I don't remember much about my life on Earth. I can sometimes hear my mother's laugh in my dreams or feel my father's strong hands tucking me into bed, but never when I am awake. Never when I want to. It is easier to forget and live in the present, so that is what I do.

My present is in Asgard, the land of the Gods, in the golden city of Valhalla where the great king Odin rules. I don't really know how I got here and I don't know if it makes any difference either way. All I know is that I got here when I was ten years old and for 7 years I have been raised as a servant by my foster mother and father. They may not be the caring parents one always dreams about, but they are nice enough. They never hit me, although I was quite clumsy as a child. Yrda is the most caring, she is a woman after all, but also very strict and if you don't do what she tells you she will let you know what she think about it in so many word. And not all of them are pretty. Eren is a man of fewer words and he is not what you would call a father figure, but I have the utmost respect for him. He is wise and has lived a hard life, although he won't talk to me about it.

During my years in Asgard I have served a number of families, and most of them are high up in the king's circles, although I had never been inside the royal court. But not too long ago I had got a few days off due to the celebration of my 17th birthday and my coming of age.

(In Asgard you become a woman when you turn seventeen and it is custom for the young women of Asgard to celebrate with their parents. The reason being that it often is their last year at home, seeing as they can now legally be wed. Oftentimes the girl's parents will choose a husband for her to marry once she has come of age.)

On this night someone came knocking at our door. I opened the door to one of the king's messengers.

"Good afternoon, sir." I said and curtsied "How may I be of service?"

"Are you the midgardian girl?"

"Yes, sir. I am called May" I was becoming curious of why someone from the royal court would send a message to me. How did they even know I existed?

"You will present yourself at the courts servants' gate at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. You are required as a servant at the kings table."

"Oh, but... but why me?" I ask dumbfounded, realizing a bit too late that I might have spoken out of term. But the messenger smirked a bit and then answered.

"The king needs lots of servants, but he will only take women of age. I believe you turned seventeen only yesterday, isn't that right?"
I nodded slowly.

"Well then, 8 o'clock at the servants' gate. Good afternoon to you" he said with a bow. He turned away and was gone.

To be continued...