OoOoOoO Sorry for the wait but here we go again! I hope you like this chapter!

" Itachi I'm going to the hospital to drop Sakura's lunch she forgot it this morning and didn't come back." Sasuke said as he put on his shoes and left. The Uchiha he made his way to the hospital his stomach clenched as though he ate bad tomatoes. Ignoring the sudden strange feeling he walked into the was nearing lunch hour and it was packed. Sasuke moved around the lobby walking around people in wheelchairs, mothers and their babies and people waiting to be attended to. He eventually made it to the front desk and saw a lady with long black hair around the same age as Sakura. He waited a while for her to finish filing the papers on the desk.

" Excuse me is Sakura Haruno still on her shift?" the lady made no sign of acknowledging his presence. He placed the parcel onto the desk and cleared his throat.

The woman jumped, " State your emergency and-" Sasuke cut her off

"I'm not here for an emergency-" The woman interrupted him

"Then take a number and wait your turn, there are-" Sasuke cut her off again, getting pissed off.

"I'm here for Sakura is she here or not?" Sasuke said getting a little loud. The woman finally looked up from her papers to stare into his onyx eyes with defiance. She was having a busy shift and an arrogant Uchiha was not going to make it worse. " Miss Haruno isn't called out to work this shift lucky her she doesn't have to work this shift I do and you are not coming to walk in here with your fire spewing Uchiha self and make my shift more hectic than it already is!" The lady spoke her words loud enough for him and a few people around to hear and she spat them at him as rudely as she could.

That didn't matter if she spoke to him rudely he tuned her out as soon as he heard Sakura isn't working this shift. If Sakura isn't here then where is she and why did she lie about work? Sasuke left the hospital with the parcel and proceeded to go Choji's house, the last person to see Sakura. If that was even true as well.

Sakura looked out the window for her last moments. Everything was busy outside even the children were running about making mischief. She looked on at the outside world and felt like she was in a different world already, everything seemed distant. Sakura grew tired and she looked away from the window. She lay herself flat out on the floor like she was making snow angels. This is it. It's all going away. Sakura looked to the ceiling, the last thing she would see, and took her last breath.

"So you're telling me she just gave you a gift for being her patient and that's all she just left?" Sasuke asked Choji for the second time. Choji nodded and added, " She was always really nice you know so this is nothing new." Sasuke's brows knitted together as he tried to make sense of the past hour." Y'know she probably went home to eat since you have her lunch, I gotta go my mom just finished making lunch." Choji gave Sasuke a small wave and closed his door.

Sasuke took Choji's advice even though deep in his gut that feeling was just getting when did Sasuke Uchiha take advice? Since Sakura Haruno took up space in his heart. The proud Uchiha can't do anything without dragging his ego into the mix. The total opposite to Sakura. He found himself walking and thinking about Sakura. She always infiltrates my heart. Sasuke smirked to himself. He was going down memory lane...literally.

Presently he was walking down the street he would accidentally bump into Sakura on her way to the academy and then Naruto would suddenly appear walking next to him like he had invited them. Although he knew this everyday occurrence wasn't coincidental, and it was boisterous, but he somewhat enjoyed the company. They had some good and bad times. Sasuke didn't really know why he was remembering all this now. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was supposed to remember this. Sasuke decided he would just continue down this street since it lead to Sakura's apartment anyway...well her old apartment now that she lives with me. Sasuke couldn't help but feel a little happy because she lived with him.

Sakura was now as gone like echoes down an empty hall, slowly getting farther and farther from its beginning. Who would know she was gone? While Sakura's body lay lifeless on the old wooden floor, that reeked of varnish, the owner of the apartment complex was showing the building inspector his apartments. The man opened the door and was greeted with what seemed like the sight of a woman sleeping on the floor. When he noticed she wasn't breathing, the inspector became frantic and ran out of the building screaming about the dead pink haired woman in apartment 12.

News spread like wildfire in Konoha especially when the gossip was about a supposed love triangle that went wrong. " Didn't you hear she went away with her true love and Sasuke brought her back. Ayame said they had a fight and stopped talking to each other and now this, Sasuke kills her! All in the name of love."

Gossip would eventually lead to everyone knowing about something and it wasn't very long until they found her body on the apartment floor motionless. It was immediately ordered by Tsunade to put Sakura on life support. Tsunade did her best to preserve Sakura's organs and mobility of joints as best as she could while she decided what could be done for her student.

18 hours later.

Sasuke sat next to her hospital bed holding her hand wondering why she would do this after she looked so much better. Sakura's death crushed him and he became the cold person he once was, only opening up to talk to Sakura's motionless body. Everyday all day Sasuke was in the hospital , sleeping there sometimes, hoping she would wake up and it would all just have been a bad dream. This was not a bream Sakura is dead and Sasuke is a cold stone of a human again.

Sasuke couldn't take it the endless looking at her motionless body. It tripped him he couldn't take it everything had been taken away in a matter of minutes and it destroyed a future they could have had, a future he WANTED them to have. He let go of her hand and grabbed the blinds that kept the light out and ripped them from the window and flung them across the room.

This rage was kept in so long he automatically went into overdrive and destroyed everything around Sakura in the room. There was loud banging and breaking glass sounds everyone could hear outside.

When the nurses came in he was already calming down but everything around Sakura was completely demolished, the room was as devastated as he was.

When they took him from the room and kept him away for a week he didn't struggle. He stayed under surveillance in the Uchiha mansion, locked in his room. Eventually Lady Tsunade visited him and he even refused to come out to her. She broke down the door and stalked into the room.

It was dark. The curtains drawn and lights off as he sat in a corner of the room. Tsunade walked up to him and saw is face. It held no emotion just like the avenger he was for a short time. Lady Tsunade felt his pain, because she too felt the emptiness of Sakura's absence but she knew this would soon be resolved.