-It's been a while, hasn't it?-

Two years, unless I'm very much mistaken. Going on three. And yet, some of you are still here. Why is that? Did you think that there was something more to the story? That it wasn't abandoned? Were you just holding onto the slightest hope that maybe I would come back? Why?

-I'm sorry for the long silence.-

-Is that what you wanted to hear? Well, it is true…-

-I just…-

-I wanted to say…-

I'm sorry. For two years, some of you have been waiting for another chapter. I'm sorry, because I'm ending this hiatus, just to tell you about another hiatus; one that will last until February 15th. I'm sorry, because, looking back on it now, the story I was coming up with wasn't all that great.

-I'm sorry.-

-Let me make this right.-

-Let me think of some way to fix this all.-

-When I say it wasn't all that great, I mean it quite literally. Look at some of my newer works if you haven't already, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about: better characters, less predictable plot, and just overall better writing are things that you will (hopefully) see present.-

-I'm not sure what to say now.-

-How do you apologize for wasting two years of a person's life?-

-But, was it all really for naught? I mean, this story will start over next month, after I've planned out some new chapters to make this story much smoother.-

-So then, why am I so uneasy?-

-Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something important?-

-I was just a stupid kid when I started this story. A stupid sixteen-year-old kid with dreams of making it big as an author, not even realizing how hard it was to get motivated to do the very thing I loved. And so, I'm sorry. But I promise you, your waiting will not have been in vain. I'm coming back with a passion, and there's nothing else standing in my way.-

-This story is not over.-

-It's time to do this all over again.-

-Won't you join Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus once more?-

-Won't you let go of the past, and face the future?-

-Won't you hear the story all over again?-

-Won't you join me?-

Final Fantasy III Novelization

Returning February 15th, 2016.