A/N: Inspired by my short story collection filled with romance and a little bit of comedy. Hope you all like it!
This was first written in my PDA, that's why I didn't got the change to Google Translate some words. And also, sorry for my errors! Lo siento, reader.

Romano's Love Diary (Entry #1 - Entry #5)

Entry #01

Dear Love Diary,
I don't even know why did Veneziano give me this stupid diary. But, he said that this diary is used for writing down precious memories about the diary's owner and his or her love. Well, since he knew that I have a love one, he gave me this stupid diary! Gah! Why the hell am I writing this thing here, damn it!? I am so annoyed!

Entry #02

Dear Stupid Love Diary,
Today, something weird happened. With my so-called 'love one'. Oh, you're wondering who the hell is this 'love one'? The hell I will tell you! Because, he's NOT MY LOVE ONE! And, hell yeah! He's a GUY! Well, anyway..., that stupid Spanish guy, who goes by the name Spain, well, it turned out that he'll be my classmate in my second year in high school. And, he was assigned to sit beside...You know, I actually hate that.
That lunch, I was eating alone at the rooftop. Then, all of a sudden, he was there and sat beside me.
I felt that my face became so warm during that time. But, what I can't forget is, his smile and the words he said to me when he (somewhat) noticed my face.
"You look like a delicious tomate."

Entry #3

Dear I-Hate-You Love Diary,
I REALLY HATE MYSELF! I don't freaking understand! Why the freaking hell did I become an idiota of myself!? If you wanna know why, I'll write it, damn it!
It was this morning, when I've finally arrived in my room where Veneziano, that potato bastardo, that so-called awesome bastardo and that flirty perveted bastardo.
As I putted my bag on the table, I felt someone patted my shoulder.
"Hola, Romano!"
I looked at the right side and saw that Spanish guy right there, smiling at me. I blushed a little bit because of surprise. But, I couldn't helped but greet him back.
I am such a fool of myself, am I?

Entry #04

Dear Annoying Love Diary,
This is so ANNOYING! Why did this have to happen, anyway!?
As usual, I was at the rooftop, eating my lunch. I can feel the cool breeze blowing my hair and my curl. I simply sighed in relief that he is not here. Well, not until someone dared to touch my curl with his fingers. I looked behind and saw that tomato bastardo. He then, started stoking my curl with his fingers.
"Wh-What the hell are you doing...!? S-Stop...it...! Nn...~"
I hummed and quietly yelped in pain. Yet, I don't know why can't that idiota stop stroking my curl. I HATE IT!
Then, before I knew it, I was leaning against that guy's body. I became surpirsed and moved away from him. But, I felt my curl being pulled. In other words, he's still holding my curl.
I gave him a headbutt at his stomach. I looked at him angrily. But, I felt that my face is so warm. Then, that bastardo simply chuckled and smiled.
"Lo siento, Romano. I didn't know that your curl is your erogenous zone."
"Eh!? I-Isn't obvious? While I was stoking your curl, y-you're...well...um...How should I put this? Um...you know..."
"I get, I get it, damn it! Just, don't you DARE touch or stroke OR pull my curl again, OK?"
"Si! I promise!"
That freaking idiot! Man, he's so damn annoying...

Entry #05

Dear Damn-You Love Diary,
Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! Gah! Why the freaking hell is this happening to me!? Wah! I don't understand!
Luckily, there are no classes today. Why? It's Saturday, damn it! Anyway, I was at the living room, watching the TV, when all of a sudden, someone rang the doorbell. I was so annoyed as to who the hell came here in this ungodly hour. I got up and opened the door. And much to my surprise, there was that bastardo, standing in front of me.
"Hola! I came here to visit you."
"...Go to hell."
I was about to close the door but that idiota just kept on begging me to let him in. I had no choice but to do so.
The two of us had a friendly chat about school. Well, not until he asked me a stupid question.
"Romano, do you have someone you like?"
I was surprised about what he said, that I blushed.
"W-W-What's with that stupid question, a-a-all of a sudden!?"
"What's wrong, Romano? You're stammering."
"I-I-I'm not, damn it!"
"See? You did it again."
"Sh-Shut up, damn it! I-I-It's just that, I don't want to t-talk about it..."
"Eh...? Then, does that mean, you already have one?"
"T-T-That's not what I mean, damn it!"
He chuckled before he continued. Damn, I'm so annoyed.
"You know, Romano, I actually have someone that I like."
"Like the freaking hell I care."
"Come on, Romano! I just want you to guess who that person is."
"...F-Fine, I'll guess, damn it!"
"Well, I found that person very funny. He always swears but, he's actually kind, caring towards his little brother and overprotective. And, I think his Italian curl and he looks like a tomate whenever he blushes."
I was surprised about his description about the person he likes. Just ignore the 'funny' part, it seems that...he's talking about me.
"And, right now, that person that I really like, is right in front of me."
I was even more surprised about the last sentence. I looked at him with surprised eyes. Then, he smiled.
"Si. That person is you, Romano. Te amo, mi Romano."
I was surprised about his words. He just said 'I love you' to me. I can't control my feelings during that time. My heart was about to burst during that time. Then, I said the very words I want to tell him for a very long time.
"T-Ti amo, bastardo!"
He looked surprised when I said that. Then, he smiled and hugged me.
"You are the one that I will love, Romano. I will love no one but you."
He then, kissed me at the lips. I can't move away nor push me him away. It's just that, I really love him so badly...
"You look so cute, mi amor."
"Shut up, damn it!"

A/N: OK...I will stop here for a while. Let me know if you want to read more lovey-dovey moment about Romano and Spain in Romano's love diary, OK? Gracias, reader! Leave me requests anytime. Let me admit one thing: I have never thought that Entry #05 is very very very long...
I'm reminding you all, I'm a 12 year old boy who slightly likes yaoi.