Arthur's Revenge

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin, etc.

Sequel to Arthur's Lesson. Arthur decides to teach his knights that he's boss. It doesn't exactly go to plan.

Part 1: Leon

Leon was running late. Arthur was particularly hard on them in training, though considering the events that took place a few nights ago, that wasn't surprising. Leon was still surprised at himself for doing something like that. If it had been anyone else but Merlin. He couldn't help it, he felt so protective of the young man.

He eased himself into a bath. His muscles ached, and he had to go to a dubbing ceremony later. As Arthur's second-hand man, it was expected of him. All he wanted to do was curl up and sleep. The warm water soothed him, and slowly Leon fell asleep.

Arthur waited until he heard snoring and slid out from under the bed. He felt cramped from having been curled up there for so long. He had to hurry; he didn't have as much time as he thought he had. He silently opened the wardrobe, keeping one eye on Leon, who was fast asleep. Arthur smiled. Leon would be the first but most definitely not the last.

Leon shot up out of the bath as he heard the bell toll. He was so late; Arthur was going to kill him! Leon clambered out of the now freezing water and ran to his wardrobe. He yanked the door open and stepped back in shock. It was completely empty, except for a single pink dress!

'Arthur!' he yelled. Leon frantically searched his chambers. There had to be something else he could wear. His search yielded no results. His mind raced. What was he going to do? He couldn't go to the ceremony in a dress! But Arthur said whoever missed it would spend a week in the stocks. Leon was not ready to test his resolve.

Sighing, Leon reached for the dress. He would put it on, and duck into one of the other knights' room. He quickly slipped into the dress and slowly opened his door. The corridor was deserted. He sprinted down the hall to Gwaine's room. It was locked. That was strange; the knights didn't usually lock their rooms. He tested Lancelot's, Elyan's, and Percival's. All locked.

'Arthur!' he cursed under his breath. He was going to kill his prince. He deliberated for a moment. What was more humiliating? Showing up to the ceremony in a dress or a week in the stocks. He felt the dress thing would be more embarrassing, but if he did that, Arthur would win. Of course, seeing Leon in a dress wasn't exactly losing. Suddenly, a third idea popped into his head. He just prayed Gaius hadn't left for the feast already.

Arthur was laughing and joking with the others, but his attention was on the door. He was waiting to see what Leon had decided. The dress or the stocks? He felt someone tap him on the shoulder. It was Gaius.

'Sire,' he began loudly, drawing the attention of people nearby. 'I'm afraid to say the Sir Leon is extremely ill. He is recuperating in my chambers, but it is quite impossible for him to attend the feast. I'm sure you'll excuse him, in light of the circumstances.' Arthur gritted his teeth. He could hardly throw a knight who the physician said was too ill in the stocks.

'Of course,' Arthur said stiffly. 'And pass on my wishes for him to rest until he is quite well again.' Gaius smiled and bowed, before taking his leave. Arthur looked around and saw Merlin smiling like the idiot he was.

'Merlin!' He yelled. 'Get me more wine!'

Leon turned as he heard the door open and close behind. Gaius had returned.

'Well?' He asked. Gaius raised an eyebrow.

'He said he hoped you get well soon.' Leon smiled. 'I don't appreciate being drawn into your childish games, Leon,' Gaius warned. Leon nodded meekly, but glanced up to see Gaius smothering a smile. He couldn't help it; he burst out laughing. If this was Arthur's first attempt, he couldn't wait to see what he had in store for the others.