Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

Hello my lovelies! I have just released a new story! Here it is. I have very little to say here! This is my other shot at an angsty fic so I hope you all like it.

WARNING: This chapter may be a little graphic. And Juvia fans, I don't hate her I just...did what I did for plot purposes. I'm sorry if I offend anyone.

A huge special thanks to my beta, leoslady4ever for her help! It always means so much to me and I appreciate it. Her collab with Deathsembrace137, known as Stay With Me inspired this story. GO READ IT!

Anddddd that's all! Thanks for reading, reviewing, following and favoriting! I love you to the moon and back!
xoxox xxSaphireBluexx

Chapter 1: Her Silent Heart

I'm so tired of being here...

Gray P.O.V.

"Juvia!" I screamed her name out, upon hearing her shriek out in pain. Turning back, I saw her collapsed to the ground. Running after the enemy, I felt the rage completely consume me. Anger made my ice cold blood boil. I was going to make the little fucker pay.

I felt the anger build a rush within me, causing me to run faster after the lightning user. Once I caught up to him, I was ready to kill. Taking in my surroundings, I realized he had taken me deep into a secluded area in this cave.

He turned around to face me. Did he really think I would go easy on him? After what he did to Juvia…

"Mad about your little girlfriend?" the lightning mage in front of me taunted. All I did was grunt in response. I was in no mood for stupid, petty conversations.

I channelled my magic to my forearms, creating two iced blades. I leaped into the air towards my opponent, calling out my attack, "Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance." My left blade came down across his torso, followed by a right-handed slash at his legs. I gave him no chance to counter as I went after his right arm, then drew my blade across his neck. Nearing the end, I lashed out, taking his left arm out of commission. Finishing off the attack, I sliced both blades in an arc over his chest, allowing the blood to leak out of his body.

I stared at the sight. His blood was oozing out of his body. It took me a few seconds to register that my attack was fatal, and chances were high that the bastard was going to die. I didn't care. I left him there, to rot away in this cave, hoping he would be lost and forgotten.

I had to get back to Juvia. Thoughts began to race through my head. This was the first S-Class job I had taken. It was a success. I mean, I destroyed the dark guild, and could bring them to the council dead or alive as the job posting stated.

Then, I saw her. I stared down at the gorgeous blunette in front of me, "Juvia," I called out to her weakened state hoping for her to wake up.

"Gray-sama," she managed to cough out. Thank god she was alive. The only thing that could really hurt the water mage was lightning. With everything else, she could easily change her body to its water form so that attacks would simply go straight through.

Lightning was different. It could electrocute her and completely burn her body to a crisp. Just like that ass hole—

"Gray-sama," she said once again, breaking me free from my trance.

"Juvia, let's get back to the guild! Wendy can heal you," I urged her, hoping she would comply.

"No, Gray-sama. Juvia doesn't have much time," she told me, her eyes welling with tears.

"Of course you do!" I yelled, hoping my words were truth. There was no way Juvia could actually be…

"Gray-sama, Juvia took on the attack at full force. He wanted to attack you from behind and Juvia couldn't let that happen," at this moment, the tears were leaking out of her eyes. "Juvia stepped in front of the attack."

"Juvia…" My voice managed to say. I could feel my eyes heat up as the liquid began to fill them. Looking down at her body, I saw the wound that went straight through her chest. Instead of her body leaking out blood, the area was burnt, so you could see the hole in her torso. I turned my head away from the sight to look her in the eyes.

"Juvia wants you to say goodbye to the guild for me. T-tell them that Juvia is sorry. If Juvia had paid attention to the battle from the start, then this wouldn't have happened. Tell them that Juvia loves them and that Juvia thanks them for accepting Juvia after what Juvia did with Phantom Lord. Juvia…thanks them for giving Juvia a home and showing Juvia…what…it means to be loved…" She was now struggling to speak.

"Shh, Juvia," I couldn't bear to see the sight. "Don't worry. We'll head back to the guild, and Wendy can heal you and then you'll be back to your normal self." I told both her and myself. I couldn't accept the fact that Juvia's life force was fading. I could feel the energy from her slowly disappearing but, I found it difficult to grasp the fact that Juvia was…

"No! Gray-sama. Don't take Juvia back… Juvia wants to be… in your arms for… the last few seconds… of Juvia's life…" she struggled to say. I stared down at her beautiful features. Her long, wavy blue hair. Her stunningly bright eyes. Her full, yet innocent lips. Her milky smooth skin.

Something in me accepted it. I wasn't sure if it was the fact that I could feel hardly anything coming off of her or the fact that her face was pale as a ghost or if it was the fact that her body stopped producing any body heat. I pulled her into my arms, holding her into an embrace, trying my best not to cry. She had always wanted my love, and now that she was going I felt like it was my duty to allow her to leave happy.

I slowly pulled away so that we were facing each other. As my hands ran through her hair, my face began to inch towards hers. As our lips locked, we shared a chaste kiss and I could feel the tears continuously falling down her face. She was too damn young for this, yet…yet she was going. Juvia was going to be gone and it was all my fault. Why did people always have to sacrifice themselves for me? Ur, Ultear, now Juvia.

Once we parted, I saw her lips curve upwards, as her weak arms managed to wrap around me. I held her in my arms, hoping I could take her pain away. "Juvia…doesn't…regret…it…Juvia…loves you…Gray-sa…" her sentence was left half finished. Instantly after, I felt her arms fall down to her sides as her head fell down onto my shoulders.

"JUVIA‼" I screamed out into the cave, my voice echoing her name, as I grasped the reality in front of me. How could I live with myself, knowing that people would die for me? Time after time, people would suffer because of my mistakes.

Ur. Had I not been so keen on getting vengeance on Deliora, she would have been here. Alive. Breathing. She would have been a part of the ten wizard saints.

If Ur was alive, Ultear would have never gone rogue. Ultear would never have had to live with the guilt of all the mistakes she made in her life. If Ur hadn't sacrificed herself for my stupidity, Ultear would never have felt like she had to redeem herself. Ultear would have been alive if it weren't for me.

Now Juvia. I knew she would do anything for me. I knew for a fact that Juvia would put me over her own damn well being, and now, here she is, dead. It was my fault. I don't know how I'm expected to live with myself knowing that I was the reason Juvia died. I should have never let her come on this job with me. I knew I was able to handle it on myself, yet I thought it was ok to allow her to come and jeopardize her life.

I wasn't sure how I could go back to Fairy Tail with Juvia like this. They would all hate me for letting this happen to our family.

I felt the liquid fall down my cheeks, down onto Juvia's lifeless body. I let them stream down as I let the guilt consume me. How I hated everything about myself. My throat began to dry up and I could feel my already cold skin, cool down even more.

"I'm sorry Juvia," I told her as I closed her eyes. "If only I had been there, to protect you. If only I had been strong enough to take care of you. Maybe if I had left you back at home, you would have been ok. Juvia, I'm sorry," I felt the tears continuously fall from my eyes.

Lucy P.O.V.

I love Fairy Tail. The fact that it was at a constant ruckus and always partying made me feel right at home. Sitting on my bar stool, I took in the sight. Natsu and Gajeel were brawling. Erza was happily munching on her strawberry cake. Jet and Droy were fighting each other over who was a better match for Levy, who was caught up in a book. Elfman was yelling things about being a man causing Evergreen to groan out in frustration. Freed was praising Laxus. Gildarts was acting overly clingy with Cana.

Then there were the Strauss sisters.

"Lucy, why don't you hurry and make a move on Natsu?" Mirajane began, with a smile evident on her face.

"That's because my sights are set elsewhere," I told her as my thoughts became possessed by the thought of someone.

"That's right, Mira! Lucy is currently thinking about Gray," Lisanna laughed, as she teased me. I regretted telling her about my crush on the ice mage. She seemed to have a knack for blurting it out.

"Oh that would be perfect! You two would have the most beautiful babies! Raven hair and hazel eyes. Or even blond hair and deep, blue eyes! How cute," Mira gushed over the thought. All thanks to the lovely Lisanna…great. Now, as soon as Gray came back from his job, she would plot on how to make us become that perfect couple with those perfect children.

Although a part of me was beginning to give up on the thought of Gray and I. I mean, him and Juvia would seem like the ideal couple. Water and ice. And it was beyond obvious that she was madly in love with him, not to mention that he never really denied liking her so really, my luck was out.

As if on cue, the guild doors opened and in came Gray, carrying Juvia in his arms. As if it were instinctive, I jumped out of my seat at the sight of Gray, only to have my heart fall at the sight. He was carrying Juvia like one would their wife.

"Hey! The stripper's back!" Natsu called out to Fairy Tail's newest S-Class mage. That was the second S-Class mage in Team Natsu and one of the five S-Classes of Fairy Tail.

I looked at Gray, surprised by his silence. I was completely shocked by the fact that he hadn't sent a remark back at Natsu. Staring at him, I realized something was off. He didn't have his normal, half-smile planted on his face and he released a cold aura.

It told everyone to stay away. I analyzed his features and realized that he had been crying. His eyes were puffy red, and his face told tales of sadness.

My eyes then made their way to Juvia. She was in Gray's arms, not snuggling closer to him. Her arms and legs dangled down. Her face was completely discolored and her face looked emotionless.

"Where's master…" Gray asked quietly. The guild silenced, taking in the dark depressing aura that Gray was giving off.

"He's up in his office," Erza answered, advancing towards the ice mage. "What's the matter?" she asked him in concern.

Gray ignored her as he made his way up the stairs. "What happened to Juvia?" Wendy asked, staring at the unconscious body of the blunette. I felt my throat dry up, trying my best to avoid the pessimistic thoughts that were possessing my mind.

"Juvia…" Gray coughed out. His eyes began to swell with tears that shortly after streamed down his cheeks. Surely that couldn't have meant...

"Answer her!" I heard Lisanna scream out. My eyes turned back, to see the younger Strauss sister with tears racing down her face.

"Please," Lisanna pleaded. "Tell us she's ok," Lisanna continued to beg the ice mage.

"Juvia…" Gajeel said almost as if he realized something. "I can't smell anything off her," he told the guild.

Natsu took a sniff of the air before agreeing with Gajeel. "He's right. Juvia normally smells like a beach but now…her scent is gone." His toothy grin disappeared and his lips curved downwards to frown.

"You can't mean…" Wendy gasped out.

"Master!" Gray yelled out, the tears still falling.

Mira rushed up towards the Master's office to tell him what it seemed the whole guild had realized. Seconds later, both Mira and the guild master were out, tears filling their eyes.

I felt a pang of guilt reach me at the thoughts I was having only minutes ago. Juvia was my friend, yet for that short second, I let my jealousy take over.

My heart pained me as I heard Gray yell the words: "Juvia's dead!"

...Suppressed by all my childish fears...

Taking another shot at an angst fic. I hope you all like. You can also see, Lisanna and Lucy are quite close here so Lisanna won't be a big bad bitch, lol!

So if you like it then I'll see you in a few weeks for the next chapter!