The ginger looked left then right to see if this was some kind of joke but When he looked back in front of him he minutes of smiling face. he didn't know how long he said there like that but it was enough time for Stephan to go down to the wine cellar to get some nice red wine and bring it back nudge to Kevin bring him back to reality "Kevin. This is edward Vincent. CEO of D.D Industries." Kevin didnEddward what to do but it's not like he had any time to because edward grand and stood up. " your name is Kevin. Hmmm...its nice. Suits you." Edd said and Kevin could have SWORN he heard a hint of smugness in his voice, but he just shrugged it off.

He nodded "yes Kevin. Kevin Barr." Eddward smiled more and held out Hus hand and this time Kevin had no choice but to shake it "well its nice to 'formally' meet you." Stephan looked between the two " two have met before?" He asked curiously. Eddward nodded "indeed. He shortly assisted me in carrying a few boxes into my house. Quite the gentleman really" stephan looked at Kevin and back at Eddward "wine?" The ravenette nodded "that would be you" he said as he was handed a beverage. Kevin sat down a crossed from the CEO and sat back to finally take in the 'guests' appearance. He was wearing slacks,dress shoes, a white button up with a navy tie. He looked nice,though Kevin silently wished he had those tight pants from the other night on. "I hope you don't mind Kev but food has already been served and eaten" Stephan spoke and Kevin shook his head "naw dude. Its fine,I already ate.". His friend nodded "OK well ill just go get you a drink then. I'll be right back. If you will esxuse me" Eddward nodded and watched the other leave the room.

Right when Stephan was out of sight, eddward looked at Kevin and it was as if the rooms atmosphere changed completely. "So Mr. Barr... How was your day?" He asked calmly. Kevin eyed him for a moment "it was fine. This was my work out day. He explained making the nodded nod in understanding. "Oh so you like working out? As you can probably see, I am not one for physical activities to increase muscle mass but I do commend you. So would you count 'working out' as one of your hobby's?" Edd asked. Kevin looked him in the eye and suddenly the memories for last nights events decided to invade his mind. Those touchy hands, that mouth that made those beautiful sounds that wear very desirable,... And those eyes. Those deep blue ocean eyes that anyone would fall over for. Kevin wanted to know how it felt to be on the receiving side of all that. Kevin tried to play it cool, he shrugged "I guess you could say that". The smaller nodded "any other hobby's?"

Kevin found himself letting out a sigh of relief and started to relax.'maybe he really doesn't remember last night' he thought to himself which brought a bigger eave of relief throw him. Edd spoke again "...such as...oh I don't know , bird watching? I'm sure there are beautiful bird out here. Art gazing? With all this beautiful landscapes there must be an amazing artist in town. Watching TV? Anything really? Anything that involves observing something...or someone?... From afar?"

And there it was

Kevin's eyes slightly widened. He gulped " really" he said as calm as he could. The other nodded "...I see. Oh look. Your drink is here." Kevin barely noticed. Just one thing was on his mind at the moment and that was 'oh crap! He knows!'. Stephan handed Kevin the drink "alright" he glanced at the two "getting to be acquainted with each other?". Kevin didn't pull his gaze away from Eddward as the ravenette answered "why yes. Kevin barr seems to be quite the interesting character. In just the short time you were gone he has told me that he works at that bike shops on shilo st. Also he lives just half a block from here..." Stephan gave a weird look knowing Kevin would not tell him any of that. So how did he know?

Eddward continued "used to live in a town a few hours from here by the name of peach creek...high school football star...not that great academically...every bit the typical jock." The smile on Edwards lips faded right when the words left Hi s mouth. Hisnnow icey cold gaze never leaving Kevin's now speechless face.

Stephan gulped as he bit Hus lip nervously not really knowing what to do. All he knew was that thus was very bad!

Eddward ever so slightly leaned forward an inch "although I have yet to find out one thing for sure". Kevin suddenly found his voice and spoke "and that would be?" Edd smirked. That smirk sent shivers down the red heads spine. He didnt know if it was fron nerves or from excitement " you like motorcycles ?" The brainiac asked smoothly. Kevin tried to act 'not-so-stiff' so he just shrugged his shoulder "yah...sure...why?" Edd grinned "oh no reason really...but...while we are on the subject. Did you know that an average of 4,000 people DIE in a motorcycle accident each year. A nice out are a hit and run but no one really can tell in the end...what a terrifying number isent it ?"

And that's when the whole room went rigid. All Stephan wanted to do was leave but he couldn't because Kevin looked ready to tear Edd limb from limb. So he just didn't move a muscle. Kevin on the other hand looked just completely stiff. Hus muscles were flexed as if he were an animal ready to pounce. Eddward how ever looked complete ly unaffected and not to mention unimpressed by him. "Am I making you uncomfortable ?... Hmm. Strange if you ask me. A very famous man once said 'treat others how you want to be treated' and I only assumed you fallowed that kind of logic as well...let me make thus perfectly clear ... I am not a man to be messed with. So I suggest whatever it is you 'THINK' your doing... Take a step back. Or else you will fund yourself regretting not taking my advice... Understood?"

Kevin growled and stood up " is that a threat?!" Eddward snorted and stood as well "mind my cliche but no. It is a 'promise'! Cross me again and I will have you limbs torn apart and tossed into a fire leaving no evidence! Cross me again and I assure you will regret it! And when I'm done with you...NO ONE, not even your best friend will even THINK to remember your NAME!... so listen closely as u spell it out for you. Use that Brain of yours...that's if you have one, 'life' is none of your business... So unless your part if 'it'...stay away. Simple challenge really."

Eddward turned and went up to Stephan who was still in shock, and smiled. As if all the coldness and dark looks were never there and here again was the sweet new innocent neighbor the two had thought him to be."that k you SO much for the amazing dinner Stephan. I really hope we can do this again sometime. But I must take my leave now. Goodbye." He started to the door but stopped by Kevin again. "Goodbye ." Kevin narrowed his jade eyes "goodbye ... We'll see each other again...real soon."

Eddward smirked "I wouldn't hold your breath for that" the with those last words he was gone out the door. Leaving a very confusingly hot and bothered, smirking Kevin.

I know! I KNOW! IM A BITCH! IM AM SOOOOO SORRY THUS TOOK SO LONG! it was like everything in the world decided "hey! Let's do everything in our power to stop her from updating ANY of her story's!" Everything just got crazy and get it xp but hey! I'm back and I already have another chapter of thus written up! And for those who are reading my other fanfic "lingering eyes" I'm close to finishing writing out the next chapter if that too! Then I have to type it and read over it! Speaking of reading over! I tried to get all the kinks out of this but just in case! I am SO SORRY for any mistakes I make! I really am! And I'm sorry the chapter is so short :( but like I said I have another chapter already ready and I'll be tying it out soon! So please do not worry! I'm still here! Alright! Vex OUT BITCHES! X3 LOVE U GUYS!

P.S. yes! I read everyreview and it helps alot more then you think! That k you all!