Mr. & Mrs. Moon

Chapter 11: The Unforgettable Ball Part 2

Previously On Mr. & Mrs. Moon

"Hey what is the meaning of all of this?"

"You are a part of our plan to get revenge on Austin, Ally, Trish and Dez."

"Why what did they do to you?"

"They made us embarrass ourselves in front of the whole world.."

"Look we know Ally's smart enough not to drink the drinks being served so you are going to offer her these."

"And let we guess those two cans of soda are spiked with soda and drugs that will poison Ally enough to put her in the hospital but not kill her."


"And if I don't do it you're going to kill me because you are insane."


"Well guess what I would rather die than to help you poison Ally + M.J. One & Two."

"You've got some guts to say that Dallas Anthony Kingston but you would really die for two teenagers you barely know."

"Austin & Ally are my best friends and I would rather die than to betray them."

"Alright Till you heard him."

And in that same moment Trent untied the ropes while Tilly pulled the trigger. The insane couple toward above the teenage boy as they watched him take his last breath before leaving the room to start plan B. Dallas blood following them as they walked out of the room.

Nobody's POV

While Trent & Tilly were working on their part of the plan in Miami, Val was working on hers in Texas. They knew that nothing means more to Austin than family and friends + Ally. Val knew that if she had someone Austin loves he would do whatever it takes to keep that someone safe. She knew that it would be difficult to capture Aaron or Aubri seeing as they are Adults or Ara as heavily protected as she is by Mike and Mimi. With all of that in mind she realized that the only person left was Mickie because she is only 3 and very easy to trick. Meanwhile with Tilly and Trent they knew the only way to get Ally to drink the sodas is to get Dez to give them to her since Trish would see right through it.

In Miami

"Dez I'm really worried about Dallas."


"Because he told me that he had to use the bathroom and he'd be right back 45 minutes ago."

"Dez go cheek the bathroom and see if Dallas is in there."

"Okey Dockey."

While Dez was walking back to the Gym Tilly approached him in costume with two Dr. Peppers (Ally's Fav), one Pepsi (Trish's Fav) and one Diet Coke (Dez's Fav).

"Hey dude."


"So my friends and I were just hanging but we brought to many sodas. Why don't you and your friends have them."

"Cool thanks."

"No problem."

"Idiot," Tilly mumbled as she walked back to her boyfriend.

"Did you give him the sodas?"


"Her being drunk and high at the same time should do it."

"Yes. Now let's have some fun."

In Texas

"Hi is this Olivia Erickson?" Val asked as Mimi's mother opened the door

"Yes. Who is this?"

"My name is Vicky Connors from Mackenna Moon's daycare. I need to speak with her for a minute outside."

"Um sure. Mickie sweetie can you come down here for a minute."

"Am I in trouble Nana?"

"No this nice lady wants to talk to you for a minute."


"So Mickie the boys who have been picking on you wanted me to tell you that there sorry and they got you something."

"Really where is it?"

"It's in the trunk of my car. Why don't you grab it."


Just as Mickie crawled into the trunk Val shut the door and drove away.

Back In Miami

"Dez did you find Dallas."

"Nope but I did bring you guys some sodas."


"He's probably outside on the phone with Kira or something."

"Yeah probably."

The night wore on and about an hour after she finished the second soda she was showing signs of being drunk/high. And the last ten minutes of the dance the drugs and alcohol caused her to pass out. While carrying Ally out to Dez's car they noticed a pool of blood.

"Wow they really went all out. The fake blood looks so real."

"Dez I don't think that's fake."

"Let's follow it."


"It's all coming from this classroom."

"Here hold Ally. I'll see what's inside the room," Trish told Dez as she opened the door to see Dallas.

"Oh there's Dallas."

"Dez he's dead call 9-1-1-. I'll call Austin & Kira."

In Ireland

"Let's give up for my good friend and my bosses daughter Kira Star singing her new song Rush," Austin announced.

Into your head, into your mind
out of your soul, race through your veins
You can't escape, you can't escape.

Into your life, into your dreams,
Out of the dark, sunlight again.
You can't explain, you can't explain.

Can You feel it, can you feel it,
Rushin' through your hair,
Rushin' through your head,
Can you feel it, can you feel it,

Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.

Pulling you in, SPINNING you 'round,
Lifting your feet right off the ground,
You can't believe it's happening now.

Can You feel it, can you feel it,
Rushin' through your hair,
Rushin' through your head,
Can you feel it, can you feel it,

Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.

It takes you to another place,
imagine everything you can.
All the colors start to blend,
Your system overloads again.

Can You feel it?

Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try.

Don't let nobody tell you,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don't let nobody tell you,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Don't let nobody tell you, your life is over,
Be every color that you are,
Into the rush now,
You don't have to know how,
Know it all before you try

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

After the concert and CD signing Stacie ran up to him and Kira out of breath.

"Mr. Moon, Ms. Star, I'm sorry to bother you but your phones have been blowing up for the past hour and a half."

"Thanks Stace."

As Kira & Austin looked down at there phones the saw 30 missed calls from Trish & Dez. Austin called Trish's phone and put it on speaker..

"What's up Trish?" Austin asked.

"Yeah what's going on?" Kira followed.

"I'll explain more when latter but you guys have to come back to Miami. Ally is in pre-mature labor and Dallas was shot and killed."


I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. I had bad writers block and school/trying to find a job. I will try to post the next chapter in a few days but until than...

Brittney Out! :) 3 :P