The Story Of Liana: A Forgotten Cub

One day on the savannah Queen Kiara was giving birth to the heirs to the throne. The first born was a female named Kiki. The second was another female named Nima. The third cub was the only male named Kavu. The fourth and last cub was a female named Liana. Rafiki was there and predicted that Kiki would have violet eyes like her aunt Vitani but with light blue specks in them. Nima would be predicted to have aqua eyes like her grandmother Nala. Kavu was predicted to have his fathers emerald green eyes. Liana was predicted to have one aqua eye and one violet eye, both would have specks of amber.

Kovu went to his mates side and nuzzled her. "What beautiful cubs" he said. He nuzzled each of them. One by one they opened their eyes but Kiara and Kovu were most surprised by Liana's eyes. "She will have a rough past but a great future" Rafiki said. Everyone was fawning over the cubs but they were looking mostly at the first cubs to be born. Kiki, Nima, and Kavu. Liana was left out. The only people that took interest in her was Vitani and her grandmother Nala. Even Kiara and Kovu were more focused on the others than Liana. Did I mention that Liana was snow white cub. She was a very rare cub indeed. But everyone looked at her as though she was invisible. This was going to be a rough childhood indeed. But how rough will it get?


*A few days later*

The cubs were being presented today and Rafiki had sprinkled the sand on their heads one by one. They all sneezed. Except one. Liana. Everyone went quite as they were waiting for her to sneeze. She never did and so Rafiki took Kiki and held her up the highest to show she was going to be the next ruler. She got the loudest applause from her future subjects. Her next two siblings didn't get as much applause but they still got a lot. When Liana was presented she got only silence. No light shined on her showing she was not blessed by the Great Kings and Queens of the Past. Her parents were to busy fawning over her siblings to notice what was happening. "This is not good. This has to be a mistake." Rafiki said later while he was in his tree drawing Liana. "Mufasa what is happening why hasn't she been blessed?" Rafiki asked. "She has not been blessed because she has no path in life yet. She is a rare cub. She will be like Scar. A Forgotten Cub in the shadow of her siblings. We have yet to see what will happen in her life." Mufasa said. With that Rafiki thanked the Great Kings and Queens and went to sleep wondering what would be in store for the snow white cub.

Authors Note: Hey everyone! I'm back! This is my first TLK story with my own OC's in it. They will be listed on my profile under Lion King OC's. My other story will be continued as of now. I hope I get reviews for this one and my other one.

In everyone story I have from now on I will answer reviews at the beginning authors note. To anyone that will flame me please keep it to yourself or say it in a respectful manner.


P.S. I will do cliffhangers in this story so expect them!