Looks like it has the entire universe in it. Figured you'd like it."

"I love it." Quinley hugged the floppy-haired Doctor. "Thank you."

"Your turn, Doctor!" Amy cried enthusiastically.

"Oh, alright…" He picked up the box from Amy and Rory, shaking it gently. "What is it?" he questioned, ripping open the paper. He began to chuckle.

"Because yours seems to be broken," Rory said, smiling.

The Doctor grinned at the Ponds, holding up the box of wireless telephones. "You didn't have to get me a phone."

"But we did."

He rolled his eyes. "Well, thank you, I suppose." He sat the box to the side and opened the box from Quinley. It was much smaller than the Ponds' gift, and much lighter. It rattled a bit as he shook it. "What is it?" he repeated, unwrapping the box. "Oh, aren't you beautiful?" He pulled the watch out by its leather strap. "Absolutely gorgeous." He examined the exposed cogs turning in the face of the watch, mesmerized by the stop and go motion.

"A time piece for the Time Lord," Quinley whispered. "I didn't know what to get you."

"Nothing would have been perfect," the Doctor breathed, still examining the bronze plating of the watch. "But, I love it. Thank you." He hugged Quinley with one arm, the other holding the box.

"Your watch looks so weird on you," explained Quinley. "It's too normal. I figured this one suited you better."

"Indeed." The Doctor laughed, removing his old watch, the plain gold band hanging limp as he tossed it on the floor beside him." Happy Christmas, everyone!" He stood, and pulled Quinley and Amy up with him, drawing both women into a hug. Rory stood, as well, and wrapped his arms around Quinley and Amy's shoulders. "Happy Christmas."