A/N: This is my very first published fan fiction, so don't be at all afraid to criticize anything I've done wrong. This story is a Rose/11 story, no River included (not that I don't like her I just like Rose more) and explores the what-ifs about the pairing. The story starts off with the scene in The God Complex where the Doctor looks into his room. I have my own theory of what he saw, which you will see. Please review and give me any thoughts or suggestions because I really don't know where this is going. Thanks!
Disclaimer: If I owned Doctor Who, Rose and the Doctor would be married and have lots of little Time babies running around the TARDIS.
Prologue: It's Killing Me
"Of course," The Doctor said, a slight smile on his face. He should have known it would be her. "Who else?" In his room stood a woman, no more than a girl, really, bathed in golden light. Her eyes glowed, the power of the Time Vortex running through her veins. Her hand reached towards the Doctor, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
"Please," Rose Tyler begged. "It's killing me." The light seemed to filter through her skin, growing brighter and brighter until he couldn't see anymore. He closed the door. Rose Tyler. The pink and yellow human who forced her way past every barrier and into his hearts forever. The last face his previous two bodies had seen. The girl he fell in love with after the Time War stopped him from thinking he could ever care again. The Bad Wolf. The Doctor turned around, placing a Do Not Disturb sign on the doorknob. Rose was gone, locked away in a parallel world with the man she loved, a man that he knew loved her with all his human heart. The Doctor walked away.
He had tried to make his peace with Rose's memory, but soon gave up, burying it deep within him and hoping, wishing that it would go away once he regenerated. But the longing, the pain, and the guilt had stuck with him, and his love for her stayed etched across his hearts. As he turned the corner, he locked his greatest fear away and hoped he would never revisit it again.
Please tell me what you think, I appreciate any and all feedback.