So, err, hey guys! I'm really happy that I've got some favourites and reviews- so I'm reaaally sorry for the late update! I actually had a Japanese exam on the first of December so I was studying for that and I just kind of... didn't have time for writing another chapter. BUT, finally, here we are! My writing may of gotten worse but, well... let me know how it is :) As always, thanks for reading!

Chapter 4

After another few awkward minutes of sitting on the floor, Edd finally decided that he shouldn't be a bother to the guy any longer. He uncrossed his legs to begin to try and stand up to find that he actually… couldn't. Of course it wasn't much of a beating he had received, but one heavy punch to around the rib cage of a weak boy could never end that well. Edd immediately fell forward, planting his hands flat on the floor as he leaned down on them, waiting for the pain to subside.
"Woah there dude. You alright?"
Edd smiled a little as he heard Kevin's sudden voice and the footsteps coming fast towards him. It was nice to finally be able to think that someone cared… even if it was only a little.
"Thank you Kevin, but I'm sure I'll be fine."
"You don't look fine. Those guys were strong; you've probably got a lot of bruising to the ribs."
Edd laughed, "All on my first day and all..."

Kevin stared at the boy in pain on the floor in front of him. He was like nobody he had ever seen before. Yes, he was the weak and probably spoke too well for somebody living around this area, but something about him made Kevin think twice and even look twice. Although weak on the outside, he seemed strong on the inside, and Kevin admired that. As soon as he saw his reaction from the 'tests' he knew that he was different, and for some reason Kevin was somewhat attracted to that.
"Lift up your shirt."
"Excuse me…?" Edd replied, again panicked. He rose from where he was with a wince, before returning back to a kneeling position.
"Just lift it up dork,"
Edd sighed, "maybe I need to teach people to be more polite around here."
Kevin chuckled in response, raising his eyebrows, "good luck with that."
Edd lifted up shirt as much as he could, and Kevin, after placing himself down in front of the other and looking closer, realised to his relief that the bruising wasn't as bad as he initially thought. There were some bruised coloured marks but he guessed that they would fade within time.
At this point though, Kevin and Edd both didn't realise that they were simply just… staring.
Edd was staring at the boy in front of him, whereas Kevin was unintentionally staring at the boy's chest. Perhaps it was because of how different it was to his. The boy was thin and pale, whereas Kevin and basically everybody he knew around him was much stronger built and tanned.

Kevin without thinking and for a reason he didn't even know, reached out his hand while creeping forward slightly, continuing to move until his cold hand gently met the others skin.
Edd gulped as the realisation of what Kevin was doing. "Kevin? What are you doing?"
I've only known this guy for less than a day and he's… what? Touching my skin?!

What Edd should of done was pull away immediately, letting his shirt go and pulling away as fast as he could. But, for some strange reason, that even he couldn't comprehend himself… he just couldn't.
Kevin stroked his hand upwards slowly. Edd wasn't ticklish in any way, which probably was a bad thing since he could've used that as an excuse to pull away. After a while Kevin finally realised his actions, and after remembering hearing Edd speak up he pulled his hand away slightly in response, "jus-just checking to see you don't have anything broken."
"…I think I would be in a lot more pain if I had a cracked rib Kevin."
Kevin didn't know what was going on. This had never happened to him before. Especially with somebody he had just met. It couldn't be what he thought… right?

Kevin wasn't one for relationships. He never really thought or even cared about his orientation either. He just got on with his school life, making sure that he at least passed his other subjects while trying to be the best in the sports and generally be the 'popular guy'. He wasn't a fan of bullying others, but he felt he had a reputation to keep. But what if he actually turned out to be gay? He would become the center of attention, but not for the reason he wanted.

Even with all these thoughts mixed inside Kevin still didn't remove his hand, instead he moved closer. He shuffled forward, so that they became so close that Edd could now feel Kevin's warm breath mingling with his own. They eyes became locked with each others too, and after a few awkward breaths Kevin finally spoke up.
"Why are you so… different?"
Edd, already panicking and sweating from the unusual closeness from the other, gulped. "What do you mean Kevin?"
"I mean-"
Kevin was about to explain but was cut off by a sudden noise of ringing echoing through the house. The sound made Kevin spring back suddenly and turn his head toward the open bedroom door in surprise. He groaned, whispering to himself, "why now of all times?"
Edd coughed a little, "Excuse me, err, Kevin? Is that your parents? Should I leave?"
"No, you stay there dork. My parents wouldn't be home yet," and with that, Kevin left the room leaving Edd on the floor, still breathing heavily with shock.

Kevin rushed down the stairs and across the hallway to immediately notice a figure behind the frosted glass. He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled the door open.
"Yo Nazz, you alright?"
"Yeah, thanks Kevin, how about you?" Nazz grinned back.
She was a pretty, short blonde-haired girl with probably a little too much makeup for Kevin's taste. But she was a great friend; one who had stuck beside him since he was young. Everybody around college had been spreading that they were going out, since they spent so much time together. But that wasn't the case at all, and both of them knew that… they were just like brother and sister.
"Yeah, I'm good. Can you maybe come back a little later? There's something I've gotta do first."
Nazz laughed, but also crossed her arms with a suspicious expression appearing on her face, "Sure dude, that's okay. But what are you hiding?"
Kevin couldn't lie. Even though he was one of the toughest people on the street, he couldn't fib, especially to Nazz. He stepped outside the front door, closing it a little behind him.
"There's a new dork in the bedroom upstairs."
"Wow Kevin, that was fast-"
"That's… that's not what I meant." Kevin face-palmed his forehead, one reason was for what he had just said and another, for imaging something he really shouldn't of.
"Look, this new guy got beaten up and luckily I was there to take on the culprits. He's a weak guy, I had to bring him back here to make sure he was alright, you know?"
"Wow Kevin. I didn't realise you were that nice." Nazz exclaimed, giving a light punch to his arm. "But honestly, you don't usually help people like that. Why him…?"
Kevin didn't really know what to reply.

He didn't know.

He didn't know why he helped that dork in the first place.

He had been part of the 'bullying' just that morning earlier. Usually he would've just turned away at this kind of sight.

But the question was… why didn't he?