Episode 13: Not For Nothing
After Tara's Fall-at the Hospital…
The time following Tara's fall was mind-numbing to say the least. Everyone sat in the waiting room in a perfect circle. No one dared to speak. Who could after what had happened? They were all still shocked and trying to process what had happened.
Finally it was Abigail, who broke the silence from where her head lay on Ollie's shoulder. Her face was smeared with makeup residue from her tear stained face. Her whisper could barely be heard. "W-what if she's not able to w-walk again?"
All of her friends' eyes turned on her. All of them holding a hint of anger for daring to speak such words, except for Christian-who sat numbly in his seat, staring at his hands.
"What?" She asked as she wiped another tear from her eyes, "She said she couldn't feel her legs. It's possible."
Yes, everyone remembered that. It would probably be burned in their brains forever-the female brunette of their small group, crying out in desperation that she couldn't feel her legs. No one would tell a soul that everyone one in their little group shivered as the memory, that only happened a few hours earlier crept back into the minds.
Christian's head shifted so it was now resting in the palms of his hands. Everyone turned to look at him. He hadn't said anything since it had happened. He hadn't even moved until now. Needless to say it was very unusual for the skater and it had everyone worried.
"Chris?" Questioned Ollie in a soft tone, "Are you okay?"
He heard the question. Of course he had heard the question. But Christian couldn't quite bring himself to answer or even acknowledge the question. It was a stupid question. Really, it was. What kind of boyfriend would be okay after watching his girlfriend get hurt and because she got hurt, knowing that she could possibly never walk again? The problem for the skater wasn't the fact that Tara might never be able to walk again; he'd love either way. But if Tara couldn't walk anymore then she couldn't dance, and if Tara couldn't dance…
Sighing, Christian shook his head. He couldn't think like that. Even though he was a pessimist, the skater had to be optimistic-for Tara's sake.
"Chris?" Again Ollie's voice broke the surface of the skater's thoughts. Christian sighed. He responded in a dull voice, "Do I seem okay Ollie?"
Ollie said nothing more; the skater didn't expect him to.
Two Hours Later…
They waited another two hours drinking rather unpleasant tasting coffee, before Ms. Rhaine finally came out looking rather flustered. She stopped in front of her students as they all stood up. "You should go back to the academy and get some sleep for your interviews tomorrow," explained the older woman quickly, giving her students a once over glance-making sure they were alright. A nervous habit of hers that she tended to do when one of her students was hurt; like a mother bird in protective mode.
Lucy expected something-anything. Yells, of outrage maybe. But all of her kids stood still with emotionless, yet expectant glances. She sighed, before looking back at her students.
"They want to keep her overnight for observation." Ms. Rhaine tried to tell them a bit more gently, "And they know they want to operate, but they don't know if she's going to dance or walk again. Even if she will be able to walk again, the doctors don't know if she'll ever dance the same again. So the best thing you all can do right now is to go home. Get some rest. Then you can all come back when you are all refreshed, after your interviews. That's the best way you can help her for now."
That seemed to satisfy her kids-for the time being at least. Turing around with slumped shoulders, the older woman watched as her six students made their way to the elevator. Then she remembered something.
"Christian," she called to the skater quietly across the waiting room from where she stood, "Would you come here? I would like to speak to you for a moment."
Out of all her kids, he seemed to be taking Tara's fall the hardest (not including Tara) His shoulders were heavier than the others, but the worst out of all of it-were his eyes. The usually intense rich brown color-were over casted with sadness. Lucy could feel her heart break at the sight. He really, truly was in love with her.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Even his voice sounded broken. Placing a hand on his shoulder, the older woman spoke gently. "It's about Tara. Like I said before, they want to keep her overnight because the doctors are going to operate tomorrow. But it seems Tara, can't fall asleep on her back as she says and-"
But Lucy's words died in her throat when she heard Christian's mumble words, "Tara's a stomach sleeper."
Instead she raised her eyebrows at the skater. "Even though you are both legal and technically not my students anymore-please, tell me you didn't do…anything while under the academy roof."
For the first time since the afternoon, a small snort left Christian's mouth. "No, Ms. Rhaine. We haven't done anything-all we've done is sleep."
"Yes well, patients are allowed to have one person stay with them during the night and Tara had requested for you specifically to spend the night here with her. But I'm sure if you would like to go home, Tara would under-"
"No!" The skater was quick to cut her off, "I mean no. It's probably better like this, because I won't be able to sleep either without her. At least this way, I'll be able to do something rather than let my thoughts consume me."
"If you're sure," Ms. Rhaine said before she led him down the hallway to Tara's room.
Upon entering the hospital room, Tara's parents and cousin from stood up from where they were sitting around her bed. After mumbling something about visiting hours about to be over, they all kissed her cheek then exited the room. Leaving Tara and Christian all alone.
"I didn't mean to make them rush off," the skater walked over to his girlfriend and sat down in the seat her father had just occupied. With a shake of her head, the brunette responded. "Visiting hours was going to be over in a few minutes anyways."
Her boyfriend said nothing, instead grabbing her hand closest to him and kissing the back of it. Silence filled the room.
Now that Christian was near Tara, it was like the weight that had been on his heart had been removed and he could finally breathe again. But the more he studied her. The more he saw through her mask of fake indifference, he could see the look of pain in her eyes and the small twinge in smile that might as well be made of plastic. Tara was bottling up her pain…
There were two different types of people in this world. People who could handle bottling up their pain and keeping it to themselves and then there were people, who needed to let out their-anger, sadness, frustration, and any emotions: wear their heart on their sleeve if you will. While Christian knew which one of the two he was, he also knew which of the two Tara was also. So with that thought in his mind, the skater stood and moved to sit on the edge of his girlfriend's bed. Placing his hands against her cheeks, he cupped her face. Then he laid his head in the mountain of brown curls and didn't breathe, but inhaled her strawberry scented shampoo.
"Don't do this," Christian said as he pried his face away from her hair, "Don't bottle up your pain-it…it isn't good."
"I'm not," the brunette's reply came out in the form of a snap.
"Don't try and lie to me Tara. I know you." Christian traced his thumbs over the bridge of her nose. "I know when you're nervous you tend to run your hand through your hair and you bite your lip too. When you're upset, you try not to let people know by faking a smile. But if people do figure out you're upset and try to pry it out-you snap at them. Something I think you picked up from me, but…"
He kissed her forehead, "What I'm trying to say is that I know you and I know when you are hurting."
"You don't do tears…" Tara responded with a break in her voice. Bringing her chin up, the skater forced her to look at him. Tears were already beginning to swell in the corner of her eyes.
"I make exceptions for special people or rather a special person." He whispered, before the small resolve she had, broke completely. She draped her arms around her boyfriend's waist and brought him closer-so now she was sobbing into Christian's chest. Christian said nothing, but lay down beside her-careful not to hurt her or the wires around her. He smoothed her hair back and whispered words of comfort until her breathing became even. The skater followed soon after.
The Next Day with Abigail…
Abigail allowed herself to wander on to the stage with a wary expression on her face. She looked down at the lone person who sat in the audience.
"I've been up all night," she told Rebecca.
"Unfortunately, the contracts do need to go out today so this would be your last opportunity." The older woman said, almost robotically.
"I can't hate her. She's one of my best friends," was Abigail's feeble response, "How am I supposed to compete with her knowing that I might be-"
"Dance for a different reason," Rebecca leaned forward in her chair slightly. Giving a small nod, the dark haired ballerina barely had time to get in position before the music started. Then it was time to dance-this time around being for Tara rather than against her.
Same Time with Tara…
Tara's eyes peeled open while her body tried to jerk up from the nightmare she was having, but a pair of arms and a bunch of wires, prevented her from doing so. After she had glanced down, dread seeped through her body. Last night hadn't been just a bad dream like she had thought. It had been real.
It had been real. Last night had been her one shot into the company and the brunette had blown it all because of that stupid bead. And it was also because of that bead that she could possibly be paralyzed from the waist down...Tears started to swarm in the corners of her eyes and blur her vision. Who would she be without dancing now?
"I can hear your mind working from here." Tara turned her head to look at her boyfriend. This time she didn't try to hide her tears. Christian was immediately on alert at the sight of his girlfriend, crying. Raising his hands to cup her face, he moved his thumbs over the skin under her eyes as he tried to rid her face of the tears.
"Training Bra, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He knew it was a stupid question, but it was the only question his sleep induced mind could come up with at the moment.
For a moment, she said nothing. Then when she did speak, her voice was nothing, but a whisper. "What if I can't dance? Who will I be then?"
A Little Later with Grace During her Interview…
Grace Whitney sat in the chair with a distant look on her face, in front of the Company judges as they talked on about her audition the previous night. Grace shivered. Just thinking about the mere thought of last night gave her chills.
"Grace?" Rebecca drew the blonde out of her thoughts. Looking up at the three faces before her, she tried for a smile. "What? Sorry. That all sounds um…So is it January I start? Because I've got this whole Christmas in Vietnam fantasy plan…"
"Actually, what I was leading to…We've decided not to offer you a contract at this time," the older woman paused for a moment, before she spoke again. "Obviously you are a massive talent, but my philosophy -I believe a harmonious environment is more conducive to good work than the quality of each dancer."
Was she saying was Grace thought she was saying? With a fallen face, she dared to ask the question that was quickly taking up space in her brain, "You're saying I don't play nicely with others? Or that you don't want to work with me? Or both?"
After Grace's Interview…
"She's the Pre champion. Rumors about none of us getting contracts…Gaining credibility." Ollie was saying as he and Abigail watched Ben hug Grace. Whatever Abigail was about to say, got caught in her throat when she saw Christian walking down the hallway. Although it was clear that he had just showered by the looks of fresh clothes and damp hair, as far as Abigail was concerned he looked like he had last night. With the same worried look he wore on his face.
"I'm assuming Tara went into surgery?" She asked while he checked the interview schedule. The skater had promised Tara he would be there when she woke up in a few hours. Even if it was during his interview. Though he knew what she would say, he couldn't bring himself to care while she was hurt…
Meanwhile with Tara…
"Now you're sure you don't have any questions?" The doctor stared down at Tara. With a small smile, she shook her head.
"Alright then. We'll get you nicely to sleep then and you'll see us in a few hours," he said to her, "Will you count us in from ten?"
The brunette took a deep breath. She had only gotten to six, before the operation room melted away…
Inside Tara's Dream…
The familiar walls of the academy came into focus. She walked straight down the hallway as fellow third years danced gracefully around her. It appeared they didn't notice her. It wasn't until Abigail spoke to her, that she was acknowledged.
"Aren't you late for class? You can't wear that." Dream Abigail said to her, but Tara gave a small shake of her head.
"I don't know what I'm doing."
"Well you should, it's your dream. Come on." Dream Abigail retorted then she walked away. Tara had no choice, but to follow.
"Why did you tell the doctor that you didn't have any questions? I'd call it a fairly big one. What if the surgery doesn't work?" Abigail asked as the turned a corner.
"Because it has to work," Tara said defiantly. Then she paused, "I can't have come all this way for nothing."
"Really? You're sure about that?" Abigail asked and again, then the hallway faded into a bright light…
Same Time with Ben during his Audition…
Ben accepted the cup of water after it was poured for him. He drank nervously, before looking at the panel of judges. His lips were tugging upward slightly.
"We're all big fans," Rebecca started, "You have the technical strength as well as the character of a leading man."
"Leading Man?" Ben looked bewildered. "Wow."
He let out a slight huff of laughter, "If you say so."
"The difficulty is that we already have several dancers of your type in the company and I would like to push things to be more…individualistic."
"But my movements are very fluid," Ben said, "I can be whoever you want me to be."
Rebecca let out a sigh, "I'm really very sorry, Ben."
Ben just smiled. Better to mask the pain, he always thought.
Inside Tara's Dream…
The company studio came into focus and she was no longer in her hospital gown…Abigail wasn't in her tutu anymore. Tara watched as a dream version of herself went in for arabesque, but it was too low as Rebecca promptly pointed out. "Tara, those arabesques are still too low. If your back is straining, please sit this out."
"I'm trying, sorry Rebecca." Her dream self-apologized as she turned with the other core girls.
"So I make it in the company? I-I get a contract." She turned to dream Abigail, who had followed her through her dream. Her friend shrugged, "How should I know? I can't see into the future. But…yes, in this version of reality you're dancing."
Tara gave a small grin, but it soon faded as she watched her dream self-take off her pointe' shoes and take off numerous Band-Aids.
"Not all unicorns and clovers now is it?" Abigail's voice was persistent.
"That looks youchy," suddenly a dream version of Grace entered the scene, "And for what? You didn't even like being in the core."
"Constant critism? Never being good enough?" Abigail's voice filled her ears.
"I bet part of you will be relieved if you can't dance again." Grace chimed in.
"But this is all I've ever wanted," Tara looked to Abigail, after she looked back at the dream version of herself once more. "You agree? The sacrifice is worth it?"
"How's her BP looking? Is she becoming hypertensive?" Dream Grace asked, before again, the dream faded into a bright white light.
Same time at the Academy…
"Look, you've got to get me that interview with Marcus." Ben was saying to Grace, but she merely shook her head. "Ben, you're scrambling. Austin didn't even make your top five."
The male brunette stared at her for a moment, before taking her hand and leading her away.
"And you're right," Abigail told Ollie as she crossed Ben's name off of the list of audition, "It's a bloodbath."
"Four years," Ollie said in response, "All four and-"
"Absolutely nothing," she finished for him just as the studio door was opened and out came Christian. Looking as brooding as ever.
"Reedo," Ollie called to him as the skater walked past them, "Care to share with the group?"
Glancing back at his friends, he shook his head and then walked out the door without a word. Abigail glanced at Ollie before marking Christian's name off the list…
A Little Later with Christian…
After checking his watch and saw that he had about another hour before Tara woke up, Christian decided to walk around and clear his head for a while. Somehow, his feet wandered to The Samuel Lieberman Memorial Studio.
"You're not going to get the kids you want with ballet bars." The skater said as he walked in. Zach stood up, "So? Come on, I wasn't even this worked up on my own interview day."
"They changed it to this afternoon." Christian knew it was wrong to lie, but he still needed time to process it with everything going on at the moment. Zach nodded and motioned to the wooden bar that lay on the ground, "Grab the other end."
"So does this make it official? You're running the center?" Christian asked watching as his teacher latched the bar down.
"I told my wife to blame you. How I'm going to fit it in with everything else, I don't know." Zach told him with a sigh.
"It's worth it. At least if you start them off with hip-hop now and then drip feed them ballet later," Christian protested.
"Mate, I won't know a pop from a lock. Let alone those arm chair things you do." His teacher said, before Christian decided to show him a few things.
Same Time with Kat and Grace…
While Hannah talked with someone on the phone about Tara, Neil turned to Kat.
"We've been telling everyone back home that, young Kat is in a movie." He tried to sound cheerful despite the situation. The blonde managed a smile, "Yeah, I got pretty lucky."
That's when she saw Grace walk into the building. Excusing herself, Kat walked over to the other blonde.
"How is she? Any news?" Was Grace's first words. Kat's smile was sad and bitter, "The update is she might be in a wheelchair, and you're here to what? Gloat about getting a contract?"
"I didn't get a contract. Last night, Tara said she missed us being friend and I realized…I missed that too. I thought I wanted something like this to happen, but I didn't. At all."
Same Time with Ben…
Marcus watched with a frown as Ben turned on one foot. Sure he was graceful, but the older man could tell the young dancer was hurting. Weather it was for many reasons or just one, Marcus didn't know. Another turn. A forced smile…And then, Ben slipped and Marcus stopped the music.
"Can I go again?" Asked Ben as he rubbed his eyes. While he walked over to the young dancer; Marcus sighed, "It's been a big day-a big year. Look every dance school puts their country company up on a pedestal; like it's the only place worth anything. But they don't prepare you for this. You're allowed to feel disappointed…"
A Little Later with Kat and Grace…
"What sort of complications?" Neil asked after Tara's doctor told her parents the news. The doctor tried to reassure them, "She's stable, but it's a very delicate operation. It's going to take some more time."
"How much more time?" Hannah asked, just as Kat felt as if she couldn't breathe. The blonde stood up, "I'm sorry. I've got to go…I've got a performance. I'm so sorry…"
With tears welling up in her eyes, she ran before away before anyone could see. Unfortunately for her, Grace had saw and was quick to chase after her.
"Kat," she placed a hand on her shoulder when she had caught up to the other blonde; Grace turned Kat around, before continuing to speak, "Stable means she's going to be okay. This isn't a Sammy situation…"
Not knowing what else to say, Grace pulled Kat into a hug and just let her cry.
With Ollie and Abigail…
"Maybe we're just looking at this the wrong way," Abigail said in effort to help lift the solemn mood that had been casted upon her and Ollie by the interviews, "I mean the company is an organization in turmoil, poised to implode with an inexperienced director of talent."
Ollie nodded. Although it wasn't much help, it did help ease the weight on his heart. He was quick to jump in and help, "And besides, Core-de-Ballet? Is it just me or are we both up to solo standards?"
"Principle." Abigail chimed in, "We need to make a pact. Now. If either of us gets in-"
"We still say no." They said together as Rebecca's voice joined their conversation.
"Not to interrupt, but we're ready for you Oliver." Abigail watched him go.
She looked at the clipboard that rested in her lap and thought about what to do with Ollie's name. She didn't have to wait long though, before she heard Ollie's shouts of victory…
Inside Tara's Dream…
"Exhibit B for your consideration," Dream Kat said as she handed her friend a piece of cake looking out at their other friends, "You've always pretzeled yourself with the ballet vs. your life equation. This is what would happen if you remove dancing all together."
"What? We're all unemployed and living on the side of a hill?"
"No pressure," Kat clarified as dream Christian smiled at Tara, "No competition. Time with your boyfriend that you couldn't spend before…and we could stay together next year."
"I don't know…I think I'd still need a dream to define me…" Tara said and Kat sighed pulling her into a hug.
"I knew you'd say that..." Everything was incased in a bright white light once more…
Outside of Tara's Dream with Kat and Grace…
"You don't normally cope this well with rejection." Kat said as she sat in a chair with the other blonde doing her makeup. Grace smiled, "I think I'm just waiting for it to hit me. Or maybe it already has and I just...don't care."
"Because you can go anywhere and dance with any company?"
"Not dance. I can finally find something I actually care about." Kat snorted at the irony of it all. Maybe she and Grace weren't so different. "Hey, my best friend's having spinal surgery and I keep hoping someone will say, 'Kat, you don't have to dance tonight.' But up to date, this is the high point of my dancing career and I'll take any horrific excuse just to get out of it."
"You could also just be like me," Grace pointed out, "You never really wanted this. You just decided you should want it."
With Christian and Zach…
"Christian, you got to go mate." Zach said as he came in the studio with a box and saw Christian still sweeping.
"It's cool," The skater shook his head. Zach set the box down.
"Trust me; this is not an appointment you want to miss." He said just as Christian turned to face him with a contract in hand.
"You're kidding me right?" Zach asked taking a hold of the booklet with a grin on his face, before pulling Christian into a hug, "I told you, didn't I?"
"I want you to keep it." Christian stated firmly.
"Well I can't. You have to sign it and give it back." Zach said distractedly, looking the small booklet over. He looked back up to see the skater shaking his head. He knew what that meant.
"Oh, no, no, no. You're blowing this up. You're not walking away. Not this time."
"No-no, I wanna work here. I want to teach!" Christian tried to explain.
"So do ten years in the company. Then become a teacher." Was Zach's protest.
"I finally know what I want to do and I want to start doing it." Christian said firmly. Zach was at a loss for words…
After another glance at his watch, Zach looked back up at his former student. "You still need to go. Weren't you saying something earlier about Tara being out of surgery in a while?"
Nodding, Christian picked up his backpack then looked at Zach. "But first, you said you married your high school sweetheart right? When did you know? That you wanted to marry her?"
With Ben and Grace…
"So dance double to the rescue?" Ben asked Grace as she ran backstage.
"Something like that," the blonde took a swig of her water bottle; then she looked back at Ben, "So? He loved you right?"
"I-I honestly couldn't tell. But I like Marcus. Austin could be good and running over here, all I could think was…" He trailed off as he leaned into kiss Grace, "You've been my best friend this whole year. I don't want to spend this next one without you."
"I can't go…to Austin," Was Grace's response, "I've got so much stuff to work out."
"I could help. I'm good with stuff…" Ben tried to offer, but Grace stopped him.
"My M.O. is making someone my whole world and then end up hating them for it," she put a hand to his cheek, "I don't want to hate you."
Their moment was interrupted by the clicking of high heels. Then Lucy Rhaine's voice appeared. "Thank you for doing this. I understand. Of course I do, in the circumstances. But I am-"
"Kat did me a massive favor," the blonde trampled over her godmother's apology, "If I'm saying goodbye to ballet, I want it to be a good one."
"What? Grace-" Lucy tried to call, but her goddaughter was already rushing back on stage.
Meanwhile with Abigail…
Her vision was blurry. All Abigail could see was the blackened tears from her mascara. Trying to calm herself down, she blew her nose. But she couldn't help, but sobbing again as she looked down at her knees. She blew her nose again.
"Abigail is okay." Rebecca tried to calm her down, "I'm sorry, but I have a dinner I must get to…"
Abigail nodded as the older woman slid her contract to her. She picked it up with shaky hands and flipped through to where her name sat at the last page.
"I just worked so hard…" She sobbed and Rebecca smiled.
Inside Tara's Dream…
When the bright light finally cleared, Tara found herself in a cemetery. She shivered, feeling as if she should know this place. She walked forward until she saw a dream version of Christian, who seemed to be waiting for her.
"Why would you take me here?" Questioned Tara, as her boyfriend fell into step with her.
"Because trust me. When the bad stuff happens, you can't let it drag you down," he explained as they walked on; stopping at one grave in particular: Samuel Lieberman, "You can't let it…change you."
Why was he saying this? Tara shook her head; she began to back away, "That's not a real reason. This is a cheap stunt. And I'm not going to stand here and let you manipulate me. You're not my Christian."
He gripped her arm closest to him, preventing her from leaving. He pulled her closer by her arms and although this wasn't her Christian, he still had the same intense brown eyes. For some reason that comforted her.
"Alright, you tell me. Why do you think we are here?" He asked and she felt her eyes start to sting with tears that seemed like acid.
"B-Because I can't see him," the brunette finally said as an explanation, "Even now and I so want to see him…I know he's gone."
"Sammy died." Her dream boyfriend finally said in a firm, yet strangely gentle tone. In that moment, Tara knew why it was him, who was here with her at the cemetery, giving her the closure she needed with Sammy. Because unlike everyone else, he wouldn't allow her to feel guilt about experiencing life while their friend couldn't; just like she wouldn't let Christian blame himself for Sammy's death-for not running with him that day.
"He didn't get his dream. He didn't get the possibility of finding a new one. And I'm alive…"
Outside of Tara's Dream…
When the brunette finally came to, her eyesight was blurry and she felt drowsy all over. Her eyes drifted lazily to the right side of the room, where Kat was sitting. But when she saw movement from her best friend, she leaned forward.
"Hi," she whispered gently looking into Tara's sleepy, but open eyes. Tara smiled, but for a moment. Then her eyebrows came together in confusion. What was Kat doing here? Her voice was a croak, "Capalea?"
Shaking her head slightly, she reassured her best friend. "Don't worry about that T. This is where I wanna be."
"But you're the lead," Tara argued weakly.
"In the end, it didn't seem to matter so much anymore." She stood up, "I'll explain later, but right now I need to go get your family…"
"Wait," Tara stopped her, "My toes. Are they?"
Knowing where the question was leading to, Kat pulled the blanket back a bit. Everything seemed to stand still for just a moment as the two girls waited for Tara's feet to move. Then it happened. The blonde grinned at her best friend. Tara wasn't paralyzed…
"Now I really have to go get your family. They're going to be so happy!" Kat walked to the door. But as she gripped the handle and was about to open the door, it opened for her.
"Look's who's awake," she whispered to the person as she passed through the doorway. Tara grinned hazily when Christian came into view. He grinned that amazing smile reserved just for her, in return. After pressing his lips to her forehead, he sat down in the chair to her left and held her hand.
"How was your interview? Did you get a contra-"the skater swallowed Tara's question with a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Slow down Training Bra. I'll tell you about it later. But right now, you need to relax." He said as he pushed her hair away from her face. Then stroking her face, when the hair was no longer in her eyes…
Eight Months Later…
"…So even though I decided I wouldn't feel sorry for myself, rehab was no walk in the park. In fact, I'd never take walking in the park for granted again. Much less dancing; I'm going to fight as hard as I can to get back to where I was. But if that doesn't happen and I don't dance professionally, I know I'll still be okay. I came to the academy to be the best ballerina I could be. But what I took away from it, was courage. To stop and wonder at a blank page; the open road. To dream big, but also wide; allowing room for new dreams-unexpected ones. Because the point was never achieving the dream, it was having one and pouring everything into it…" Tara paused to look at the audience and each of her friends, before she started to talk again.
"It's funny. I have no idea what happens next. But I'm excited about finding my own way to…make it count: the way Sammy did. He would've loved this space. Where everyone can dream and dance…I now declare it officially open."
With everyone now clapping, Tara stepped down from the podium and walked over to Ms. Rhaine. The brunette handed her former teacher a small booklet saying, "It's not a book yet and it probably won't get published, but it's about us…at the academy."
Lucy had just begun to flip through the pages, when Christian called for everyone's attention. Then Christian kids began to dance a new routine he had taught them. After a while the kids stopped and Christian took over with Ollie and Ben joining in a moment later. Next came Abigail…Then Ben pulled Grace in… Even Kat joined in while Tara sat back watching them. Rubbing her lower back, she realized that this dance…Every turn…lift had been carefully planned beforehand.
Tara watched them with a sad smile. She was so mesmerized by the whole thing that she hadn't noticed that her boyfriend had broken away and was now standing next to her, until he nudged her.
"I can't believe-How…did you all…organize this?" She sputtered out as she looked at him; her voice was full of surprise. Because she and Christian had together every week, if not every day since she had started rehab and after that as well. How could he have done this without her knowing?
"This is a thank-you dance," he explained, "Better late than never."
Tara grinned at him.
"Come on." Gripping her wrist, Christian started to lead her out there, before she stopped him. He looked back at her, "This was your idea."
"But you know I only had my first dance class a month ago…" She protested. Sighing, he gripped her hands tightly in his. After pressing a quick kiss to the spot where her necklace rested, he leaned in and whispered, "Trust me to do my job as your boyfriend and catch you Training Bra. We'll take it slow and figure it out together, like we've been doing."
That was enough for Tara to turn into a puddle and allow her boyfriend to lead her out to the dance floor…Lucy smiled at her former students once more, before her gaze rested on the booklet in her hands. She smiled reading the first line.
"When I was young, I wasn't so clear on the whole gravity thing and my imagination got me into a lot of trouble…But I remember this one moment where time stopped, and everything made sense. From then on, I always knew that in another life, I could fly. And that's why in this life, I dance."
Hi Guys! I'm really truly sorry for such a long wait on this last chapter! I didn't mean to drag it out this long. But it's like my baby, and I wasn't ready to let it go. But finally I sat down to write it, because I decided it was finally time to put this story to rest. It ended up to be the longest chapter I've ever written on fanfiction. 5,970 words and 15 pages total. But I hope it was worth the wait, and in the next few days, I'll have a new Post-Dance Academy fanfiction up titled: Life Goes On. But unlike this one, that story will follow the actual story line of Season 3 without my alterations. So don't worry, I'll still be around. But I hope you enjoyed Catch Me! And I'm so happy with it and all of you! Thank you for all your support and making me feel welcome in the fandom!