Saving Hope Chapter 9:

Before the next chapter begins, I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has responded to this story. It really means a lot that people have taken time out of their day to tell me how much they enjoyed reading my fic and that they look forward to future chapters! I know it's been a while since we've heard from Steve, but I promise its coming! Thanks again, enjoy and please feel free to message me with any requests, comments or suggestions! Em x

Beth's POV:

Twenty-four hours. She'd been given twenty-four hours to decide whether or not to take the case. Her coffee table was strewn with pages upon pages of files and photographs pertaining to Captain Rogers; medical records, photographs, incident reports, evaluations, back-ground checks – basically his whole life in three manila envelopes. Director Fury had given them to her in the hopes they would persuade her to come aboard. Director Fury – a one eyed, leather-clad leader of a secret sect of superspies.

'Gees, try saying that five times in a row' Beth thought, picking up an old faded black-and-white photo of Captain Rogers. He was scrawny, pale and wearing an army uniform that was far too big for him. She turned the photo over in her hands – 'Circa. 1942'.

1942. Steve Rogers aka 'Captain America' aka one of the most legendary and patriotic figures in American history. She was supposed to treat the American Hero – a man who is essentially beyond the reaches of modern medicine, a man who by all accounts shouldn't medically, logically exist. And she was supposed to heal him.

She knew he was important, obviously they wouldn't shut down the ICU for just anybody – but she thought that it was just a matter of Tony Stark's extravagance, not because they were hosting The Avengers. The Avengers, what was it the news kept on calling them? 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes'.

When she saw them they didn't seem so mighty – they seemed tired and sad and a bit…broken.

Beth reasoned that the agents she spoke to must have seen some pretty horrible things, gone through wars, seen people die horrible, violent deaths; hell the other agent, Hill even mentioned the alien invasion the previous year. All that and it took one man; Steven Rogers, Captain America to bring them down to the level of desperation to ask her for help, all because she'd been nice to them. That was her job. She was just doing her job.

Beth thought about her other patients, about _. Was it fair what she was doing, was it right? To opt out of treating multiple other patients over one man?

She could hear Director Fury's voice in her dead again – "I don't know about far more important and high risk patients".

Looking down at the evidence in front of her, the decades of service that the Captain had put in for the country, so people like her could have the freedom to live their lives without being in constant fear, how much he risked and sacrificed…She made her decision.

Beth carefully placed the files back into their envelopes, taking extra time slotting the old photographs back behind their prospective paperclips, picked up her cell phone and dialled the number on the card she had been given.

"Hello yes, Director Fury…I'm in. I want to help Captain Rogers any way I can…Yes Sir. Thank-you"

With that, the young doctor went to bed exhausted and anxious about the coming days and how they would probably prove to be the most interesting of her entire medical career so far.

Beth spent most of the morning filling out paper work – mountains and mountains of paperwork. She had a lot to do anyway but this was just ridiculous and she spent extra time doing it because it was all non-disclosure and she was pretty sure if she broke even one of her contractual obligations she would find herself in some very deep, dark whole somewhere. She also had to undergo a blood test, have her DNA, retina and fingerprints scanned into the S.H.I.E.L.D data base and get issued her key-card and ID-badge.

By the time that this was all completed it was a little after 11:00 am, she could hear the rest of the hospital outside the abandoned ICU ward going about its daily routine and wondered how her fellow residents were doing with their rounds so far that morning. She had to admit, the idea of not changing hundreds of catheters and infected bandages was a nice change from her normal rounds, and at least she got a break from 'Creepy Pete' – the resident, elderly fellow on the Cardiac Wing who always tried to grab her ass whenever she checked his vitals.

However, she felt her stomach sink a little when she and the unnamed agent walked closer towards Captain Roger's room, the added intimidation of the armed men and women lining the darkened hallway.

She stopped just outside the doorway, quickly gathering herself before entering the room. She could hear the usual sounds of machinery and the quiet, muted chatter of worried visitors. Drawing a breath, she finally turned into the room, putting on a brave face to the group of people slouched in the hospital chairs – The Avengers, who at this moment were all staring at her, waiting to say something.

'Stay cool Beth, you can do this' she reminded herself 'just treat it like any patients family'.

"Um…Hi. I'm Dr Bethany Alexander – I don't know if you all remember but we've met before I was…"

"- you were the doctor who saved Steve's life", said Tony. He quickly got up from the chair next to Captain Rogers' bed and extended his hand, "I'm Tony, and these are…well, these are the, uh, Avengers". He waved his arm around the room and each prospective member made some kind of greeting gesture to the doctor.

"I know who you guys are, I was briefed by Director Fury last night and Captain Rogers' case of course. I was given his files to consult. I can't say I'm an expert in this particular field but I assure you I will do everything in my power to help your friend, it's my honour and duty" Beth said purposefully.

"Gees, you sound just like him" said Darcy, which earned a few small chuckles out of the group.

"Right, well then – I guess we should get started. I've been going over Dr Beckford's files and test results, Captain Rogers seems stable for now, but I'll run some more tests and draw some blood for analysis so we can check his white cell count and oxygen – this will give us some determination of any improvement to his condition. Also I've been made available to some newly improved pain medication that will help keep him stable for longer – there really isn't any way we can how much pain he's in so I want to make sure he's as comfortable as possible while he recovers. Additionally I've prescribed some physio do be done by the Agency's nurses to keep the Captain's muscles in peak condition, muscular atrophy is very common in these kinds of cases and for a man who depends on his strength and fitness so heavily, I think it's important for him to keep as much of it as possible" Beth stated, looking up at the group of people in front of her. They were very quiet until all of a sudden, Pepper Pots started crying.

'Oh god, what did I say? Was I that bad?

"I-I'm sorry, it's just that it's b-been a very long couple of days and we really didn't think anyone could h-help him, and then you-you…" Pepper started before collapsing in a puddle of tears on Tony's shoulder.

"What she means is, thanks Doc" Darcy continued, offering her a small smile.

Feeling quite overwhelmed, Beth returned the smile and turned away from the gaze of some obviously very tired, thankful and emotional superheroes and concentrated on the patient at hand.

"Well Captain Rogers, how are we feeling today?" She asked as she took Steve's temperature with a device, slotting it into his earlobe with one hand and feeling his forehead with the other.

The group were looking on anxiously, she decided to walk them through the entire process – they'd been kept out of the loop long enough.

"He's a little feverish, which is quite normal, it just means his body is fighting off the trauma and any possible infection. I'm going to place him on a stronger dose of anti-biotic, when we first administered it I did so under the impression he was an average patient, however he seems to burn through almost double the amount of drugs as a regular person".

She lifted the blanket from around his abdomen and carefully untacked the medical tape holding the bandages. The assisting nurse came around with a tray so Beth could discard the old bandages and replace them with new, fresh ones. Steve's skin was torn and raw and still very tender from surgery. His surgical scars were bruised a deep shade of crimson, bruises were emerging all over his body. She disinfected the area, soaking parts in iodine before taping on the new bandages.

"How is he – is he healing yet?" asked Bruce, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and then crossing his arms.

"Not yet, it still looks very raw from surgery. As long as we keep this area clean and wrapped it should start to heal on its own. I'll make sure these are properly treated and cleaned".

"What about his head injury" piped Jane

"His CT's came back relatively clear, a little swelling in his skull, however that's to be expected with an injury such as Captain Rogers, as Dr Beckford said, his pupils were responsive, his scans are clear – unfortunately it's just a waiting game. Recent studies have shown that there are varying degrees of consciousness in these kinds of cases. It suggests talking to the patient, playing his favourite kinds of music, reading to them etc. I could help." Replied Beth, who finished with her examination, was going to fill in some paper work before getting some time in with other patients while Captain Roger's tests were being run.

"That's great Dr Alexander, really great" said Pepper, who had obviously calmed down after her little outburst earlier.

"Yeah, thanks Doc, thanks for taking care of him" agreed Darcy.

"It's no problem, really. Now if there's nothing else I'm, going to fill in some paperwork and check in on some of my other post-op patients downstairs, I'll check in later to see how Captain Rogers responds to the new medication."

"Oh actually, there is one more thing" Tony added before Beth could walk out the door, "It's Steve, just Steve. He doesn't really like the whole title thing".

She smiled, seeing the fierce look of protection and friendship in his eyes.

"Well, I'll be back to check on Steve later. Make sure you all look after yourselves.

With that, Dr Bethany Alexander turned down the dim lit hallway, ignoring the darkly dressed men and women flanking her, instead feeling much lighter than she did before – she was helping save the life of Captain America, or as his friends liked to call him…just Steve.