The characters belong to Janet Evanovich.

Please excuase any mistakes.

Warning for language.

Response to Lulubelle09's challenge. '"Babe I need a favor... I need you to marry me".

I thought I'd try something different. I thought I'd write this piece from Ranger's point of view.


"Listen Ranger," Tank my second in command was trying to reason with me. "There's no other choice. We been over this a thousand times man. If you are going to do this undercover investigation then you need a solid cover. You and Bomber know each other, you trust each other, and you work well together."

"No. Get me someone else anyone else. What about that red head from the CIA we worked with last year. What was her name Jennifer, Jessica, Joan?"

"Kayla. Kayla O'Quinn. I called she's on maternity leave."

"What about that other woman a couple years ago, with the ATF. Maria?"

Tank smirked at me. "The blonde with the big tits?"

"I think she was blonde. If I remember right she had quite a thing for you."

"Holly Woodrow. Got married and took a desk job in Washington D.C."

"What abou…"

"Look man I know you don't want to get Stephanie involved but we're on short notice here. It's an easy case, in and out."

"I need to remind you Stephanie is not trained for this sort of operation."

"She's saved your sorry ass on more than one occasion. Hell she even might be better than you."


I can't believe I'm about to do this. Calm down man it's not a real proposal. It will only be a marriage in name. Once we've got the evidence we can get the marriage alluded. Deep breaths, man. Don't let her see you're nervous.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and took out my lock picking set. In less than two minutes I was inside. I silently walked through the apartment to find her sleeping peacefully. Her wildly curly hair was spread out across the pillow. One long creamy white leg was sticking out from under the blanket. My eyes traced its path from the tip of her toe to the top of her thigh. I know from experience that above that thigh was heaven. I could feel my cock twitch at the memory.

Enough Manoso, I scolded myself. You're not a fourteen year old kid don't think with your dick. Keep it professional. It's just a job.


"Babe I need a favor…I need you to marry me."

This was a great prompt. I could see how a whole story could easily be written from it. As I was typing this one shot ideas kept running through my mind of different directions this story could take. I can't wait to see what others write in response to the challenge.
