Tloj: Alright, final story. Enjoy.
Story Notes:
Please note that Robo Knuckles and Metal Sonic are described from pictures I found on the net. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find a Shadow Android picture. The best I got was a description of 'different colored Shadow Androids,' and a list of colors. So I went with the orange one, because orange is one of my favorite colors. I assume that he looks exactly like Shadow but with orange stripes instead of red. Anyway, he does now. RR, please.
Author's Chapter Notes:
My disclaimer for the story: I do not own anything Sonic related. I do own Zombie, Maria, and the organic alter-versions of Metal Sonic, Robo Knuckles, and Shadow Android.
I cannot believe this!
After the baby minions fiasco, I had thought things would go back to normal. I was wrong. For some reason, Eggman thought it was our fault that he couldn't control toddlers. For the record, it wasn't our fault, it was his—but try telling him that and he'd disassemble you.
So, as punishment for 'failing' him, we had to clear out his lab of all his non-working junk so he could fill it with even more non-working junk. Most of his punishments included us doing menial labor that he didn't want to do himself.
It wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't insisted that Robo Knuckles and Shadow Android help out. I would be DONE by now if not for Tweedledee and Tweedledum shoving their noses in every bloody corner and trying to 'rescue' broken items from the incinerator. Stuff that NOBODY could use.
"Look at this!" Robo Knuckles had two little piles of junk labeled, 'keep' and 'dump.' The Keep pile was the size of the state of Manhattan, and the Dump pile had a small object that appeared to be half a rusty bolt as its sole inhabitant.
"Do you know what this IS!?" The insistent robot shoved the item in his hand in Shadow Android's face. Shadow Android yanked back and his ion cannon activated automatically.
"Gah!" he yelled. "Get that dead mouse out of my face!"
"It's not a dead mouse," Robo Knuckles chided him. "It's Kevin. Say hi, Kevin."
Kevin just laid there like a dead mouse. Robo Knuckles poked his belly and shrugged, tossing him on the Keep pile like a sack of potatoes.
Kevin didn't mind; he was too dead to notice the harsh treatment.
"This is degrading," Shadow Android muttered. "Why are we always the ones who get stuck on garbage duty?"
"I hear this is why Omega went rogue," Robo Knuckles whispered conspiratorially.
I cocked my head. "That information is incorrect. You made that up."
"Did I, Metal Sonic? Did I?"
Shadow Android scratched his head, his programming telling him to emulate the gesture used by organics to portray confusion. "You told me Omega went rogue because the microwave blew up and he couldn't eat his hot coco with marshmallows," he said.
"Did I, Shadow Android? Did I?"
"Besides, we robots do not eat or drink. There was no reason for Omega to get upset about hot coco," I added.
"Well, maybe he was upset because he couldn't drink it," Robo Knuckles suggested.
"This whole conversation is stupid!" Shadow Android snapped, throwing the object he had been holding. It bounced off of Robo Knuckles' Keep pile, knocking it over. It was positioned so that several of the items went into the incinerator, chief of which was Kevin.
"NO!" Robo Knuckles rushed to the blazing inferno, but it was too late. He dropped to his knees and sobbed, "Why does things like this keep happening to me!?"
Shadow Android sighed. "Get up, you Drama Robot."
Robo Knuckles whirled and pointed an accusatory finger at Shadow Android. "You did this!" he yelled. "You KILLED Kevin! You monster!"
"The rat was already dead, you moron!" Shadow Android yelled back.
"He's not a rat, he's a mouse!" Turning back to the incinerator, Robo Knuckles sniffled and said, "Fare thee well, Kevin. Thy memory shalt live on forever inside my memory banks. Good bye," his vocal chip seeming to break, he whispered, "Old friend." Then he started sobbing.
"Oh, please," Shadow Android muttered.
You see, this is why I hate working with those two.
I sighed and started to pick up more trash, when I noticed a large, metal object standing off to the side.
"Look," I said. "It's Eggman's original baby machine."
Robo Knuckles and Shadow Android stopped what they were doing (which was nothing) and came over to me.
"Was it always that big?" Robo Knuckles wondered.
"How are we going to get that into the incinerator?" Shadow Android mused.
"The sooner we get to work, the sooner we'll get it over with," I said. "Come on, and let's all lift it."
Shadow Android and I each grabbed a side and started trying to pick it up. Robo Knuckles, the ingrate, climbed inside.
"I'll steer," he said.
"Get off of that!" Shadow Android snapped. "You can't steer, there aren't any wheels!"
"Then I'll sit here and pretend to steer," Robo Knuckles suggested.
"If you don't get off of there THIS INSTANT I'm going to wring your scrawny little hard drive!" Shadow Android snapped, lunging at Robo Knuckles.
Robo Knuckles yelped and jumped back, hitting a big red button as he fell out of the machine and hit the ground. In an instant, Shadow Android was on him.
I sighed and started to pull them apart, when the machine whirred to life. None of us could move out of the way in time as a pinkish/white glow surrounded us.
I feel like I'm going to throw up. The blast must have temporarily caused me to go off-line, and I'm just now rebooting. I sat up and moaned slightly.
"Owies. Dat is hurtin'." My eyes widened. Is that…my voice? Something must be wrong with my vocal transistors…
All of a sudden I noticed my hands. They weren't hard metal anymore. They were soft…and fuzzy…and…organic? What the daisy is going on here!?
I stumbled to my feet and noticed two organic toddlers who were just starting to wake up.
The one to the left looked a good deal like Knuckles had when we infantized him, only he had a white mark that looked like an arrow running down his forehead. He had five deadlocks that were styled sticking single-file down the back of his head, each with a white streak in the middle of each. He had no gloves, and the areas on Knuckles that were a pale skin color was a silver grey on this toddler. He had green eyes.
Next to him was a nearly exact copy of toddler Shadow, except instead of red highlights he had orange ones. Also, his bracelets were thinner and more copperish than Shadow's.
The Shadow look-alike looked at me and his crimson red eyes widened. "Who is you?" he asked in an adorable voice. "Where Mekal Soni?"
Mekal…does he mean Metal Sonic? I'm Metal Sonic! Who is this kid? Where is Robo Knuckles and Shadow Android?
I was about to sound the alarm when I caught my reflection in Eggman's machine. I looked stunningly like Sonic, only my quills were stylized into a star form, exactly five quills. Each quill had a silvery white streak through the middle. Instead of a peach colored center, I had a yellow circle on my chest. My eyes were red and like the red echidna I had a silver mouth and hands.
"I is o-gani baby!" I shrieked in my high pitched voice. Boy, is that voice ever getting on my nerves. Still, it has to do for now. I pointed at the Shadow doppelganger and cried, "You Shadoo Anwoid?"
Shadow Android—I'm certain that's who he is—cocked his head to the side. "How knowie nameys?"
By now, Robo Knuckles had come to his senses and was looking us both over. He clapped his hands and squealed, "Babies! I keepies all!" then he rushed over and tried to give both of us a super hug at the same time.
Shadow Android's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. "We babies!" he gasped. "Onwy Wobo Nukies dat stupi."
Robo Knuckles blinked, then he looked down at himself. He gave a high pitched squeak and jumped three feet off the ground. Then he grinned. "Me am cutsie. I wuvvies me." And he gave himself a hug.
Yeah, that's Robo Knuckles.
"Now what's we goin' doies?" Shadow Android asked. Both of the former machines turned and looked directly at me.
"Well?" Robo Knuckles prompted.
I opened my mouth—yeah, I got a mouth, how about that—but before I could answer a SWATbot entered the room and his sensors found us.
"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" It called, grabbing the three of us and dragging us outside, where he threw us less-than-gently on the rather hard ground.
"Owchies!" Robo Knuckles cried as the SWATbot went back into the base and shut the door.
"How bouties dat," Shadow Android said, rubbing his bottom, where he'd landed. "We getties kick out our own housey!"
"Dat no fair!" Robo Knuckles said, stomping up to the doorway and kicking it. Then he yelped and started hopping up and down on his other foot. "Owchies more!" he cired.
"Mowon," Shadow Android muttered.
As usual, I'm the only one who bothers to try to figure out a solution. The problem is, this time I have absolutely no idea how to fix this.