Note: Only the first chapter is in first person POV. The rest is in third person.
I can't believe it… Why? We were so close…dad….Goku…
In front of me, is a monster… a monster that took everything away from me. I stare at him loathingly, hating him more now that he wears the attires of both my father and Goku. He hovers in mid-air with his blazing aura wildly fluctuating, laughing loudly at my hopeless expression.
"Hmmm, it looks like you're the only one left." His frown showed exactly what he thought of that. He was disappointed. Displeased that even at my full power, I wouldn't give him much of a challenge. Of course, I knew that. I wasn't stupid. If the fusion between the most powerful beings in the universe failed, what can I do? He'd squash me like an insect with a flick of his wrist. I growled with rage, though in the inside I felt absolutely terrified… and completely alone. So alone…
He laughed again, practically smelling my fear. "So my daughter-"
"Don't you dare say that! You are no father of mine!" I cut in. He did the same thing to Gohan when he took his little brother and Piccolo.
He laughed once more. "As you wish Bra. Now any last words before I end your life and blow this useless planet?"
"Why kill me? Wouldn't absorbing me please you more? Since your so power-hungry!" I spat out. Why did I say that?
"Absorb you? Don't be ridiculous! I have all the power I need! Taking you in would do nothing for me." He said boringly. "I think killing you would be much more satisfying anyways."
That did it. I couldn't listen to his disgusting voice any long, so I hastily transformed into a Super Saiyan and burst towards him madly, giving him the strongest strike in the face I could muster. Of course it was fruitless. Of course he didn't flinch and of course he just swatted me away. Upon landing on the ground roughly, I instantly reverted back to my normal state. Yeah, that's how powerful he is.
"Foolish girl, I think I've postponed your death long enough. Goodbye!" He bawled out, rapidly charging a small pink ki ball.
Heh at least he isn't going to do an overkill… I smiled bittersweetly, happy that I was going to see my family and friends In Otherworld.
Those were my last thoughts as the blast scorched my body.
"Please be alive…"
I heard a familiar voice echo through my mind, slightly making me aware. Shortly after I pick up a sigh of relief, a sudden warm sensation goes thoroughly over my entire body. Just like that, my eyes snap open, my vision complete restored. I speedily shot up, my bright aquarium eyes wildly scanning the area. My sight then land on…Dende…I forgot he was still alive… wait! So that means-
"How long have I been out?" I asked abruptly.
The green Namekian looked at me solemnly before responding. "For a while, I'd say about over an hour."
"Where is Buu?"
He shook his head. "I don't know, once he blasted you, he just kinda disappeared almost like he used Instant Transmission."
I pondered on what Dende said. Why would he do that? I thought he was going to blow up the planet…
The Namek then turned around and picked up something from the grassy ground. The long object shined brightly, the sun's solar energy being the cause of it. My sword…
"I found it resting on the ground nearby, it must have been knocked out when Buu swatted you away." Great I was hoping nobody had seen that…
He handed it to me, which I took swiftly and tossed it into the air expertly. It twisted and twirled before landing in its rightful place, on the scabbard strap to my back.
"Bra… listen… you need to get out of here and I know a way how."
"What's the point? Everyone's dead! I think you and me are the only ones left on the entire planet! Face it Dende, you should have just let me die…"
"Listen please, as you know I'm the overseer of this planet. While on the lookout, I overheard your mother talking about some kind of time machine."
This perked my interest. "Time machine?"
"Yes, she had been creating one for a long time now. I bet she finished it." He can't be serious! Is that even possible? If so, why didn't she tell me before?
"Bra, you should get going to Capsule Corp. and use it. Maybe you can go to another time and prevent this from ever happening. It might not affect this timeline but at least you could change the past there!"
Even though I believed this was completely ridiculous, I might as well give it a shot. I got nothing to lose right? So I nodded. "Okay, but you're coming with me."
Before he could protest, I hurriedly grabbed Dende's arm and blasted off into the sky to my mother's home. Could this actually work?
As soon as we arrived to our destination, I burst through the main doors, heading straight to my mother's lab with Dende following closely behind. I punch in the code and did a retinal scan to access the lab and then began my search for the time machine the Namekian spoke of. I couldn't find it.
"Are you sure-"
"Yes! Look harder, she probably has it in a capsule! You of all people should know that!"
I slapped my forehead at my stupidity and headed to where the capsules are. Upon finding them, I started scanning through each label, hoping to find something that said secret project, seeing as how my mom would never be stupid enough to put the name 'time machine' on a project that could fall in the wrong hands. As I read through hundreds of capsules, I finally landed on ten of them that are labeled project 1 through 10 respectively. Unable to decide on which to open first, I angrily picked all of them up and tossed them to the glossy floor. They all poofed upon landing and revealed… useless unfinished projects.
"Damn it! Where it the blasted thing!" Ha I sounded just like my father.
"Maybe this is it…" Dende, who was behind me looking through another rack of capsules, said. As I turned around and looked at the tiny thing, my eyes widened with horror yet relief. Yes you guessed it; the stupid thing was in fact labeled 'time machine'… in bold letters might I add.
Whatever. I grabbed the small white object and tossed it on the floor and it went poof just like the others. Yes, this was differently it…
The machine looked strange to say the least. It looked like a four legged spider thing except it had a large clear glass dome on top of it, probably to protect the user. Attached to its sides were four medium size rockets and the whole machine was colored yellow, black and turquoise.
I noticed something else just then. It was only big enough to fit one person. Dende, also realizing this, smiled sadly. "It's okay I'll-"
A sudden blast hit the top of the round building, causing the floor to rumble violently. I paled when I recognized who it was. So did Dende.
"Hurry! Go in now!"
I nodded and before I opened the small glass dome, I smiled slightly. "Thanks Dende…I'll never forget you."
He returned the smile as I then hopped into the cockpit. Before I could close the dome, I heard Buu yell loudly. "I don't know how you survived my blast but this time I will make sure you are dead!" I then felt a large amount of ki gathering and it just kept on getting bigger and bigger. I panicked and quickly closed the dome and pressed a large red button that was most likely the power. The machine hummed loudly before a female's mechanical voice spoke. "Please input timeline destination." Now I felt screwed, I didn't know what time to input… hell I didn't even understand the numbers! It wasn't listed as days, months or years. What the hell mom!
As Dende stood bravely, excepting his soon to be demise, I felt Buu finally let loose the energy ball.
Fuck it! I pressed all the numbers at once and then pressed the green start button. The machine blasted into the air abruptly, shattering the top of Capsule Corp.'s roof. Once I was in the open sky, I saw the humongous pink beast of an energy ball crush my home, completely obliterating it. The ball continued to dig deeper and deeper, heading right into the Earth's core. Radical winds howled and whipped at the glass hatch door causing me to flitch. I heard something that sounded like 'no' come from Buu but it was too late. The machine began to violently shake, entering some kind of warp mode, becoming somewhat transparent. A sudden strong tremor hurled me upwards, causing me to hit my head on the glass roughly.
I gasped in pain before everything went dark.
A/N: Hey guys! Here is my very first Dragon Ball Z Fanfic. I was inspired by an author that goes by the name "Piccolo is Green". The story is titled "Till Death Do Us Part" and even though it has been hiatus for about 2 years, it's still worth giving it a read. It's amazing!
It has the strange pairing of Goku and Bra, which is exactly how this story will play out. Because of this, Goku WILL be OOC after the first few chapters of the story (starting chapter 5) If you're not a fan of these couples, then this is not the story for you.
This story starts from the Android Saga and finishes at the end of the Majin Buu Saga.
Anyways, I hope some of you found this interesting! I have a lot of plans for this story and I sure hope to see them come true. The other chapters shouldn't be as short as this one, seeing as how this is the first chapter and all.
MAJIN BUU SAGA ...current
(Posted: 8-19-2013)
(Revised 8-24-2013)
(1/1/2019) Table of Contents added.