Ran looks unsure as Master Fung explains to her and Shinchi about Conan's power and what he'll be doing at the temple.

"I don't know... Conan's been kind of weird this past month, I'm not sure it's good to let him leave."

"It is your choice to allow him to train with us, it would be a great help if he would come with us." Master Fung says leaving out that Omi would die; he goes back into the room to let her and Shinchi talk.

"I think it would be a good idea." Shinchi starts. "Conan-kun needs a break from everything and I think that this would be good, plus he did say something about getting better." Ran hums. "We can visit and call him if you're worried." Seeing that she still looks unsure he places his hand on her shoulder. "Look, Conan-kun's confused and I think this would be a good release for him, he'd be with a friend and he'd be saving the world from evil. I know it's hard to believe but I'm sure he'll be fine." Ran bites her lip and sighs.

"I'm still not sure but... if it's really what Conan-kun wants then I won't stop him." Being together Conan and Omi both made a fast recovery, Conan decided he wanted to leave all his stuff at the agency except for a picture of him and the Mori's including Eri as a symbol that he'd come back when everything is over. He found riding on Dojo's back to be almost sickening but Omi's conversion took his mind off most of it.

"So uh... where am I sleeping?" He says looking at the small living spaces.

"You, young monk, will be sleeping with Omi, you two will need to be close to each other at all times until you get use to your powers. The more time you two spend together the more you will be able to spend apart." Conan nods and grits his teeth feeling electricity rip through his body again.

"And about this... pain... how will you get rid of it?" Master Fung smiles.

"You and Omi will be having a match tomorrow to relief your energy."

"Tomorrow?" Conan questions, it's only around evening, he still isn't feeling 100% but he needed to rid himself of this pain. "Can't we do it now? I don't think I can sleep with this feeling… it hurt, sir." Omi grabs Conan's shoulder.

"Master, please, I swear I will go easy on him… since he is new." Conan raises his eye brows.

"Easy on me? How do you know I'm not just as good a fighter as you?" Through the years of living with the Mori's Conan had picked up a few things from Ran, although he only knows a few things other than the basics.

"Because you are new therefore I am better than you!" The yellow monk grins as he continues to boost himself; Conan gives him a playful little smirk starting to feel rather good about the thought of fighting him.

"Okay then… let's fight, see who's the strongest."

Omi and him both glance at Master Fung waiting for approval for their fight, the old man sighs making his mustaches blow out as he nods. Excited the two rush outside finding a big open space to fight where they can fight and won't destroy anything, the two stand across from each other getting ready for a good battle. The other monks, Master Fung, and Dojo stand farther away from the two not really expecting anything from the fight, out of all of them Omi is the strongest but he does reckless things but his powers are the most advanced.

"Man, Conan's warm welcome is Omi kickin' his butt?" Raimundo says shaking his head.

"Do not judge a book by its cover, Raimundo, remember Conan and Omi's powers are both ten times as strong as yours and Omi's is sealed while Conan's are raw."

"So…" Clay starts.

"Basically our little buddy may have met his match." Dojo says popping some popcorn in his mouth, Clay shakes his head.

"Well, let's just see what this lil guy can do, eh?" Master Fung clears his throat.

"Conan, I want you to allow the power you are holding back to flow out of you, do not hold back."

Conan nods taking a deep breath; he grits his teeth before running at Omi, as Conan lands the first hit Omi attempts to block it but flinches as he feels electricity coarse through him. He grunts kicking Conan in the stomach; Conan catches himself and lunges himself at Omi landing another electric filled hit to Omi's left cheek. Taking a step back Omi hits Conan in the stomach once more this time causing the boy to stumble allowing Omi to land several more hit, Conan wipes a bit of saliva from his chin before running at the yellow monk. Analyzing Omi's position he jumps in the air and drop kicks Omi causing a small creator in the ground, Conan's about to walk away when he feels water wrap around his leg and slowly begin to consume his body. Omi has his hand wrapped around Conan's ankle, Conan grunts and kicks trying to loosen the boys grip the water is up to Conan's waist when he realizes a pulse of power forcing Omi to let go.

The water falls to the ground as Conan both slowly back away from each other, Omi's crawling backwards as Conan limps backwards, for a moment the two stare at each other. Breathing hard Conan slowly starts making his way over to Omi his right hand sparking with electricity his eyes almost glowing deep blue. Omi slowly gets to his feet making razor sharp spikes of ice float around him; both of them grit their teeth and growl at the other. When they're face to face Master Fung sprints toward the two and grab the back of both their necks, the glow in Conan's eyes disappears as the spikes surrounding Omi fall to the ground and shatter.

"Master, why did you stop us?" Omi asks confused.

"Yeah, we were just getting started!" Conan shouts annoyed by being interrupted.

"That is enough, I need you to get a better hold on your powers before using them that way, you both look a little pale go rest for the night." The two head back to the temple to sleep; the others stay to talk to Master Fung.

"What happened? I've never seen that look in Omi's eyes before." Kimko asks cupping her hands over her chest.

"They both started to lose it, I expected this from Conan but Omi… I'll have to keep a close eye on them both. It must be from them being so close together."

"Well, what happens if they both lose it?" Clay asks.

"No! Wait! Let me guess! 1000 years of darkness? Or, or wait the end of the world?!" Raimundo chimes in, Master Fung clears his throat.

"Truth be told, I do not know… water and electric are so rarely put together that no one ever wrote about it in the scrolls. Usually water and electric are born centuries apart, I have heard stories of what happens when they lose control separately but together..." He trails off watching the two pal around as they walk to the temple.

"They seem fine now." Kimiko says smiling at the two, Dojo shakes his head.

"Well, we'll have to watch Conan the closest, electricity is the most dangerous, mainly cause until he gets a hold of his powers that kids is basicly a power house." In side the temple with Omi and Conan, Conan lays down and covers himself with the blanket that Master Fung had given him along with the futon. Omi balances himself on his head after changing into his pajamas.

"Why do you thing Master Fung stopped our fight? It was a total bumper." Omi asks closing his eyes.

"Bummer." Conan corrects keeping his eyes closed. "I don't know we both only got in one hit." Omi chuckles.

"No way we both got in about four or five hits before he stopped us." Conan hums drifting off to sleep.

This place sure is strange... Conan thinks before falling asleep.

A/N: I'm really sorry it's been a while... and the chapter's short. I just started at a new school, I'm going to try working on this more often though thank you so much for reading.