It's just a game

It were nights like these that got Makoto excited all over. A fierce thunderstorm was raging outside and he honestly couldn't care less. The four of them were having a sleepover at Haruka's place. During these sleepovers the craziest things would happen and tonight was no exception.

They sat around a small table and were explaining the rules of their game to Rei.

'So we are going to drop this bundle of sticks unto the table and then we have to pry away our colour of sticks without making the other sticks move?'

'Exactly, I am so beating everyone's ass tonight!' Nagisa exclaimed.

Rei looked flustered because he knew he wasn't good at games at all. In fact, it seemed an embarrassing game as every time they made other sticks move, they would have to pass a challenge.

Haruka picked up the bundle of sticks and they clattered loudly on the table. It didn't look good at all, this was going to be a very hard game to win.

Makoto had watched Haru like a hawk all night. Lately, he'd been having dreams about the raven-haired swimmer but he wasn't too worried about it. He had always dreamed about his best friend but now the dreams were different. More… sensual and erotic. He had tried his best to hide his secret and he was glad that Haruka never probed him when he was staring or acting differently.

'Ha-ha! Rei-chan, you have to do a challenge now because you moved one of my sticks!'

Nagisa's shouting brought Makoto back to reality and he saw a hint of red in Rei's cheeks. Oh oh, Nagisa is going to let him have it right now. Makoto almost felt a bit bad for Rei but this was how it had always been and he had better get used to it.

'What should we make him do?' Nagisa wondered out loud.

'Let him eat some mackerel with pineapple?' Haruka responded with a straight face.

'That's not a real challenge! It isn't that hard or embarrassing at all!' Nagisa pouted.

Makoto just smiled when he saw Nagisa and Haruka thinking about a proper challenge.

'I know what we can make him do!' Nagisa exclaimed and the look on his face meant bad news for Rei.

'You have to sing a song that I choose!' he shouted while laughing really loud. If you knew Nagisa, you would realize that his taste in music is the worst!

'But I-I-I can't sing! I won't look beautiful!' Rei looked extremely worried at the fact that he had to sing in front of his friends. Nagisa jumped up and switched on the computer so he could show Rei the song he was supposed to sing.

'I don't even know that song!'

'I'll give you the lyrics, fight- on Rei-chan!' Nagisa said with a mischievous smile on his face.

Rei took a deep breath and tried to calm down. The music started blaring and Haruka and Makoto both started laughing. They knew this song all too well and it was going to make them nearly piss their pants.

'My alternatives were slim, if I tried to find another source for sin.' Rei looked serious while singing until he realized what he was singing. It was a song about internet porn!

'What kind of song is this!' He shouted clearly shocked about the song.

The other boys laid on the ground laughing as Rei continued his singing because he tried to complete the challenge.

'I got a brand new cable modem installed and it opened up the floodgates on a whole new universe of internet porn.'

It were the longest two minutes of Rei's life and he swore he would take revenge on Nagisa. He looked at the laughing boys and he couldn't hold back anymore and started laughing as well.

Seriously, how can you act perfectly stoic when you sing about girls on girls, naughty figurines and nurses dressed as smurfs?

Near the end of the evening Nagisa had eventually won the game. He was really ecstatic and it was a very good game. Makoto looked at his friends to assess the situation. The only clothing he was wearing were his boxer shorts because Nagisa made him strip. Haruka had to wear a speedo and he wasn't exactly happy about it. Nagisa had to eat mackerel with pineapple and Rei got his sweet revenge when he saw the disgust on Nagisa's face while eating.

Yup, it was safe to say that it was a very good game indeed.

'I'm going to turn in for tonight guys, I am sleepy.' Nagisa rubbed his sleepy eyes and Rei couldn't suppress a yawn either. They both went upstairs leaving Makoto and Haruka behind.

'So, shall we sleep as well or do you want to play another game? Free of challenges?' Makoto asked softly as he looked at his best friend.

'Another game maybe, I'm not that tired yet.' The truth was slightly different. Haruka had been watching Makoto but the latter didn't seem to notice. Haruka had become focused on Makoto and his… tongue. It had never dawned on Haruka before but when Makoto really concentrates, he would stick out the tip of his tongue and it had been distracting him the entire evening. It was very unsettling. He had felt a dull aching feeling in his stomach and was determined to do something about it. He had already worked out his plan.

'I'll drop the sticks and then you get the first turn.' Haruka suggested as he looked at Makoto with a blank expression.

'Sure, go ahead.' Makoto leaned back into the couch behind him and watched his friend work his magic.

Haruka deftly dropped the sticks like a pro and they fell beautifully on the table. Of course, he didn't plan to play that long but he couldn't rush it otherwise Makoto might suspect something. Makoto arched his back and starting prying away a blue stick on the table. It hardly took five seconds and the tip of his tongue became visible. It made Haruka feel… hot? He didn't really knew what he felt but he wondered what that tongue tasted like. Deep inside, he knew he would be the one to steal Makoto's first kiss and perhaps now was the moment.

With one swift movement he wiped off all the sticks and they clattered to the ground. Makoto looked up in surprise and he didn't know what had gotten into his best friend.

'H-Haru, what are you doing? Did I do something wrong?'

Haruka crawled over the table and he went to sit on Makoto's lap. The latter let out a small gasp and looked shocked as he didn't quite comprehend what was happening. Haruka didn't give him much time to think because his lips were already on the olive-haired male. Haruka felt Makoto stiffen beneath him and he wondered why Makoto wasn't moving at all. He would just have to try harder. He curled his arms around Makoto's neck as if to reassure him that this was perfectly normal. Makoto finally gave in and closed his eyes to fully enjoy his first kiss ever. Haruka still wasn't satisfied because he didn't get a chance to taste the tongue that had been haunting him the entire evening. He gently bit Makoto's lip and he opened up his mouth a little and there it was. He could finally feel what he wanted to feel the entire time. The taste was exactly what he had imagined, it was simply magnificent. Haruka broke off the kiss and looked at his best friend. Makoto was panting and he still seemed a little subdued by Haruka's bold move.

'Good night.' Haruka said and then he climbed off his best friend and headed upstairs.

Makoto finally had the time to catch his breath. Did this just happen or was it just a dream? The fact was that Haruka just left his friend and his thoughts scattered on the floor of his living room.