AU – Set months after the end of Season 2 Stiles' life had spiralled out of control to the point where it was easier on everyone around him if he just left, he tried to find a place that was werewolf free, except it turns out there are more werewolves in the world than you'd think, and he's still the damn Omega. But it's hard to out run your past, especially when it comes hunting you. Begins end of October of Stiles' Junior year.

Rules changes of this AU. Sixteen is both the age of consent and the age kid's are legally considered adults though most stay in high school until eighteen before going to college.

Rated M

Warnings: Non con (throughout), domestic violence, abusive relationships, excess angst, thin plot (squint and it might be there), non con smut, generally being evil to Stiles. Oh and both Peter and Stiles will go OOC as they attempt to get along with each other (plus the traumas Stiles has gone through have changed him)

Don't like don't read, though constructive criticism is always welcome (plus any reviews).

I own nothing, literally.

Living Dreams and Nightmares


"Stiles," Oren's voice calls out the moment I step over the threshold of the tiny apartment we share in Sacramento. Of course he's a werewolf so it means he could probably hear me walking up the stairs.

Nervously I go over the last few days in my head, I can't think of anything I've done to upset him. "Yes Oren?" I call out being as friendly as I can.

A blond head pops around the door to the bedroom and smiles at me. He's gorgeous, he really is, all chiselled cheekbones stunning violet eyes, floppy blond hair, so beautiful and he should so be a model. He's also a werewolf and prone to bouts of violence, bouts that leave my body peppered with bruises on far too many occasions. "Get changed, I'm taking you out to dinner, nowhere too fancy, but I got the promotion and they back dated my pay."

"Dude, that's awesome," I grin at him, he's been trying to get the promotion since I ran into him and he'd dragged me into his home against my will after he fought and killed Brad the werewolf that had me last. "They finally decided you were doing all the work then?"

"Yeah," he nods bashfully, "Turns out Roberts left all the paperwork in his desk drawer and didn't do anything with it, it'll mean I have to work late for a while," he shrugs, "But once the backlog is cleared it should be smooth sailing again."

"Cool," and I'm really happy. Because not only does he deserve that promotion, having busted his balls trying to get it, but a happy werewolf is a less free with his fists werewolf, and that means I'm less bruised too.

"So how was school," he calls out.

"Okay I guess. I aced my test, got more homework, and hung out in the library a lot." I hang out in the library way too much, I daren't make any friends, I'll only drag them down with me like I did Scott.

Pushing away the guilt of that thought I hop in the shower and obediently get dressed to go out. Strange how quickly I learnt to obey Brad when I was with him, it could have something to do with the belt he used repeatedly on me. I still haven't learnt to shut up though and Oren is more patient with me than Brad ever was.

Dinner is a nice upmarket restaurant. It's not somewhere I'd normal go, we even get a waiter and a wine menu. Oren doesn't drink and I need to keep my wits about me to stay on his good side.

My chicken is nice, Oren's steak is cooked to perfection, the overall rating is good. I already know from his actions that he expects sex from me tonight. Not a major hardship, he's been quick to accept and apply the stretch Stiles before penetration rule. He even accepts the fact that I don't get hard or orgasm when we have sex, he doesn't blame me for it, he doesn't punish me for it, so it's fine.

Brad used to punish me for my lack of orgasms, which unsurprisingly lead to me having problems with getting any orgasms. I shouldn't be glad he's dead but I am.

When Brad had originally found me I was running away from my old pack, I was sick of being the Omega, being pushed around, used, I didn't realise how good I had it there. I'd go back to Derek's pack in a heartbeat if I thought they'd take me.

Of course Brad was right when he first caught me. I was an Omega then, I'm still an Omega now and no one's going to want me, especially after I was used so thoroughly by Brad. I'm soiled goods, ruined and useless to any pack.

Oren's much nicer than Brad, far more understanding and willing to give me space. I'm not sure why he was kicked out of his pack to become a vagabond Omega but he says I help him remember to be human, I'm not a true anchor for him like Allison is to Scott but I'm much better than nothing.

He's laughing at a joke I make as we walk up the stairs to our door. We get in and then he's running his hand over my ass, I smile at him and nod. I don't really have a choice, but this illusion of consent is better than nothing, better than being slammed into a wall by Brad and having my pants pulled off me by force.

Locking up, we hurry to the bedroom. Undressing I go on all fours in the middle of our bed. The drawer rattles and I hear the lube pop. Cold and slippery fingers run over the crease of my ass and I close my eyes.

Zoning out I ignore the finger broaching me, I don't fight the intrusion that only brings me pain, instead I remember better times.

I'm running in the woods with Scott, we're fourteen, he's wheezing and laughing and the only things we have to be afraid of are getting home late because his mom will yell and my dad will yell. I'm happy there. We find a clearing and spin in circles until we're so dizzy we can't stand up anymore and fall to the ground the world tilting crazily around us.

That memory keeps me occupied as Oren adds a second finger, the third finger burns a little and I turn to another memory.

I'm sitting in my dad's police cruiser with food between us. We're just talking. I don't even remember what we talked about, probably his diet, school, me not breaking things, his work, sometimes I think of things that help him break cases, sometimes his scanner goes off and we race to a crime scene. I always keep my memories of those times with dad set long before the werewolf madness swept the town, less dead bodies that way.

"Hmm, is that enough?" Oren asks breaking the spell.

Moving his fingers inside of me he lets me gauge it and I nod, "Yeah Oren, that's enough."

"Yes," his voice is happy and then the lube is going again.

Refocusing I pull together my favourite fantasy and wait as patiently as I can for Oren to push his cock into my ass. He thrusts a few times to be sure I'm okay and then he's off chasing his climax and I chase my stupid teenage dreams.

In my head I have a montage of images and motion pictures. I lose myself in them and the creak of the bed fades away to be replaced by dark hair and green eyes that flash either electric blue or alpha red. He snarls at me, he pushes me into walls and doors, he keeps me safe, he holds me. He takes my virginity when I offer it to him, though I had to stalk him for a few weeks into giving in to me.

I daydream about telling him the truth, how I'm in love with him, me a stupid little human Omega in love with an Alpha. God how much of an idiot was I? In my daydreams he tells me loves me too, he tells me how strong I am, how he needs me in his life, in his pack, how he's not good with words…

… Our bodies do the talking for us, I'm so glad he was my first. He leaves me gifts, I bake him cookies. He gives me intense stares, I babble at him. He holds me and I hold him back…

And in reality Oren is nearly finished so I tighten my ass and then he's coming with a partial howl. I used to love this part, the part where my ass got filled up with Derek's cum. Now it's simply endured. In the morning I'll shower and I'll try not feel anything when it's washed down the drain.

My teenage dreams have turned into a living waking nightmare.

Oren collapses to the bed beside me and I fall forwards, twisting to get under the covers, I lay there and let myself slip into dreams of an earlier happier life, it's the only escape I have from my normal day to day existence.

A/N: Sorry for any and all mistakes, I've tried to catch those I could, but I'm only human.

Yes I will be explaining what happened, but later on, and yes the chapters will all be short. If you want the whole thing go to my AO3 account, same name. If not one update a day.