"Uh, Tunnel-rat?" C.C. whispered.


"What's the ninja boy doing?"

Snake eyes was in the back of the Coyote with his legs crossed. Duke was now driving with Scarlett in the front passenger seat and Roadblock and Tunnel-rat in the two seats behind, leaving C.C. in the back occasionally glancing at the man who has yet to move an inch for the past ten minutes.

The private sighed. "Meditating, I think. The funny thing is that one time we caught him sleeping in that exact position."

"Uh, huh. You think he's sleeping now?"

"Who knows? I wouldn't bother him though."

C.C. groaned slightly. They have been driving for several hours in relative silence. It was pretty safe to say C.C. was bored. The Joes plus C.C. were successfully avoiding the main roads. Well, until now.

Duke once again put on the camouflage on the Coyote and eased on to the highway. At this moment, the air in the vehicle was tense. For one, they were now out in the open exposed in a heavily populated area, as wanted criminals.

'Just a few more miles until we get into Alabama,' C.C. thought with anticipation. She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose to relax herself. A few moments later, C.C. heard tires screeching and was jerked out of her seat.

She stumbled up towards the front, ready to kick the driver's ass for the unexpected pain.

"WHAT! THE! H-" She stopped mid sentence to see army trucks and police cars blocking the road ahead.

One man stepped out of a vehicle with a megaphone and said, "We have you surrounded, Duke! All of you come out with your hands up or we'll come in by force!"

Duke tensed and gripped the wheel.

"Duke...?" Scarlett said, warily.

With adrenaline surging through his veins, he slammed on the gas pedal and rammed through the blockade.

"Anyone got a plan?!" Tunnel-rat exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't get caught," C.C. said, nonchalantly.

"It's not that simple when you have several armored trucks and police vehicles chasing you!" Scarlett called out.

"We need to find a way to get these guys off our backs. Now!" Roadblock yelled.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came through and three heads snapped to the back of the Coyote. Snake eyes had opened the back doors and motioned for C.C., Tunnel-rat, and Roadblock to come.

C.C. grinned. "I like your style." She aimed her gun at the tires and fired. The truck behind started to swerve and eventually stopped, causing the others to follow like so.

The small victory, however was cut short when several more managed to evade the crash and started to fire their weapons.


Laser fire whizzed past the Joes and went through the windshield.

"Oh, hell no," Roadblock muttered. The attack continued.

"That's it! I've been shot at more than enough today!" C.C. rummaged through her bag and pulled out two grenades. A black glove stopped her from throwing them.

"Different type of grenade, dumb ass," she said before chucking them in front of two police cars. A bright flash radiated from the grenades. Like the first truck, they both swerved out of control disabling the vehicles behind them.

"Flash grenades. Gotta love 'em," she mused to herself.

Up ahead, a bridge was currently being raised up.

"Duke, slow down," Scarlett said.


"Duke, it's too high up for us to jump!"

He glanced at Scarlett and pressed harder on the gas.


Whether it was a miracle or just plain luck, the Coyote sailed in midair and roughly landed on the other side. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ho-ly shit," C.C. stuttered.

Night had fallen and the Joes (excluding Snake eyes) sat in the Coyote somewhere in the backwoods of Alabama. Roadblock was listening to music on his Ipod, Scarlett was once again buried in documents upon documents about COBRA, Tunnel-rat just sat idly doing nothing in particular and Duke and C.C. were tending to the fire.

"Sooooo. You wanna tell me who that guy was or do I have to guess for myself?" C.C. asked.

"...That was Flint. He's the man Abernathy sent to capture us," he said quietly.

"Abernathy, Abernathy, oh yeah! That's the guy my supervisor wanted me to join," she mumbled to herself.


"Before I was discharged, my superior officer gave me the choice of either helping General Abernathy put you guys in prison or get kicked out of the army. I chose the latter, of course."


"Well, for one I really didn't like my supervisor. He's such a dick. Two, I know you guys didn't blow up that facility. Call it 'intuition' if you will."

Duke gave an amused smile. "How brazen of you."

"Get used to it."

"What did you do to tick him off anyway?"

C.C. sighed, "Look I would love to play 20 questions with you, but right now I just want to get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright then. Goodnight, Chandler."

"Right back at you."

She unceremoniously laid on her back and stared up at the night sky. 'I must be freaking crazy. Totally insane,' she thought. Sleep washed over soon after.