This is the first chapter redone. If you haven't read it before this don't worry you didn't luck out on anything. This time it turned out better than when i did it the first go around.

~~~~~~~~~LINE BREAK~~~~~~~~~~

I do not own Percy Jackson or Kane Chronicles.

The doctor who attended to the birth of the twins was an old family friend. The mother of the new borns was the daughter of his friend in the House of Life. As for the father, well, no one knew who he was except for the mother. Even though the two babies were just born the doctor could tell that they were powerful. It would have been wonderful if the second one had not been a still born. Dismayed, the mother took her other child home when she was able to leave.

As for the other baby, he was taken by the doctor shortly after he had been born pretending to take him to the morgue. Instead the doctor had a different plan. One that could save the life of the infant. That it involved a curtain gods help. It was night time and it was the perfect to call upon the god but the only thing was that he had to be summoned in a grave yard. That is where the doctor went and did what he had to do to save the child's life.

He summoned the god of funerals. The immortal took some convincing to save the infant but he did. But he did it for a price. Anubis, for it was he, told him that if the child should ever become a threat to the house he will lose the life the god gave him. The doctor also had to leave his home and flee to a place where the child will be safe from the House. Safe from what the doctor never knew and the god never told him either for knew not, only that a power such as that which was in the child would be condemned by the House. So he left with his wife to a place where the House would never look to find them or know about the powerful child.

The mother of the child remained in the city where she lived raising her son, unaware that the other was alive and well. The House never knew of the existence of either child and that is the way it was kept and they were both safe for the time being.

The twins were both boys and their names were Perseus and Theseus. Each not knowing that the other existed their entire lives but as the fates would have it, that was about to drastically change.

Seventeen years later. (3rd person)

"WHAT?!" TJ shouted. Now TJ was far from your normal teenage boy. He was a magician in the House of Life, but even there he wasn't very normal where abnormal things were normal. His real name was Theseus Jackson Masterrsyn and he was about average height with black hair and a slight tan. What really made him different from everyone else in the House were his eyes, they were an impossible shade of sea green. On the magic side of things he was also different by being able to do things that others couldn't. Nobody knew why the young magician was so different and that was the one thing he has always wanted to know.

"I know it's a lot to take in, son, but I need you to try." TJ's father told him.

"How am I supposed to absorb all of that in an hour, dad? I'm going to need a few months at least." The man put a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder.

"I know, but do you think you can be ready to leave by next week?"

"Wait, I have to leave?" that news was unexpected.

"I think it's about time you got some interaction with others your age and can somewhat understand you." when TJ nodded his father continued. "The 21st Nome is training the blood of the pharos which you are, TJ. You'll be able to learn more about your magic from them." Theseus remained quiet. "I'm sure if you ask them they could also help you find out more about you're being different than the rest of us." A few minutes pasted in silence before TJ finally spoke.

"What if they can't?" he asked. That was always his biggest worry when he asked for any explanation; not finding out and/or it being wrong.

"Look TJ, they have access to all the records throughout the existence of Egypt. There must be something in them that will explain who you are." His father assured him. The teen thought about it and nodded his head. Then he thought of something else.

"Do you think my brother will be there too?" The teen looked at his father pleadingly.

"I don't know, TJ. I don't know." Doctor Masterrsyn told him sadly. "But TJ, I want you to understand that I am taking a risk here by sending you to live with other magicians."

"What do you mean?" He had never told his son about the warning given to him by the god.

"Back when you were born I was given a warning to keep you away from the House because they will kill you if they find out how much power that you have. Power that could disrupt Ma'at beyond the point of fixing. I believe that if you train with the House and earn their trust and show them that you are with them that they will let you live and we will no longer have to worry about your being in danger from them."

"And what if i can't gain their trust? What if they'll never trust me? I can't even trust myself." It was true that he did not trust himself to be able to keep his magic undercontrol.

"You'll be fine, son. You haven't had an incident in years. Just remember to keep your emotions in check. Nothing will happen to get you or anyone else hurt. And above all..."

"Don't over do it with the water stuff." TJ finished for him. "I know." As he turned to leave to his room he paused and turned back to the man that had raised him. "Hey, Dad, What is my mom's name? My real mother's name I mean." The doctor smiled at his son.

"Her name is Sally. Sally Jackson."

Ha. There you have it the first chapter. Tell me what you think. If you do review then I won't kill you in the next chapter with my favorite torture method. If you don't believe me you can just ask the people who called me evil for it. ;)