Hey guys! I know it may seem as if I haven't posted in forever, but I've been going through some stuff lately and I had my tonsils taken out almost 2 weeks ago! But anyway So this is a very cool idea I got while talking to a friend. It's definitely different, but it's going to be awesome! At first we were like, "no that would be weird." But I just couldn't help myself...so here it is! Full of suspense, comedy & awkward moments! Watch Tony and Pepper as they catch a glimpse from each others point of view...(pepperony included!) Short multi-chapter fic.

I don't own this show...nor it's characters. That's all on Marvel!

It was a beautiful day in the heart of New York city. The sun was shining and the air was warm, surprisingly for the time of year. It was late afternoon on a Thursday and Tony was at the armory alone, like normal. Rhody, was forced by his mom to spend some 'quality time' with her after school...so in other words that meant she made him go shopping with her. So Tony sat in the armory alone, until he got a text from Pepper saying that she would be over in a few minutes. As he waited for his redheaded friend, he worked on his latest invention. He wasn't sure if it would work or not, but he was hopeful for the small cube that he had come up with.

It had been a few minutes, then Pepper came prancing into the armory. She had a smile on her face like always and greeted Tony with a hug from behind.

"Hi Tony!" She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder, peeking over to look at what he was doing.

Tony answered in a casual voice "Hey. Must you always come up behind me?"

"You don't like my surprise hugs?" Pepper answered almost disappointed. "Not when I'm working." Tony said. She let go of him and stepped back to the lean on the wall. Pepper watched Tony intently while he worked on his new toy.

'What's so special about that cube?' Pepper thought to herself waiting for Tony to say something. She walked back up to him, and looked back and forth from Tony & to the cube.

"And what exactly does that do?" She asked. "Well I'm not sure, it's supposed to be able scan my suits of armor and transfer the information from one suit to another." Tony answered while he finished up on his little do-dad.

"Neat. So um, I have another date tomorrow." Pepper hesitantly told Tony. He cringed and tightened his grip on the screwdriver he was using. "Oh? With Happy again?" Tony said with a noticeable trace of jealousy in his voice.

"Well, yeah. You know Tony, he isn't as bad as you think." Pepper said as if trying to convince Tony of what she thought. But to no avail as she watched a smirk pull at Tony's lips.

"Come on Tony, don't be like that..." Pepper started to say but was cut off "Oh and why can't I be that way? Pepper, Happy is not right for you. I mean he isn't even on the same mental level as you." Tony said with a jealous and firm tone. "Who said you could tell me who is right for me and who isn't?" Pepper retorted, getting annoyed at his behavior.

"Well no one, but I'm your friend and I have to right to tell you what I think." Tony stated, sounding as if to justify his previous statement. "You have to be kidding Tony, why should I listen to you? You never listened to me when I told you your 'girlfriend' hated me and is a she-witch." She said stepping closer to him. Tony stepped back from his cube to face Pepper and the issue at hand.

"Whitney has changed and you know it." Tony told her. But Pepper wasn't having it today. "Oh please, she is as mean and bossy as ever! She doesn't care about you, and your inventions...all she cares about is having you all to herself." Pepper stated looking to his cube when she mentioned inventions.

"She does care about me, and my inventions! You know what, that thing isn't even going to work anyway. I haven't been paying attention to it because I've been thinking about you and Happy." Tony said disappointed with himself and his cube. So he picked it up and tossed it towards the trash can, but missed so it landed on the floor. Pepper looked at Tony, and felt bad. So she walked over to it to pick up the strange object but it suddenly put out a blue light that seemed to scan her. "Tony! What is it doing?" Pepper called to him with a worried voice. Tony walked over to her and it scanned him as well.

With a flash of the blue light, the device said to itself "Scan complete" and the cube spit out two small wires that grabbed Tony and Pepper by the arms. "Tony!" Pepper cried out as Tony tried to break free of the wire. But the cube had other plans and sent a shock of energy to them both. It wasn't powerful enough to knock them out but it did do something.

The energy it was giving them stopped and the wires returned to the cube. Both of them woozy from the shock, they stumbled to each other for support. With their eyes barely open & out of breath Tony tired to see if Pepper was ok. "Pepper, are you hurt?" He asked, both of them facing the floor. "I think so, but what's wrong with your voice and mine? And why am I looking at myself?" Pepper said confused. They leaned up to face each other but were shocked to see each others self.

Pepper screamed and Tony stumbled backwards to fall on the floor, that's when they realized that the cube did more than just shock them!

So? Suspenseful enough? Can't wait for the next chapter? Well to bad, you'll have too!

Hey I just posted this...and this is crazy...but since you've red it...review it maybe?