"Nothing. They found absolutely nothing."

Those words were all it took for Mrs. Saito to break down completely. "My boy, my innocent, little boy!"

While Mr. Saito was devastated at the horrible news, he knew he had to keep it together. Not just for his wife or even the Hyoudou family, but himself too.

He placed a firm and comforting hand on her shoulder. "Well get through this... together. We'll stay strong, for Tomo."

She sucked in a large breath before straightening her back and composing her facial features.

"Yes. For Tomo."

Two years later.

"Haha. You've got that right Samantha."

She smiled at him. "You know I do Hamasaki."

She peered out at the group in front of her. "I've got an idea. How about we all go out for smoothies later?"

Tyler snorted. "You and your smoothies Sam."

She looked offended. "Hey! They're healthy. Besides, studies show that the average teenager doesn't get all the needed fruits and veggies in a day. This just-"

"Stop with your ranting Sam. None of us want to hear it." Rachel said, clearly bored.

"Yeah, all of us have heard it a thousand times before. You need to get in your veggies! It's important in anyone's diet and even more so for teenagers. They hold just sooooo many good nutrients!"

Sam smacked Tyler's arm while the rest of the group chuckled with laughter.

She turned to Tomo. "Oh, I know you will take my side on this, right Tomo?"

He shot her an apologetic look. "Sorry, Sam. I would, but I honestly can't. I've got another business meeting tonight."

"Oh that's right sorry. I forgot that the prodigy can't put his books down for one moment."

"I really am sorry."

"Whatever." She 'humphed' and turned the other way.

He stood up and grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder.

"Well, I'm off." The group chorused their own goodbyes and went back to discussing the rumours they had heard about others in their class. Before leaving the group, he leaned in to the auburn girl and whispered to her. "Goodbye, Samantha." She let out another disgruntled sound before turning her attention back to the group.

As soon as Tomo had walked out the classroom doors, his smile slipped.


"I am home Father." Tomo took off his backpack and hung it up on his personal clothing rack. He saw Iwao come rushing down the large stairwell.

"Excellent! Now we must hurry. The Ferguson's aren't a very forgiving family and believe tardiness to show signs of disorganization. Wouldn't want them getting bad opinions of us this early on."

Together, they exited the house and waited for their driver to arrive.

As they sat down in the lush, private car, Iwao began to make more business class while Tomo considered his situation again for the fifth time that day.

The past two years had been hard. Not only was he away from Aoi, but his parents too. While he was known for being a rather independent child, it had never occurred to him just how hard it was to be practically living on your own. He had always depended on his father to make the introductions and set up most meetings. With Iwao, he was expected to do most of it by himself. Not to mention that, while he didn't want to admit it, he just wanted to remember what it was like to get a hug from his mom again.

After flying to Canada, Iwao had immediately gotten Tomo enrolled in a prestigious high school, only attended by those who were considered 'elites'. Ever since then he had made appearances at the school and acted like the polite scholar others anticipated. He had put up this front of a fearless prodigy who only broke his mask with his 'friends'. He didn't mind the group he was always seen with, but just thought them to be too snobbish for his liking. They were fine for a laugh, but most of them were only enrolled in the school due to their parents' influence.

The home life wasn't much better either. At the house, Iwao could always be seen getting upset with the butlers and throwing fits over deals that didn't end how he had wanted. After seeing his first bought of rage, Tomo couldn't help but flinch, wondering how he would reacted if he ever found out the truth about his adopted son. He was certain that getting backhanded like the servants was the least Hamasaki would do to him.

However, over time he had become an even better actor and was able to act nonchalant in front of the blatant displays of violence. But despite not outwardly reacting, he had always gone to see the caretakers afterwards and had checked upon their injuries.

In front of potential business partners Iwao was always on his best behaviour, but after seeing him with out the masks, he had learned to read his facial expressions rather well. He could see behind that facade of politeness and all of his fake laughs. He could see the frustrated expressions that he would sometimes sport under his mask. He could see the murderous intentions in his movements, the hidden gun under his cloak.

He was able to see and even understand what most could not.

Iwao Hamasaki was insane.

Whether or not other businessmen saw this and turned him down for that reason, Tomo didn't know, but what he did know was that sooner or later, he would fall under Iwao's hand. And not only once.

He was scared. He was frightened. But he had become too good at acting. No one would know. No one could ever find out.

Just act normal, be the son he wants you to be. These words had chorused through Tomo's head so many times over the years. He had to act normal. He had to be normal-no, he had to be perfect.

And that was all it took. That was all he had to do. As long as he acted like nothing was wrong, he was safe.

"Ugghhh! How dare that man!" Tomo's head shot over to Hamasaki in surprise. "He can't just do that to me. Does he even know who I am!?" He closed his eyes and took in a few deep breaths before turning back to Tomo.

"I'm sorry about that." He said with his most sincere voice, although Tomo could see that he was anything but. "Devrus just closed the deal for Kulpo with Houston. Can you believe that!? Everyone knows that Houston isn't even remotely competent. I mean, does he really plan to just let his company fail. Ridiculous. Honestly."

Tomo turned away and returned to gazing out his window. He was used to this by now. It wasn't a shocker-not really. The same pattern would repeat every so often. Iwao would try to make a deal with some famous business owner usually in the area, sometimes not. The other would make another deal with someone else, Iwao would hear about it and then immediately turn furious.

"Ah, we're here."

They both waited for their driver to come to each of their sides and open their doors for them. It had taken some getting used to, but Iwao had insisted that 'his son wouldn't have to do any sort of plebeian act in his presence'. Tomo had trouble with it at first, but gradually he got used to the arrangement and just went along with it.

As the driver finally got to Tomo's side and opened the door for him, Tomo stepped out and was about to leave, but not before whispering a quick 'thank you' to the man. He smiled at him and tipped his hat, clearly gracious for the small deed.

Tomo and Iwao regrouped and waited next to each other as they knocked on the door of the mansion.

The door swung open and they were greeted by a cheery man, dressed in a suit.

"Ah, welcome, welcome." He led them over to a large and plush, velvet couch. "Master Ferguson will be with you in but a moment." He turned around a corner and left the entry way.

Iwao sneered and dusted himself off. "What sort of person allows a servant to touch them? Such misconduct. It's disgusting. Heaven knows where those hands have been."

Tomo sat himself down before studying the room.

Modern and chic. This family must be in to showing of their riches. I also see some peculiarly old tapestry and some rare artifacts. Collectors, they value the ancient, but also enjoy modern art. Noted.

They had not waited a minute before a woman in a purple dress had shown up and offered to show them to the room.

While walking up the stairs, Tomo took the time to observe her.

Tight clothing with a clearly practised smirk. She's confident, but she's also worked for it. The pearls on her neck prove what I had thought from before. She loves to show off, in all sense of the word. Whether it be modern or ancient, all her treasures are show cased for everyone to see.

They finally arrived in a large room with paintings and handmade antiques.


She sat them down on a grandiose sofa before sitting down across from them on a wide loveseat. In the middle between them sat a glass table with a clearly expensive tea set sitting upon it.

Iwao was the first to speak up. "If I may ask a question."

She waved her hand in a nonchalant manner. "But of course."

"Where would Mr. Ferguson be?"

On the inside Tomo panicked in shock. Why did he say that? The fool, what is he doing!?

"I'm afraid my husband died quite a few years ago. Ever since then it's just been me."

Tomo sighed on the inside. As I had presumed. Unfortunately, Iwao wasn't as accomplished at hiding his emotions.

His breath caught in his throat and he managed to look up fronted.

"A woman doing business?"

Mrs. Ferguson lost her smirk and instead raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

He laughed bitterly and shook his head. "A problem? Of course it's a problem! Women can't do business! Do yourself a favour and stick to the kitchen woman." The last word was spit with bitterness, as if he had tasted a sour lemon.

She stood up immediately, her face twisted into an ugly expression.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh you heard me."

Her face was beginning to burn a flush colour and she struggled to maintain composure as the snapped her arm towards the door, pointing.

"Get. OUT."

"With pleasure."

Iwao left swiftly, only stopping to sneer at some of the artwork littering the walls.

Before following after the man, Tomo leaned forward towards the offended lady.

"I'm sorry for him. My father can be a little... rudimentary when it comes to business. He's not that good with responding to change." He shot her an apologetic glance before following after the man it had become so easy to dislike.

When he finally reached his adoptive father again, he was pacing in front of their ride, muttering obscenities.

"I can't believe that Davidson. Advising me to get into business with a female." He growled. "Huh. Ridiculous."

Once he saw Tomo, he quickly gripped onto his upper arm and dragged him into the car.

"Come on Tomo. We don't associate with their type."

Tomo yelped as he felt his arm being squeezed and went along with the man dragging him, successfully banging his head on the opening to the car.

Oh my god. He thought in shock. I'm so dead.

Hey guys, thanks to all of those who have stuck around this long. I know it's taken sometime for me to update and I really do appreciate all of the loyal followers. I do hope to continue with this story, but just haven't gotten too much inspiration. I'll try to stick through it as much as I can, so I hope that all of you will continue to accompany me on this journey.

Here's to another chapter and Tomo not dying!