Ding Dong Dong Ding! The bell to Fushiboshigo Gakuen rang so loudly, it was deafening. The sound alerts all the students, teachers, and even random people outside the school that the school day has finally come to an end. It also signifies that it was time to NOT enjoy their time out of school and have fun, but to "enjoy" their time finishing their homework. Of course the devil-like teachers took the liberty to sign them as many homework as possible, leaving those poor children hardly any time to actually hang out or have fun.

Hearing the bell, every student in class started to clean their desk, most just swipe verything on their desk into their bags with a single flash of their arms; like a broom. Fast and swiftly. Rein who had already sneaked everything into her bag five minutes before the bell rang. She stood at the door; turned around, "Bye~! have a torturous time finishing all the homework our angel-like teachers left us. Aren't we just gonna have a blast?!" sarcasticness blooming in each and every word. Most of the students laughed and giggled.

"Rein! What about the student council?!" Bright hurriedly asked, before Rein could leave.

"It's fine~! I only miss it a few times anyways. You can take over Mr. VP." Rein teased with a wink.

"Yeah. Only "a few times". More like you only go once every month." Bright complained, not meaning to sound whiny.

"Aww. Please forgive me with that wide and accepting heart of yours o mighty Bright-sama!" Rein said jokingly putting both her hands together above her head, with one eye open.


"Thanks Bright! I just knew you'd let me go. You're the best! If you have any questions, you know where to find me."

Rein left.

In the classroom, Bright's friends teased him, "Yep, he has a question alright."

Another friend agrees. "And it goes like this. Rein, I love you! Can I be the guy you can lean on, the shoulder you cry on, the chest you put your head on, the person you can call boyfriend? Will you accept being my girlfriend? Will you have a date with me?" His friend acts dramatically and stupidly.

In the background you can hear other students singing, "Bright and Rein~ Sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G~! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage~ Suckin' his thumb, wettin' his pants, doing the naked baby dance~ That's not all~ That's not all~ Daddy's drinking-"

"Ughhhh, guys stop it!" Bright says in mock anger, while he still blushes a deep red.

Meanwhile, Rein has already left the Gakuen and arrived at her part-time job-Woof Woof Café. In case you are wondering, NO they do NOT wear dog ears and a fake tail to serve their guests. They did occasionally have events that include dressing up, but they just wore normal black and white aprons and a normal serving outfit...normally.

When their shop finally closed, Rein was asked to take out the garbage. It was a really stinky and disgusting job that no one would voluntarily do. Rein was an exception. She did it for extra money. That's what drove her. She had to ignore the bugs flying around the garbage bags, the leftover food and throw-ups on the ground, and of course the horrible revolting smell of food that were rotten for too many weeks. The stench was horrible to bear.

As any normal person would do, Rein inhaled a deep breath of fresh and clean air...more of café smelled but oh well, and sprinted toward the garbage pile. She threw the garbage bag in her hand randomly into the pile of bags. As she turned around to sprint back to the door, "Flump" a sound like something crashed to the floor gave her goosebumps and a cold chill that ran down her spine. She felt cold sweat start to form at her forehead.

All the horrifying thoughts a person could have, formed in the one and only's Rein's mind.

At first it was only, It's only a raccoon. Maybe a rat. Then it turned into what if there's a serial killer on the loose behind me?! then she thought if it's a serial killer wouldn't he/she have done something to me by now? Rein squeezed her eyes shut for 60 seconds, totally forgetting the horrible stench of the place. When no one grabbed her from behind, she slowly opened one eye after another.

More terrifying and horrible thoughts entered into Rein's mind. What if it's a ghost? Wait, it probably can't harm me. After another thought what if it could use telepathy? Another thought stroke her mind. What if it's a zombie or a mummy? Oh please no zombies, please no zombies! Zombies scare the hell out of me! Just watching the trailer for "The Walking Dead," made sure I never watched another zombie movie. Maybe werewolf or vampire? Rein thought, a glimmer of hope resided in that thought because a girly part of her mind made her think, If it's a werewolf, I hope he's as hot as Jacob, from Twilight...hopefully not as tanned though. If it's a vampire, I hope it's not Edward. I'm not particularly a Edward fan, though I do like vampires over werewolf...Anyway hotter than Edward would be nice. Totally forgetting the danger that may rest behind her. Clearly I've been watching a little too~ much movies these days. :P Rein thought, rolling her eyes at what her friends would be saying now.

Reality struck. Whatever it was, it was still behind me, if it didn't scatter off while I was lost in thought! Rein took a deep breath, wrote the word "meat on her palm quickly and pretended to swallow it. She repeated it another ten times. She heard it was supposed to calm the nerves when people were nervous. It didn't help. She braced herself for any kind of horrifying scene or impact.

This story was sort of based on a manga I recently read but the manga is incomplete and not a tragic story. The start might be really similar but the rest of this story is definitely my own idea.

So any ideas on what you might be expecting to find? Any suggestions on what you might want me to include in the next chapter? XD Just wondering :P