I wanted to upload this story once I finished one of my others, but I really wanted to upload it and see if I should continue before I wrote more. This is my first proper 1st person story, there will be some similarities between this and my one-shot Red Sky At Night. Because this story was originally going to be the one-shot but I continued it. Anyway on with the story! I hope you enjoy it. x

Prologue: Fractured Moonlight

Melanie and Richard Carter walked into the fortune-teller's tent at the fair ground. Melanie was now 8 months pregnant, and hysterically excited about meeting her baby in the next month. Through pure boredom of waiting for the due date they decided to go to the fair, despite her not being able to do much except for eating candyfloss.

Upon walking in they were greeted with a mystical feeling in the tent, and for council members they knew what it was. It wasn't very common for a witch to actually go into this field unless they weren't very good at casting spells. They sat at the table and waited for the witch to speak. The middle aged woman held out her hand and smiled.

"I expect that you wish to know your baby's future?" Melanie smiled and nodded as she stroked her bump. "Give me your hands then…"

The witch held out her bejewelled hands and cupped Mel's palms. She began to mumble and she closed her eyes. A breeze picked up the curtains of the tent as she continued to mumble under her breath. Richard squeezed his wife's shoulder as they waited for her to tell them. Suddenly the witch's eyes opened widely her face filled with fear. Mel and Richard expected the worse.

"A prima dreamer destined to dance with the original blooded devil…She brown and gold whereas his skin is cold. Bound for one another and there is no escape…" Her lips quivered and her eyes watered. "You know of what I speak"

Mel burst into tears as both Richard and the witch stared at the bump containing the little girl. The positive mood in the room had now gone only silence and fear remained.

May's POV~

I had just finished baking a cake when my husband walked into the kitchen. We'd moved in with my daughter and son-in-law, ready for the arrival of our little grandchild. I already believed that the little bundle of joy in Mel's stomach was a blessing; it'd brought me and my daughter close again. After years of an unhealthy relationship, the day Mel came to me and announced her pregnancy was the beginning of the path to a better and repaired relationship.

To be honest I didn't blame her for hating me; I'd been the dark horse of the family since I was young, even when Mel was a child. But now I was going to be a grandparent, my excuse to change and for the better.

As I put the kettle on I heard bickering from the hall, I went to investigate immediately. Mel and Richard were talking intensely and she looked as if she'd been crying. They didn't notice my presence in the doorway.

"We have to get rid of it Rich! It's a curse on us!" Mel whimpered into a tissue. I raised my eyebrows as she turned towards me.

"What happened dear?" I asked and stepped forward to hug her but she pushed me away.

"It's your entire fault that we have this curse of a child! As soon as it's born she's going!" My mouth and heart dropped before rage kicked in.

"You are not getting rid of my grandchild!" I stated firmly, how they could even say such a thing!

"It's a monster May! We've been told by a fortune teller!" Rich barked back.

"A fortune teller? How could you believe that crap! This is a life you're talking about! You're baby!" I replied sternly, scowling at my son-in-law. He believed that just because he was on the council he had rights, but he wasn't going to take my grandchild away from me!

"It was a witch mother! They said she's bound to a vampire and there's no escape" I felt a sting in my heart as they mentioned 'vampire'. I hated they prejudice towards vampires, and anyone close to one or had been would also.

The heated argument was only stopped by my husband, and for the upcoming weeks there was nothing but cold stares between us all. When the day finally came I couldn't even recall a day that I was happier. The whole journey to the hospital I clutched onto my husband's free hand as he drove, we followed Richard's car after being forbidden to ride with them. As he parked I hoped that everything was going to be ok. I looked towards him.

"Do you think I'll be able to be in the room?" I asked with a shaky voice, he patted the back of my hand.

"You make sure your in there, don't take no for an answer! One of us has to be in there, as tradition. Now hurry!" He replied before kissing my lips. He was such a sweet man.

I rushed out of the car and ran across the car park towards the entrance. Luckily I caught up with them just in time as they wheeled Mel into her room. They ignored my presence and forced me to sit outside. I cursed under my breath as they got backed up by the staff. I listened to the screams and crying of my daughter. I held back my tears as I realized I'd miss everything. Suddenly I heard Mel screaming out.

"I WANT MY MOTHER! GET HER IN HERE!" Without hesitation I burst in and barged past the midwives. I grabbed my daughters hand and whispered encouraging words, as any 'almost' grandmothers would. Richard scowled at me from the corner, hating my every breath. For a moment I forgot everything; that they wanted rid of the baby, how they hated me, everything was forgotten between me and Mel. And it was a beautiful moment. As the staff got the entire equipment ready, I knew the time was near.

I final scream of Mel and there was cheering and crying. I kissed her forehead and praised her before letting the tears roll. To everyone's surprise Mel didn't want to hold the baby and neither did Richard. The ecstasy of the room had fallen into tension and awkwardness until I stood up.

"I'll hold her" The nurse smiled with relief as I cradled the little bundle of joy in my arms. As she flickered her eyes up to me I couldn't believe how beautiful she was, her brown eyes reflecting the hospital lights as I stared into them. My fingers carefully stroked her golden hair as she smiled up to me, something that Mel never did when she was born. It was magical, the instant connection me and the little girl. It was like we were the same for a moment.

"Any names?" The nurse chimed in but the parents ignored her and stared at me, as if to give me permission to name her. After a few minutes I smiled at the name choice, I looked up to the nurse.

"Her name is Jane…"

The little girl seemed pleased at the name choice as she gripped onto my finger. I then realized something, that I and Jane weren't so different. She was bound to be with a vampire and I had loved one. And I decided that I wouldn't let Mel or anyone destroy fate. The room became clouded with chatter and noise, but I didn't look up to see what was going on. I kissed her forehead and whispered into her little ear.

"I'll look after you little Jane…I promise"

Please review and tell me what you think so far and if I should continue.