Thanx for all the reviews! :D I've been a bit lazy lately :P It'd be awesome if there were more ideas to help the story reach a climax, I don't know when though...

Oh and no need to feel rude for asking EpicWolf 2; but I do plan on making this a Shein story...Thanx for continue reading! (^.^)

Thanx to dark lil'angel2be for all your reviews! They've been really encouraging! :DD

Haha I can't believe Pearl Melodys was able to guess the manga! That's right, it is called zettai renai program X) I don't know how to praise you . unbelievable awesome manga fan ;D (Y) and I agree with your thought on Shein 3 I really like this pairing ever since reading the manga for Fushigiboshi No Futagohime.

I also have to thank Cherryblossom913 for your review! I was trying to make the ending part for chapter 2 a bit mysterious and the fact that your curious for the next chapter makes me really happy! :)

3Thanx for reading! :D

Now finally the next chapter! ;)

"BAM!" Rein got pushed away. Hard. She fell on her bum. Frozen in her spot she lost reality for a few minutes before hearing a sickening "crunch" followed by a high piercing shriek. It seems, this mystery guy has just broken one of Toma's arm. Still the shriek that came from Toma's mouth was more than enough to send every nerve in Rein's body ordering her to run in the opposite direction from Toma and this scary yet handsome guy.

She clenches her teeth and bites her lip; she stood her ground.

Was that the same guy that was just unconscious a minute ago? How is that possible?! Just a moment ago, this guy was unconscious; no matter how hard Rein shook him. She even slapped him for Christ's sake! How can he have so much energy all of a sudden? weird

Rein stared at the mysterious guy as he avoided Toma's punches one by one, like they were nothing. And they were like nothing. With one arm broken, how much damage could he actually do anyways? Still this guy is acting like he could do this in his sleep!

He sent Toma flying to the wall with a "thud" from one punch in the gut. Rein, not hearing the same "crunch" sighed a sigh of relief that Toma didn't have a broken spine or any sort. Toma cowered in the corner of the wall as the guy stood towering over Toma, looming over him with a scary look. Toma seemed so small, Rein almost felt bad for him. ...almost...

The guy gave Toma one lasting look before turning around. Oh my god! Is he walking towards me?!

Rein prayed that, that wasn't what was happening. Witnessing what this guy could do, she wanted nothing more but to go home, take a shower, climb into her comfy bed and act like none of this had just happened.

Unfortunately, she had no such luck and a hard life. Should I just make a run for it? I probably wouldn't make it to the café door, but it's worth a shot right? One thought stuck in Rein's mind is that the guy is looking for revenge! Should I just make up an excuse for slapping him in the face? I hope it'll be over with just a slap...since I only slapped him once...right?

Should I just scream? Scream till I'm out of breath and no sound will come out of my throat? NO, he'll probably have my neck bent at an impossible angel already. Should I talk my way out? Rein didn't have anymore time to think about what to do, the guy was only a few steps away now.

With no other straight-out-forward choice, Rein's only pride glued her to the ground, refusing to let her run or yell. Also since she saw no other way out, might as well go with the flow :P

She closed her eyes and waited for impact to hit, blood to spill, the crunching sound of bone breaking...

One minute...Two minutes...Three minutes...Four-

Not feeling any impact Rein started to wonder. Did he just leave? Please don't be there when I open my eyes. Please!

Just as she wished. He wasn't there!

AS IF! He was there alright, in fact he was there kneelingin front of Rein. The guy that just beat the crap out of Toma is kneeling in front of Rein? What's going on? Rein was shocked speechless. She just sat there like an idiot. Just staring; as if that wasn't rude XP

As if on cue, he looked up at Rein. Shocked by the sudden movement, she scooched back a bum on instinct. "Ww...wa...what?" Rein stuttered.

"I am yours to command, Rein-sama," the guy said kissing her hand. Sending an electric cue, leaving behind a tingly feeling, warming her hand inside-out.

"Haaaaa~?!" Rien let out a confused sound.

"I am Shade. I am an Android. You turned me on. You are my mistress," soooo romantic! Rein thought, totally not hearing the actual sentence since she was half dreaming. What Shade actually said was, "I am Shade, an Android. You turned me on, when you slapped me in the face, so you are my mistress."

Giggling like a little girl, Rein started to ask, "Android? The phone? Well your definitely one of those alright. Who wouldn't know. It does say that on your forehead after all," Rein said sarcastically. No longer fangirling over a Shade's sentence that she didn't hear the other half of.

Shade nodded, not understanding at all. "You're not an Android! Only an idiot would believe such a lie! You're human! Do I seem like an idiot to you? Geez, people these days." Rein shook her head in disbelief. Rein's eyes wondered over the guy's body. It was worth drooling over alright. Her eyes landed on his legs. She bent down to look. Rein noticed. Shade even had hair on his legs, how can an Android be made so perfect?! IMPOSSIBLE. "This is insane. I'm going home. It was nice talking to you, 'Shade who thinks he's a phone,'" Rein said.

Rein turned around planning to ditch both her work and Shade. "Wait!" Shade grabbed her wrist.

Tired and annoyed, Rein's attitude started flaring up. "What?! Don't you have a family? Why don't you run along and find your home, like a good boy?" Rein smirked, a total change of personality which she developed while searching for jobs and keeping her family living in an ok condition.

"I don't know," Shade whispered quietly, no longer looking like the strong guy he was while fighting with Toma. He looked more like a lost puppy right now.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"I don't know if I have a family," sadness and loneliness crept into Shade's crystal-like, indigo eyes.

Rien felt a pang of sympathy that soon faded, when she remembered her little brother- Hiro, who was probably hungry and worried about his sister who was supposed to come home and make him a loving dinner.

"I have to go," Rein shook off Shade's grip.

Shade looked at his hand, weird. He stretched his arm and grabbed Rein again.

"Close the windows, Hiro! There's a pervert following me!" Rein had ran home. She has her back to the door, panting from the long run, her chest heaving up and down from running so fast.

Trying to catch her breath, she drank a bottle of water and laid on the cold, tiled floor.

"Wake up, sis! Make me food. I'm hungry." It seems like Rein had fallen asleep on the ground. Accidents happen.

"Alright." The shaking didn't stop.

"Alright, I said!" The shaking stopped.

Just another five minutes. Just a short five minute nap.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" Rein fumbled around trying to find the culprit making such a loud noise in the morning, already. She hit a button on her alarm clock, silencing the annoying sound.

Waking up with the slight morning breeze and rays of sunshine brightening her room was refreshing. It was like any other morning! Like last night never happened. OMG! Last night! Rein looked around trying to find any signs indicating Shade's existence.

Finding nothing, Rein let out a sigh of relief along with a victory shout, "Haa! I knew it! What a nightmare! I hope to never have such a horrible dream ever again."

Rein got up in a good mood that today was as normal as any other day. She started to get dressed up.

After finishing her hair, which was tied into a high ponytail, a delicious smell from the kitchen crept into her room, like a little thief. "Hiro that brat! He knows he shouldn't be fooling around in the kitchen," Rein scowled, happy at the same time. She chuckled and opened the door.

Does this count as a cliffhanger? Idk. I feel like a talked too much in the beginning so...hope all readers enjoyed it. :)