Woo-hoo! My first ever 'Land Before Time' story!

It's a movie series(and t.v. show) that's very dear to my heart, and it always will be even in old age, so I wanted to do a quick little fanfiction about it.

I'm not going to expect too much attention for this as I'm mainly doing this for myself, just so I'll have it up and out of my head, but if you do happen to like what I write, then please, feel free to to let me know how I'm doing:D:D:D


"Robin? Can I come in?" came the aged voice of Darrel Hall from behind the door to the room of his granddaughter. But when the elderly man received no answer, he slowly turned the handle and looked inside. Seeing a young girl with her mousy brown hair lying face down on her bed; still dressed in a deep green soccer jersey, black shorts, shine guards and cleats.

"Your Gramma told me what happened at tryouts," He said, walking in and gently easing himself to sit beside her on the mattress. "You want to talk with ol' Granpa about it?"

"Why are people so stupid?!" Robin asked as she lifted her head up from the pillow to look at him. She must have been crying for a good while as her brown eyes looked a bit swollen. "Alyssa knew I wanted that spot on the team, but she got picked instead of me!"

"Are you sure you should be mad at Alyssa for something the coach decided?" her Granpa asked. "Besides, didn't she want to be on the team too?"

"I'd think that you'd be happy for your friend for making it on the team."

"She's not my friend anymore!" Robin grumbled. "She doesn't even like the game as much as I do, she told me so, and she still got picked instead of me."

"All because the coach was Mr. Reamer, her Uncle, he picked her because she was family!"

"Really, Robin, that's a bit childish." Darrel chided as he place a hand on her head. "I'm sure Sam picked Alyssa because of her skills, she's a very talented player after all; but in your case, as an adult and a coach, he has a responsibility to take your condition into consideration."

"So you think I'm not talented?!" Robin snapped, looking at her grandfather with a betrayed expression. "That I can't take care of myself?!"

"Now Robin, I didn't mean it like that at all." Darrel said quickly, "it's been a very good while since you last had an attack, Sam probably just wanted to keep it that way, I know I do."

"Just go away, Granpa," Robin mumbled, plopping back down on her bed. "You're not helping at all."

"…If that's what you want, I'll go." Darrel said with a soft sigh, feeling a bit put out. "I'll come and tell you when supper's done."

One he was gone, Robin felt a brief pang of guilt. She hadn't meant to snap at him, she just felt so angry. But the she quickly squashed it, she was treated unfairly and it was his own fault for taking Alyssa's side over hers.

He was her grandfather, he always supposed to take her side. Just like her so called 'friend' was supposed to have her back.

She had been practicing so much before tryouts today, and every time she felt like an attack was close coming on, she's stop right away and take a break. She had it under perfect control, but Alyssa, Mr. Reamer, even her own grandparents, they just didn't care.

"Who needs Mr. Reamer, or Alyssa or anybody! No one understands how I feel anyways…" she mumbled out loud before pulling the covers over her head, not even bothering to take off her soccer uniform; cleats' and all. "I wish I could go to a place where I could do what I wanted whenever I wanted to, all by myself!"

"I don't need anyone else at all!"

A little while after, her anger soon started to ease away, and pretty soon, she fell asleep. Unaware of two sets of all knowing eyes watching her as she began to drift off.







"Amazing how sure she seems it would be better to be on her own."

"Has one little fight with her friend and thinks the whole world's against her, won't even listen to the reason her family has to tell and wishes to go to a place far away from what already she knows."

"The silly child doesn't understand or appreciate all the things she already has."

"That's the problem with these humans; they never know what they have until they don't have it anymore."

"Maybe it's time for this one to learn that lesson."

"But we can't just take her away from her home, that'd be breaking the rules, you know."

"And we won't take her to another world, but rather, to another 'time'; She would still technically be home, but to a much 'newer' home."

"Aaah, I see, do you suppose it's time to revisit some old young friends?"

"I think that would be nice, and would be the best thing for her as well."

"When do we go?"


Welp, that's it for chapter 1, I'll have the next one up soon.

Lol, if any of you have seen 'Stone of Cold Fire', then you know exactly who it is that talking XD