"Lord, if Naruto wanted to use all of our messenger pigeons today, he should have let me know first…" Tsunade rested her cheek on her hand, leaning against her desk and drumming her fingers. "Still, it's nice that he wants to celebrate his birthday." She watched several pigeons from Kumogakure sweep into the Adminstration building and smiled.

A loud rap at her door stirred her from her thoughts, prompting her to order a stern "Come in." Her features softened, though, when Naruto pranced into the room. "Goood morning Granny Tsunade! You're invited to my picnic this sunset!"

Tsunade chuckled. "I'm surprised you're the one organizing this. You really have matured." Naruto paused and dropped to the floor on his knees.

"You've got to help me! You see… ahahe…"-Tsunade twitched-"I don't know anybody who can cook for forty-six people and Ichiraku's too small to fit everybody. Please!" Tsunade, watching Naruto bow several times in succession, pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Maybe I spoke too soon. But what am I supposed to do here?" Tsunade asked.

"Umm, err, remember that banquet a month or so back? Yeah maybe along the lines of about that—"

"So you want free catering," Tsunade summed up.

"Y-yeah… but it's only for forty-six people, I swear," Naruto said quickly. He watched Tsunade lean back in her chair and cross her legs, seeming to drag out the answer to torture Naruto.

"Alright. But only because you helped saved the world," Tsunade said with a wink.

"Thanks!" Naruto exhaled a huge sigh of relief, jumping up to hug Tsunade.

"Hey, you're a bit too close to my breasts. No matter how old you get I'll never let you do that!" She heard a snicker exit her door as she folded her arms across her chest with a soft smile.

Naruto stared at the chessboard intently, focused on his king piece. It was surrounded by Shikamaru's three knight pieces.

"I don't know how I got dragged into playing this with you," Naruto said with an eye cocked at his opponent. Shikamaru only laughed.

"I was hoping you'd be a good chess partner since you're actually clever in battle sometimes. Too bad this chessboard isn't gonna be all that useful now." The chessboard clattered as Shikamaru took the king into his hands, and, "Checkmate."

"Aw come on, Shikamaru. I love it! It's really cool-looking, all these fancy pieces and this funky square pattern thing. Where'd you say you got it, again?"

"Eh, it was something the Raikage showed me. He's fun to play chess with, but I'm too goddamn lazy to get my ass out of Konoha right now." Suddenly Shikamaru noticed Naruto pausing, thinking to himself. "What's up?"

"This is the second thing I've experienced from Raigakure... the first thing was something called pas teggi or something. I just call them 'Sasuke Noodles.'" At the last sentence, Naruto blushed.

"Speaking of that boy," Shikamaru said with a smirk, "when's the wedding?" Naruto sputtered and jabbed a finger into Shikamaru's face.

"Y-you too?!"

"I'm suspecting that this picnic of yours is going to be a surprise engagement of some sort," Shikamaru continued.

"Shut—shut up! It's just my birthday, that's all," Naruto said, hands on his hips.

"All right… when are you having it, again?"

"Hmph." Naruto huffed at Shikamaru's attempt to change the subject. "It's at sunset."

"Quite the romantic, Naruto." Shikamaru got a kick in the shin for that quip. "Say, this is your first celebration of your birthday ever, isn't it?"

A wide grin. "Yeah!" Naruto pumped his fist into the air. "I'm real excited for everyone to come and we'll have so much fun! For once I'll have a day all to myself... with no worries."

In the early evening, wooden tables with benches were carried out to a high, grassy mountain overlooking Konoha. The chefs, lacking ninja-like strength to transport the food to the scenic view, simply helped pass the ornate plating to the few shinobi who offered to help set up the picnic. The musicians were carried by animal summons.

"Hey, Lee-san…" Tenten said while peering at the sky above her.

"Yes?" Lee groaned, balancing a challenging amount of plates and bowls on his body as he marched up the slope.

"These clouds are kind of dark, don't you think?" The two paused to carefully inspect the darkening looming puffs hanging above.

"You're right… I should probably tell Naruto-kun," Lee said. He struggled over to Naruto, who was happily lifting a table on his back.

"Naruto-kun, I think there's going to be a storm coming," warned Lee.

"Ah, it'll go away soon. It's gotta! I mean… today's my birthday, so let's hope the gods are with us!" Lee retreated with a sigh with Tenten looking at him.

"I don't want to ruin Naruto-kun's day… if it turns out the weather does get better, he'd be mad at me," Lee said. Tenten peered at the sky once more and frowned.

"Hey everybody!" Naruto stood atop a table, amassing a sea of guests' attention on him. "I'm no good with words, but… I'm really, really happy you're all here!" His words were met with applause.

"I just want to say that today is super special to me. Not just because I was born on this day, but because all my friends are here and we're not trying to kill anybody for once." The ground shook with laughter. "S-so, so, I'll give a short little speech so we can get to the food!

"Without people, without you guys, I would've given up trying to find light. I've gone through a lot of pain my whole life…" Naruto said, clutching his chest. "... and a lot of loneliness. Now that I look back on it, I wasn't so lonely after all. I knew someone who was a lot like me, but I never really got to know him." Naruto looked at Sasuke.

"Then after that, I met other people who knew what I was going through." He looked at Iruka and Kakashi, too. "Then—" A drop of rain hit his hand. "Th-this is just light rain, right guys? Anyway, I met folks who pulled me out of that isolated hell—"

"Crap," Tenten muttered to Lee. Soon everyone was covering their faces with their arms.

"And I knew that still, somehow in people's hearts was light. That's why—" Naruto's voice soon was joined by rain pattering on the tables, "I love you guys." Braving sopping wet hair, everyone applauded loudly.

"Naruto, I don't think we can eat in this weather," Kakashi quietly said to Naruto.

"I know…" Naruto looked up at the sky with a blank face. He started to feel the clouds growing more agitated. "Aaand, because I love you guys, please go home! No need for anyone to be electrocuted here!" Naruto smiled weakly.

"Aww, I heard the food's just like that banquet…" The guests rapidly conversed with one another, and decided to move once they heard the clouds grumble.

"Bye Naruto! Happy birthday!"

"Maybe next time! See you!"

"Don't get hurt, alright, Naruto!"

Naruto was overwhelmed by the mass of happy birthday wishes. "You guys are awesome for coming! Later!" He quickly ran down the mountain to avoid anyone from seeing the look on his face.

"Dinner tonight? Ramen…" Naruto stooped over to pluck that ever-so-familiar cup of styrofoam from his stash of instant noodles. He plodded across the kitchen to his kettle, cursing when it refused to turn on. A crash of thunder struck the lights in the house into darkness. "Dammit."

Naruto's stomach growled, and Naruto figured he had to eat something. Digging deeper into his pantry, he found an opened bag of potato chips. He couldn't remember when he last ate from it, but he preferred that over the pain of eating uncooked instant ramen. Holding the plastic bag in his hand, he sighed and put it back. Maybe it was just better to sleep and ignore the hunger.

Naruto blindly walked back to his room, all the while bumping into walls, trying to silence the growing disappointment in him. At once he heard banging on his door.

"Who is it?" Only a roar and a flash greeted him through his window. He opened the door anyway.

"Usuratonkachi! You took forever to let me in," Sasuke said, hurrying inside with two huge lidded pots in his hands. Naruto stared back as Sasuke strode his way into the kitchen without fault.

"Um, Sasuke, if you haven't noticed there isn't any—"

"Light? Naruto, if you haven't noticed, I've mastered electricity chakra. We'll be fine." Sasuke set down the pots on Naruto's table and flipped a switch on. The room flooded with luminescence. Stunned, Naruto sat down across from Sasuke, who was bringing the plates and bowls he let Naruto keep in his cupboard to the table.

"You cooked all this…?" Naruto gazed at the steaming pots of food, confounded.

"Yeah. I didn't know if you wanted ramen or something else, since I heard the picnic would have non-ramen food… so I brought both ramen and, erm… 'Sauceke Noodles.'" Sasuke began ladling hearty portions for the two and they eat.

Over a mouthful of tomato sauce-drenched noodles, Naruto muffled, "Foo didn' haf foo do this." Sasuke grimaced, seeing red splatter onto the table and Naruto's cheeks. He picked up a napkin and wiped the sauce from Naruto's face.

"H-hey, what're you doing?"

"Cleaning you up since you always get into a mess," Sasuke answered. "Just eat, dobe, you're probably starving." Said dobe, never complaining about free food, gladly stuffed more Sauceke Noodles and ramen into his face—and suffered the occasional napkin wipe from his friend across him.

After their meal, Sasuke started to put his shoes on near the door. "Okay, it's getting pretty late… there's leftovers for tomorrow breakfast, so now I'll le—"

"No!" Naruto exclaimed abruptly, a little too abruptly. He cleared his throat. "Umm… the walk back is pretty far and you could get sick. So maybe you should, uh, spend the night at my place."

"Al-alright," Sasuke said hesitantly. "Where am I sleeping?"

"In my room," Naruto answered. He led him down the hallway.

"There's only one bed," Sasuke deadpanned.

"Err… you can sleep with me—or the floor," Naruto offered, adding the last bit rapidly.

"Your bed's probably more comfortable than this wooden floor." Sasuke turned off the lights, stripped off his clothes except his boxers, and climbed into Naruto's small bed. Naruto followed suit slowly, nervous about lying mostly nude next to his bedmate.

"Your body's warm," Naruto said awkwardly.

"Hmph," Sasuke replied. He shifted his head onto the pillow. "Oh yeah. Happy birthday, Naruto." Naruto looked up at the dark ceiling above.


"I've never had a birthday either," said Sasuke. "So I don't know how these things go about. I heard you're supposed to get presents." Naruto scoffed.

"I don't need those kinds of things, though what I've always really wanted from people was their presence." A deep sigh. "At least I got some of it today."

Sasuke looked at the boy, illuminated by moonlight, lying next to him. "I can give you a present," Sasuke said quietly. "But you have to tell me what you want." Their eyes met and they paused.

"Okay," Naruto said, "I want you to be completely honest with me."

"Ho…nest?" Sasuke asked.

"A hundred percent."

"About what?"

"About—" Naruto rubbed his neck, growling, "goddammit, you know what the hell I'm talking about."

Sasuke closed his eyes for a second, chuckling. "Well, then, you're going to suffer the consequences," Sasuke replied. "I was thinking of doing certain things to you while we were kissing yesterday."

"Wh-what things?" Naruto inquired, a bit afraid of the answer.

"And, to be a hundred percent honest, I would love—" Sasuke moved to lie atop of Naruto, pressing their boxers together—"to do certain things to you now."

Naruto gulped. Should he…? "You're gonna have to explain what these 'certain things' are," he dared, "since I'm obviously an idiot, you know." The two stared straight into each other's eyes, trying to decipher one another's messages.

"You were never really good with words. I might as well show you."

The bed whined a small creak as Sasuke stooped down and tenderly nipped at Naruto's earlobe, holding his hips down. Their groins were pressed together, and both moaned when Sasuke grinded gently onto him.

"Wha!—you're hard already," Naruto breathed, blushing even harder with this realization.

"And you aren't?" Sasuke teased. He sat up and lingered his head above Naruto's boxers, slipping them off at one pull.

"O-oi, you're not going to—aah," Naruto cut abruptly. Feeling Sasuke's hot mouth wrapped around him, he trembled noticeably, having never felt the head of his cock toyed with so lavishly by his hand or anyone, let alone Sasuke. Sasuke, encouraged by Naruto's agreeing moans of pleasure, took more of Naruto within his lips, soon tasting a bitterness of precum.

"Ah, Sasuke, you really don't," Naruto said between small pants, "have to do this…" He began bucking his hips instinctively, but Sasuke held them down to prevent choking on the deep throated member in his mouth. "I think… I'm going to—" He paused and stiffened, sighing contentedly as Sasuke continued sucking on his cock, lapping up every last of cum. Naruto, watching his lover lick his lips hungrily, widened his eyes and asked, "You actually, um, swallowed that?!"

"I want you," Sasuke said huskily. "More of you. It's my turn now."

"Could you be any more vague," Naruto answered wearily. He kicked off his boxers off the remainder of his legs, waiting for Sasuke to shed his off too. Sasuke, taking some of the cum-saliva mixture in his mouth, wet two of his fingers and placed on top of Naruto's entrance, prompting Naruto to spread his legs.

"This might hurt," Sasuke softly warned. He slowly pushed inside Naruto's shuddering buttocks, eliciting a satisfied, drawn out sigh. Naruto panted as he felt the fingers rub inside of him and withdraw, only to push back in again.

"It's not the first time I've had fingers there," Naruto chuckled, thinking of the Bell Test as a genin, "but this feels, aah, waaay better than that." Finally adjusted to the thickness of Sasuke's fingers, Naruto subconsciously moved his hips against them.

"You're getting a little greedy," Sasuke observed. He added another lubricated finger, burying the three deeper into Naruto's ass, to be met with the same enthusiasm of wanting more. "Geez, Naruto, if you want something, say it."

"Well, I want more of you," Naruto breathed. "Unless, heh, you don't have any more."

Sasuke smirked. "We're only getting started," he said as he pulled out his fingers, using them to wetten his own cock. Naruto waited impatiently, missing the feeling of Sasuke's warmth and tightness inside him. "Ready?" He leaned close to Naruto's face again, and pushed Naruto's legs out wider to accommodate his hips. Naruto wrapped his legs around Sasuke's waist in nervous anticipation. He nodded his head.

Onto the ring of Naruto's hole Sasuke tapped the tip of his cock gently, rubbing it in lazy circles. Naruto huffed. "Stop teasing, teme," he said to the challenging smile hanging above him. "If you're not going to put it in, I'll put myself on."

He was met with a playful chuckle. "As you wish, birthday boy." Naruto, trying to hold back yet another loud groan, braced himself as the wet head of Sasuke's member slid into his entrance. When half was in him already, he heard Sasuke ask above him, "You alright?"

"Yeah," Naruto said below him, "But what is this, two inches?" Naruto smirked at Sasuke's puzzled look. "Don't worry about me, bastard. Show me how you really feel," he growled. Sasuke and Naruto gazed at each other's eyes, both seeming to be the same color in the immense darkness surrounding them. Wordlessly, Sasuke thrust in to the hilt, drawing a pleasured cry from the boy underneath him. "Yes! GOD! Mmph!" Sasuke felt Naruto's ass clenching tightly around him, hungry for his cock; he felt some violent rocking against his hips as if Naruto simply couldn't get enough. Some primal heat overtook Sasuke, and he proceeded to bang the fuck out of his lover right then and there.

"Aah—fuck!—God—what the fuck—"

"Naruto, what the, fuck are you, trying to say!" Sasuke paused between words to plunge out and back in between Naruto's legs, each couple of syllables complemented by a dense gasp of air and a loud moan under him.

"HARDER, Sasuke!" Really, that command was unnecessary. Sasuke's rock-hard length was shamelessly pounding into Naruto's ass so forcefully and quickly that the squeaking of the mattress and thumping of the bed against the walls and their desperate pants for air drowned out the intermittent booms of thunder from outside.

"C'mere," Naruto whispered. Sasuke, whose vision was hardly obstructed by the darkness, devoured the sight of Naruto's face flushed with color and brushed with sweat, his eyes half-lidded and glazed over with a warm and drunken pleasure, his hair sticking out in odd places, clear signs of Naruto's tight and hurried grasps on it. Naruto's legs widened to welcome Sasuke's body leaning over his. Though the thrusts slowed down a bit—something's got to compromise here—there was something a bit more loving about their fucking. Something more than "fucking." Sasuke bent his head down, letting his nose touch Naruto's, and their lips melted into one another, in this sloppy and indecent and passionate kiss. Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's sturdy back, receiving Sasuke's pushes into him as if he were a baseball mitt catching a ball. It was natural. The two fit each other like two halves of a puzzle. And something hot and burning bloomed in Sasuke's chest, like he just realized he wasn't just having a frenzied fuck-session but more like—

"Naruto, I love you," he muttered softly into Naruto's cheek. Naruto froze for a second, eyes widened huge.

"You've got no clue how long I've wanted to hear that."

Naruto moaned as Sasuke thrust in a bit more forcefully than the pace they had established, with a bonus of a nipping at his ear. "Come with me," Sasuke bit out quickly. He rocked deep into Naruto a couple more times, and the two stiffened, Naruto's ass tightening onto Sasuke in a delightfully sluttish and sinful way. Onto Naruto's tiny bed they collapsed, panting with the warm afterglow of sex.

"Oh… geezus, Sasuke," Naruto sighed. "That was—wait a second, you didn't just, umm…"

"Nope, I did," Sasuke said with a leering smile.

"You… in me?!"

Sasuke drew his fingers into Naruto's hole, and withdrew them, showing they were coated with cum. "Want proof?"

Naruto was too tired to shoot back some indignant reply, so he just smiled and beckoned Sasuke closer to his face. "Happy birthday to me."