This is my first chapter of bakugan so no flaming.
Chapter 1
Naruto is currently eating dinner with his girlfriend Alice and her grand father Michael. There's a picture of a kid Naruto and Alice at a carnival and behind them is Michael with his hands on there heads. There smiling. Naruto's parents died and he lives with Alice and Michael. Naruto has never used a bakugan before or met Dan and the others but has heard story's of there adventures and saw the final battle between them against Naga on TV.
Naruto is eating but stops and feels something and looks outside drawing Alice's attention.
"Naruto what's wrong?", Alice said.
"I don't know, I feel like something is calling me?", Naruto said and went to the door.
"I'll be back", Naruto said and takes his book back and leaves the house and heads in the woods. It's night and the moon's full.
"Damn you Drago! I will kill you and the others if its the last thing I do!", Someone yells and Naruto looks and sees a bakugan on the ground.
"... Ok this is weird", Naruto said and the bakugan looks at Naruto.
"Bow to me human! I am Silent Naga the strongest bakugan that ever existed!", Naga yells at Naruto making his eyes widen.
"So you're Naga, you're the one who hurt Alice!", Naruto yells at Naga pissed off.
"What of it weak human", Naga says and Naruto picks him up.
"Wow, you call me weak when you're the one that got his ass kicked by Drago and the others", Naruto said and a tic mark appears on Naga.
"How dare you! I will dest-", Naga is stopped by Naruto putting him in his book bag and zipping it closed.
"Where am I! Release me at once human, I command you! If you do not, I will destroy you all!", Naga yells in the book bag and Naruto sweat drops.
"I can't believe you're the one who was the biggest threat to bakugan. Lame", Naruto said out loud and pisses Naga off more.
"I'll kill you!", Naga yells inside the bag.
Michael and Alice are looking at Naga in shock.
"Why are you humans staring at me like that?!", Naga yells.
"Well, I thought you were killed from dragos attack?", Alice said not believing what she's seeing.
"Yes, you idiot human but you can't kill me that easily", Naga says and Naruto glares at him.
"Don't call Alice an idiot!", Naruto says angrily.
"What can you do about it", Naga says then Naruto knocks him off the table.
"That was nothi- what's that?", Naga says seeing a fox walking towards him.
"Meet my pet fox, Kurama. Kurama play with Naga", Naruto said and Kurama is towering over Naga.
"You think this weak animal can defea-", Naga is stopped by Kurama rolling him around like a ball of yarn.
"Make this animal stop!", Naga yells getting dizzy
"Hahahahaha! Ok Kurama you can stop", Naruto says picking up Kurama but then Kurama bites Naruto's hand making him let go of him and then he runs to Alice and jumps in her arms and licks Alice's cheek. Alice laughs a little while Naruto has a tic mark.
"Why that little!", Naruto thinks angrily with a tic mark and holding his right hand that has a bite mark.
"This world is weird", Naga thinks sweat droping seeing the whole thing.
"Are you sure Naruto?", Alice said standing next to her grand father.
"Yeah, maybe I can change him. So don't tell the others", Naruto said and unknown to them Naga is listening.
"How did you survive?", Naruto said laying on his bed with Naga facing him.
"I took a piece of the silent core. I'm not as strong as I once was but my own body changed to a more huminoid form...", Naga says but then stops and thinks.
"Why am I telling a human this? It's like we have...a bond... Impossible! I can not have a bond with a weak human!", Naga thinks never feeling this before.
Then suddenly a portal appears and it sucks them in.
Naruto falls out of a portal and hits the ground with Naga landing on his head.
"What. Just. Happened?", Naruto said angrily. In front of them is Shadow Prove shocked seeing these to appear out of nowhere.
"Uhhhhhhh. Hi", Naruto said standing up with Naga on his shoulder.
Shadow sees Naga and smiles.
"Ahahahahahah!", Shadow says sticking his tongue out. Then both Naruto and Naga sweat drop.
"Weirdo", Naruto and Naga think.
"Hey you, want to bakugan battle!", Shadow says holding his bakugan and sticking it out towards Naruto.
"Bakugan battle. Never played it", Naruto said and Shadow face faults.
"Are you serious?! Why do you have a bakugan then?!", Shadow says then Naruto and Naga look at each other.
"We just met...", Both Naga and Naruto said.
"I don't care! I want to battle get out you're Gauntlet", Shadow says putting on a Gauntlet.
"... What's a Gauntlet?", Naruto said making Shadow's eye twitches.
Shadow looks in his coat and takes out and extra Gauntlet then throws the Gauntlet to Naruto. The color of the Gauntlet is white.
"How does it work?", Naruto said putting it on and Shadow sweat drops.
"Is this kid stupid or something?", Shadow thinks.
"You put your ability card in it. You can use two ability's if you want", Shadow says showing him an ability card and puts it in and closes it. It said Gauntlet activated.
"Does that explain?", Shadow said.
"Yes thank you!", Naruto said and grabs Naga off his shoulder.
"Ready Naga!", Naruto said smiling.
"Fine I will battle with you but only to test my power", Naga said.
Naruto presses a button and it opens. Naruto puts a card in.
Gauntlet Activated!", the Gauntlet said.
"Say what I say!", Shadow says.
"Gauntlet power strike!", they both say and there gauntlets glow.
"Gate card set!", Shadow says putting a gate card on the ground.
"Bakugan brawl! Bakugan stand! Darkus Anchorsaur!
Shadow says and his bakugan appears.
"Sweet!", Naruto said amazed by the bakugan.
"My turn! Bakugan Brawl! Bakugan stand! Silent Naga!", Naruto yells throwing the bakugan.
A giant explosion of black flames appear. It hits Darkus Anchorsaur and turns it back into a ball and heads back to Shadow.
"What just happened?!", Sgadow said shocked.
The black flames disappear and shows Naga. Naga's body looks a little like Helix Dragoniods body but its white. there's a purple orb on his chest and his wings are the same as his first appearance.
"I am Silent Naga! The most powerful bakugan!", Naga roars and Shadows eyes widen.
"N-Naga, the bakugan that almost destroyed New Vestrioa, he's still alive?!", Shadow says shocked.
Naga turns back into a ball and heads back to Naruto. Shadows life Gauge drops by half.
"Gate card set! Bakugan brawl! Bakugan stand! Silent Naga!", Naruto yells and throws Naga.
"Bakugan brawl! Bakugan stand! Darkus Hammersaur!", Shadow says throwing a bakugan.
"Gate card open!
Judgement Day! You're ability's are nullified!", Naruto says and chains appear and wrap around Hammersaur.
"Trouble ability activate! Surpreme Slash plus Flying Raijin!", Naruto yells putting the two ability cards in. A white energy sword appears in Naga's hand.
Naga disappears in a white flash and appears in front of Hammersaur. Naga slashes one time and Hammersaur turns into a ball. Shadow's life gauge is zero. Naga turns back into a ball and Naruto starts walking away.
"Wait! Why aren't you taking my bakugan?!", Shadow says.
"Because I'm not interested in you're bakugan", Naruto said and walks away.
"This kid, he may be the one that will help me defeat Dan and Drago", Naga thinks.