So, as anybody can see hear, this story has sadly been abandoned. However, I decided that for anybody still interested in seeing this story finished, too revamp it. I still see that some have favourited and followed the story, so with any luck this will reach them. Anyways, I am revamping this story cause I think it was a shame how it was never complete. I'm improving the story with the revamp, just like with my other story thats under revamping, Life of Layton and Claire.

Anyways, for anybody wanting too read the revamp of this story, just follow this link, (if it works, links don't seem too here on Fanfiction) and go too my profile and go to the list of my works and just clickety clack the one titled "HTTYD: Hiccup's Twin - Rewrite."

I really hope for anybody that comes too read it that they enjoy it. Like I said, I felt bad about leaving that story behind and I want too correct that. If ya like the new one, please Review it and lemme know what ya think. I want too bring this story back up too what it was and hopefully make it better.

Here's the link.

HTTYD: Hiccup's Twin - Rewrite Link (Clicky :p) - s/9614417/1/HTTYD-Hiccups-Twin
