The Feeling I Can't Explain…
By FuutaSohma135790
Description: Naruto and Sasuke were always rivals, from the moment they met. But what happens when Sasuke begins to daydream of a different kind of relationship…?
WARNING: Here we go with all the tags… Rated M for: Language, sexual situations, Yaoi, lemon, smut, underage (14 years old) sex, MAYBE a rape scene, and… At this point, it doesn't matter. The point is, IT'S RATED M FOR A REASON, PEOPLE!
Author's note: Hey guys! It's me, Len Hiro Yaoi Couples! …I really hate that name… Anyway, I, um, *er-herm*… "lost", my password for that account, so I made a new one! Introducing…! FuutaSohma135790! Fuuta is from the anime Hitman Reborn, and Sohma is the last name of the family cursed with the ancient Chinese Zodiac animal spirits in Natsuki Takiya's #1 hit Fruits Basket. Specifically, Kisa and Hiro Sohma.
Personal Advertisement: Feel like your lost in a maze of fanfictions with incorrect spelling, bad grammar, improper Japanese names, and stupid situations? Then you've just hit the fanfiction jackpot! I pride myself on realistic situations, fluent Japanese and German ( Momiji-kun!), correct capitalization for emphasis on different words in yelling speech, and perfect grammar and written English. So NO MORE having to translate everything into ACTUAL, READABLE ENGLISH. I do it for you! So please, enjoy the story. –FuutaSohma135790.
Chapter 1
"Naruto, you jerk! Leave Sasuke alone!"
Uzumaki Naruto was in class, his first day of class, to be precise, and things were DEFINENTLY not looking good so far. His "one and only love" Haruno Sakura, was sitting to the left of him. What put a damper on that good news was the fact that Uchiha Sasuke was to the left of Sakura, who had a major crush on Sasuke. Sasuke had no interest in anyone at all. All of this led to one confusing love-triangle that was missing a point.
Of course, Naruto, being who he is, had to do SOMETHING, so he decided GLARING at Sasuke would be good enough. And that's how Naruto ended up crouched down on Sasuke's desk growling and snarling at him.
"Get lost," Naruto growled under his breath at Sasuke.
"Hit him, Sasuke!"
"Yeah, do it!"
Encouragement from the rest of the class, calling for Naruto's face to be pounded in, was ignored by the newly graduated ninja. Instead, the boy in front of Sasuke decided to do something himself. He elbowed Naruto in the foot, causing him to crash down into Sasuke.
"Oh! 'Sorry'!"
Sakura's eyes widened. "Um… Um…"
Naruto, who had fallen into Sasuke face-first, was now locked in an accidental kiss!
"YAAAAAGH!" Sakura was trying her best not to kill Naruto at this point, while Sasuke was contemplating weather expulsion was worth killing Naruto before Sakura did.
"NARUTO, YOU PIECE OF CRAP, YOU ARE DEAD!" Sasuke screamed at Naruto, who was desperately trying not to puke.
"Poison! My mouth is ruined!" Naruto began a long, drawn-out show of over-reactions to the kiss, such as puking noises, rolling around the desk, and "almost" passing out. In reality, the kiss didn't bother him so much. What concerned him was the two death notes received by Sakura and Sasuke simultaneously. "Crap! Now I don't know who's gonna kill me… Which means I gotta watch BOTH of 'em carefully now…" Perverted as he was, he ALREADY watches Sakura a little too closely, but that's a story for later…
"It was an accident! I swear!"
Sakura gave Naruto her most menacing look. "You make me SICK!"
Naruto realized that Sakura might win the kill-Naruto-race. "Why are you…?"
And that's how Naruto ended up beaten to a pulp on his first day of Shinobi training school.
Authors note, Part 2: So! Thus ends Naruto's adventures with Sasuke and Sakura for this chapter! Chapter 2 will come out soon, I promise! Also, if you read through the story again, you'll notice that each character's dialogue matches up with the original manga's. Sooo… Yeah. Until the next chapter! :P