A/N: It's the first time I write for Duncan and Gwen, hope you enjoy! :)

Gwen's POV

As I was walking in the hallway I did my best to not be seen by, him.

And by him I mean Trent, he's been following me everywhere!

I'm being stalked by him and it's creeping me the hell out!

You see, we used to date until he got all obsessed with me, like talking to other boys even though Cody really isn't my type, more like a little bro.

But he didn't care, he even made me promise never to talk to any boys except him which I accepted but only because at that time I thought I loved him but in reality he was cheating on me with Lindsay, the popular girl at school.

And after I found out I dumped him and ever since he tried to get me back but I wasn't no idiot.

Like in hell would I ever get back with him!

As I started walking I bumped into someone,

"Sorry" I mumbled while walking away until her high-pitched voice stopped me "Sorry? Sorry?! You should be on your knees begging for forgiveness!" Courtney yelled, who was AKA the second popular girl in school.

"Excuse me, but I don't beg to anyone, especially the annoying ones" I snapped back while walking away while she kept yelling at me

I laughed at her stupidness and bumped into someone again!

"Damnit, why do I keep bumping into people today?!" I mumbled and then heard a chuckle and saw him,

Duncan Johnson, quarterback of the football team and most popular/ hottest guy in school who was dating the annoying Courtney.

"You're funny sweetheart" he said while smirking "And your lucky too for me talking to you"

I got very angry after I heard that "Why should I be lucky if I'm talking to a juvenile delinquent?" I snapped back while he was just smirking like a fool.

"Woah sweetheart, I was just telling you the truth and it seems that you can't handle it" he said leaning closer to my face while I was feeling my face heat up.

"Move it or I'll kick your ass" I threatened but all he did was laugh "Sweetheart, your too cute" he said and then whispered in my ear "But your also sexy in my opinion"

That made me gasp and push him back "What the hell is wrong with you!? Do I look desperate? Or am I some charity event that you can flirt on anytime? Anyways I'm leaving now because I don't even wanna be SEEN with a pig like you" I said while walking away until I heard him say something that instantly made me flustered.

So I put up my hood and walked into class which I was late too by I didn't care because all I could think about was him and his nonsense, especially when he said,

"Sweetheart! Keep moving that ass of yours because I'm getting a GREAT view!" he yelled, I shook my head and then started to draw, before I started thinking.

What the hell is wrong with him?

A/N: I hope that was good for a first chapter, please review so you can tell me what I did or didn't do right, until next time!