Yosh~ I know I update this quite late. I blame the school. I had to finish my reports and rush through the pile of hateful additional maths homework. So much for high school life…
Anyway, usual warning: this contain bl
Disclaimer: I do not own Shingeki no kyoujin although I would love to be in charge of our cute Rivallie and Eren… so I could just pair them… and they would married off to some far away land and live happily ever after…(off to fangirl dreamland~)

Eren wish that time would pass slower, so that he would not face hell…(or is it worse than hell?) that quick. Sadly, reality hurts, as a bell rang to announce the soldiers lunch break of the day had end and also ring to the mixture of emotions in the young soldiers. Yes, Eren had always admire the corporal deep down for his strength and fearless nature when he kill titans. Even when he learn the truth about this humanity strongest soldier, like the fact that he is a clean freak and sadistic, he still admire him for his other qualities. Every time he sees that man, he would always feel happy in a way…until he got a foot shoved into his face, stomach and shin. It's like heaven and hell all over again…

"Hah…" Eren let out a sigh as he walk at a corridor that he had often walk for the pass 4 weeks. He practically see Corporal every once in a 2 days, as the corporal is in charge of him. In about 5 minutes, Eren arrive at a corner which with just a turn to the right, he will arrive at his destination. Unwillingly, Eren approach the corporal's room with heavy steps.

Eren knock the door two times.

"Come in."

Eren turn the knob, going in and salute while he greet his superior. "Good afternoon sir!"

Rivallie look up from his paper work to see the young soldier, who stand like a log, and seems to be a little nervous. On the other hand, Eren carefully sneak a few glances at the corporal expression to figure out if he was in trouble. Apparently, the corporal look expressionless, his brow did not narrowed in a dangerous way, so Eren take that as a good sign . 'Then, why would the corporal ask for me?' The young soldier could not figured that out. 'Well, it's not as if I can read the corporal's mind..'.

"Jaegar." The corporal call, with a stern voice which full of energy, as expected from a soldier. Shocked for a moment and broke out from his thoughts, Eren reply, with hints of nervous heard in his hesitated question. "Yes, sir?"

"You have joined us for over a month now. Time for you to fuck up a few things in the wild."



Eren blinked, "Huh?"

"You heard me, brat. You are to join the scouts on an expedition. Go prepare yourself and pack a few things. We are to leave by tonight…"

Eren was stunned for a moment while his brain process the words he heard. He never expect that coming that fast. He thought they would never let him move a step from this place, as to guard him 24/7… But now?

Rivallie look at Eren's confused expression. For a moment, he smirk at that face and spared a moment thinking about how Eren would have react if he were ever told that he must fuck some girl so another titan blood soldier can be produce. But, the corporal instantly push the thought aside and glared at Eren, as if he is pissed at Eren's slow reaction. " Don't give me that half-assed look, Jaegar. Do you heard me."

"Yes sir… I mean, Yes sir!"

"That's all. By 8 in the night, report yourself here."

"Sir, I thought we were suppose to report at the main field?"

Rivallie raise his eyes, 'Is he stupid or what?' " You are not some average soldier. And I'm in charge of you so if anything fuck up at the field and I wasn't there, I might as well kill you first before I march my own death."

" Understand, sir."

A shade of sadness painted on the young soldier face. For a brief moment, the corporal really want to… kiss him. To touch him. But, like hell he is going to show interest in a brat now, in the daylight and any moment someone would just come and disturb.

"Then, sir can I go and pack my stuff now?"


Eren make a 90 degree bow, before he reached for the door…

"One last thing Jaegar."

Eren literally froze there, when the corporal call for him in an unusual deep voice.


"You forget to clean that gravy at the side of your mouth. It's dirty and disgusting, go clean it."

Eren stood there for a moment, spacing out at what the corporal said.

"Oh." As realization struck him, he immediately brush the gravy with his right thumb and give it a swift lick. Then he stick out his tongue to lick the remain bits of gravy. For a moment, Eren thought he saw corporal eyes grew wide a little, seems to be taken surprise by his small action. But it must've been his imagination because a second later, the corporal only look at him… with disgust.

"… I say, wash. Not lick. Now you better fucking not use that right hand to touch the door knob. Or I'll cut your fucking hands off."

"s..sorry sir."

"just go out now."

The young soldier walk out, leaving the door slowly close in a few seconds. The corporal slam his table the moment the door is close with a 'click' sound.

"Damn that brat… Fuck his mom for not teaching him basic hygiene. Now I need to get rid this dirty mess." Mutter Rivallie as he set his eye between his crouch, looking at his lower-half problem. He really wanted Eren badly and the small unintentional licking he do just give a very suggestive image to the corporal. Rivallie is also a human. At the same time, a man. "Someday…That kid won't be even able to walk if I laid him."

And the corporal was very sure it won't be long until that statement he said turn into reality.

By 7.45 pm, Eren had already waited outside the corporal's room, to ensure that he won't be late…. Even for a minute. Rivallie always make sure his soldiers are punctual, discipline and of course…Clean. No one dared to go against his orders among the soldiers (except for Irwin, being the commander) or brave enough to test his patience and limits. (Hanji Zoe is an exception, being the mad women in the group.)

At 8pm sharp, he knock the corporal's door, his fingers twitching around the strap of his backpack, feeling a little nervous for what expect him in the expedition.

"Good evening, corporal."

"Prepared, brat?" The corporal asked, with a straight face like always.

"Yes sir."

"Follow me. We're off to Hanji's first before we go."

Rivallie only pick up his things, which pack in a smaller size than Eren's stuff. Without a word, Eren only trail behind the corporal. Along their short trip to Hanji's room, Eren was still filled with uneasiness and try to imagine what will happened outside the wall.

This is his first chance ever to escape this cage, even for a short period. But, he is still a human. Having flesh and blood and something call brain which make him thinks a lot and worry a lot. Would he mess it up? Would he met titans out there? Would he use his titan power out there…and ran out of control or…

But as the image of his beloved mother eaten by a titan flow in his thoughts, his uneasiness is burned off. Burn by rage, angry that he was powerless and couldn't save his mother…

"Fuck titans…I'll kill them all."

Yes. Why worry?

He only need to kill them all.

That's all, there is no need to think of other…


A sharp pain on his head force Eren to broke out from his train of thoughts, and found a pissed Rivallie and a smirking Hanji, the former glared at him, the later only give him the creeps. Rivallie's leg still held a little higher up the ground, indicate that he was the one who kick Eren right at his poor head. "Yes, it was fucking-fantastic that you can space out to your dreams while you are walking. If you're out there, you are a fucking dead shit by now brat."

Eren rub his head, as he whisper a few small mantra in his heart to restrain himself from snapping. Sometime he really just want to snap and… fire off his temper at the corporal. Corporal or not, this man really gets on people's nerve sometime.

"There…Levi you don't have to be sooo harsh on Eren." Hanji say as she give a broad smile to the fearsome corporal. Levi glared at her, pissed for some reason which Eren is totally clueless, and walk into the room of the creepy women without comments. Eren clean off some dust and stand up, replying a 'thank you' when Hanji offer him a hand… (But seriously. For a second he doubt that if he really should take that hand.)

"You had it tough, Eren~ Don't worry, that's not the worst case~"

"Is that to comfort me, Hanji-san?"

"You two. We don't have American time so get the fuck up."

Right… not just titans. Eren should worry about staying beside 'humanity strongest' for 24/7…

After the regular blood test and other similar… stuff,(Ask Hanji if you need details…) Eren was given an injection. An injection is a bad memory for Eren…as it always remind him of the last image he had of his father forcing the needle into his arm, giving him his titan ability… but overall he is more or less fine with injections… But, Eren rarely get a shot at his abdomen… more like this is the first time he was given a shot at that area. Moreover, Hanji had this nasty glittering smile whenever she look at Eren. As oblivious as he is, Eren knows that there's something wrong with that particular injection! He try asking the mad(?) women, but unlike most of the time when she would give a night worth long of explanation, she only brush off that question with a few sentence.

Sadly, not like he could refuse that shot.

But after that, he ask Corporal Rivallie and he answer the same thing as Hanji said.

"… It's some meds. To make sure you won't be as weak as you are now. We don't need a weakling outside the walls… And why the hell ask me, brat." Rivallie scowl, pissed, like Eren make him waste his saliva for that one sentence….

Eren decide that next time he should be extra more careful when he question the corporal… as not to pissed off the corporal that easily. Oh, if only he knew that Rivallie can ONLY mask his desire for that oblivious brunette with anger...

By the field, a group of people already wait for their arrival. Eren was kind-of surprise, because the expedition only consist of Corporal Rivallie's group and a few more soldier of Survey Corp. 'Isn't this an expedition?' Eren wonder. He hesitate about asking Rivallie, consider that he thinks that he pissed off the corporal enough in a day…

"Everyone, on your horse."
With one swift move, all the soldiers immediately go on their horse, including Eren. Rivallie talk to Gunther about some stuff before he gave a short brief on the expedition this time. It seems that this is not the official expedition, so they will only went out a little further from Wall Rose in Wall Maria.

"I'll be in charge of this short expedition, or monthly near-range survey…or anything you name it. 3 days would be enough but bear in mind unexpected events always happen. I am sure you are equip with rules and needed knowledge so this is all."

And the gate opens, Eren, a little excited and nervous, step his foot back to the land within Wall Maria… expect for titans and expect for the 'unexpected' attacks from the man worse enemy… but definitely not prepared for what's going to happen in this 3 short days, that'll change his life in the most… surprising way.

Rivallie, glance at the brunette, his lips lifted in a small angle.

Eren, hands clench tightly, his gaze fill with black sky of starry night.

And the team rush off on their horse, follow their leader's guide.

And that's all for now… *yawn… for the next chapter, I might take a longer time to update, given that the final examination is freaking near… dakara, gomen-neh