Holidays Chapter 1
I don't own DC!
Also, this will be a more team bonding chapter, kind of fluffy, and mostly a filler.
Warning, some under-aged drinking.
Anyway, New Story!
Dick – 19
Damian – 9
Wally, Arty, Barbra – 21 (just to give you guys a timeline)
December 24, Cave
Bart zoomed through the team's cave, hanging lights everywhere. As he turned a corner, he ran smack into Artemis.
"Watch it Baywatch!" Artemis yelled. Bart stood up and also assisted Artemis.
"Baywatch?" He asked. Artemis blushed and rolled her eyes through her tiger-face styled mask.
"It was an old nickname for Wally back when the YJ team was new." She said, a little sad.
"Do you ever miss it?" Bart asked. Artemis smiled.
"Yeah. It was always fun watching Robin beat up Wally."
"You mean the Robin that is a.k.a Richard?" Bart whispered. Artemis rolled her eyes again.
"I mean both Jason and Richard." She ruffled Bart's hair.
"How did Wally get that nickname, Baywatch?"
"Let's just say first impressions." Artemis smirked as she walked down the hallway and around the corner. Bart watched her leave and picked up the lights he had dropped. He then ran off to finish the decorating.
"I'm thinking a vanilla cake would be a better idea than red velvet." Zatanna was saying to M'gan as Artemis walked into the Watchtower's kitchen.
"Shame, I'm crazy about a good red velvet." Artemis said, walking into the kitchen and drowning in the smell of all the baked goods. M'gann and Zatanna glanced over at her.
"Yeah, but we already have three red velvets, and only two vanilla cakes. I want to have enough cake so everyone gets a piece."
"We also have six chocolate cakes and a platter of brownies." M'gann threw in her two cents. The zeta beams rang and announced Wally and Mal were now in the cave. A few seconds later, Bumblebee and Wonder Girl were announced. Artemis left Zatanna and M'gann in the kitchen to greet her boyfriend and the others. She smiled at Wally and gave him a peck on the cheek, and noticed he seemed nervous.
"Something wrong babe?" She asked. Wally swallowed and scratched the back of his head in a nervous way.
"Arty, Babe, we have to talk…" He tried to get out, but the zeta beams announced that Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Spoiler, and Red Robin were entering. The second they came in, the room was full of bickering. RR and Robin were in each other's faces, but 'not touching each other.' Spoiler and Batgirl were going on about something very passionately in French. Nightwing looked completely oblivious as he was on a high-tech looking phone, and a Bluetooth, talking to someone. The people already in the main hall of the cave just sighed and knew in about ten seconds, most likely it would be Spoiler, one of the Bat-kids would turn and make the others shut-up.
Artemis watched Nightwing walking away from the group, completely focused on his Bluetooth conversation. She caught a snippet of what Dick was saying.
"I promise you, the apartment is being used. I'm paying the rent, why the hell should you care what's in it? Karen, it's me, why would I do something illegal? I'm training to be in the force." A pause. "Really Karen? That is low. I'm not denying it, but that was harsh." Artemis frowned, Dick's voice sounded light and laughing, but his face was a mask. "Thank you Karen, sorry for the confusion." He hung up and saw Artemis, and Wally staring at him. He sighed and mouthed 'Annabel'.
"That landlady's name is Karen?" Bumblebee asked, smirking. Nightwing sighed.
"Yeah. She prefers to be called Kay, but when you're really serious and want to get a point across, using her full name is better."
"So, how is your…apartment?" The team had to pretend that they didn't know where Annabel was, since she had 'escaped' and had hidden herself.
"Fine. I'm a little worried that Karen thinks I'm pushing, or a guns dealer. Wouldn't be the first time for a police officer in Bludhaven." Nightwing sighed.
"That can't be the only thing bothering you." Karen/Bumblebee said knowingly.
"Damn right that isn't the only thing. I swear, Bats is pushing my buttons." Nightwing hissed. Tim sighed.
"Nightwing, you have to admit, your last stunt made him really worried"
"Dammit, not you too!" Nightwing wiped some longer strands of hair out of his face.
"What did you do?" Wally asked.
"I went to a party." Nightwing said. Red Robin sighed.
"He went to a party, didn't ever check in with Bats. Then, he never reported until the evening of the next day. Bats was worried because Ivy had escaped and was doing some kidnapping. Bats thought Wing was next."
"Like I would let that happen."
"You did once."
"And I learn from mistakes. Bats knows that. I just wish he would stop riding my ass."
"Wing?" Wally was shocked. Usually Dick never used profanities, but he had just used three in five minutes.
"Wally, he gave me a damn curfew! I'm turning 19! I have a curfew, for 11 pm!" Nightwing shook his head angrily." Wally started to snicker. Wing glared at him, but started snickering too.
"Sorry Wing, but an 11 pm curfew?" Artemis was snickering too.
"Ahh, just forget it. I already told him to suck it and that I had a party here tonight." Wing said, heading to the kitchen.
"Wing told Bats to suck it?" Wally whispered to Damian. The angry young Robin glared at Wally.
"t-t, yeah. The imbecile, Red Hood, or Todd, as I like to call that freak, hasn't stopped laughing about it."
"Where is Red Hood?"
"I think he is bringing 'happy juice.'" Damian stalked off after Nightwing and everyone else followed.
About an hour later, Red Hood arrived with seven six packs of Budweiser.
"Ok, sissys, let's start the party!" He said, slamming the fabric bags on the counter.
"Jason, we are not intoxicating minors." Wally said, grabbing a bottle. Jason looked around.
"Where is everyone?"
"You rode in on your bike, right?"
"Yeah." Jason stopped and could hear music pounding in the background. "Oh, they're dancing." Jason shrugged. "I'll go spike the punch."
"Wait. Jay, let me get buzzed first." Wally said, throwing his head back to take a big gulp.
"Dude, it is barely seven." Jason commented. Wally sighed.
"I want to propose to Arty, but I'm worried." Wally sighed again and slumped against the counter. Jason laughed.
"If for a second you think she is saying 'no' you are an idiot." Jason put six of the six packs in the fridge. He pulled a beer out for himself and a second one.
Wally snickered. "You're right." He said. He put the half empty beer down and grabbed Jason and dragged him to the dance room.
"Dude!" Jason almost dropped one of the beers.
"Wally, where did you, oh hello Jason." Artemis said. The pulsating music was smooth, but Jason couldn't name the song. The music was just loud enough to be a little uncomfortable, and there were only red and green lights on. The Christmas décor sparkled and a disco ball gave the room a diamond like appearance.
"Arty, Jason is to be my confidence for the next five minutes." Wally took a deep breath. Artemis snickered.
"OK, I'm interested. What's up?" She had on her Tigress uniform, but the mask was off, hanging down her back. She was actually wearing make-up, just enough to emphasize her Asian eyes, and little black earrings that Wally had given her for her birthday.
"Arty, will you… will you marry" Wally was cut off when Nightwing came up and grabbed one of Jason's beers.
"You are not bringing beer into this" Nightwing scolded. Wally scowled.
"What was that Wally?" Artemis asked. Wally shook his head. Nightwing smirked ever so slightly and listened to the music change.
"Arty, may I take this dance?" Nightwing asked. Wally scowled as Artemis nodded and was led to the dance floor, stopping first to place the beer on the snacks table.
"Wow, bad timing. Be faster next time." Jason headed towards the punch table.
"Yeah." Wally watched his best friend dance with his girlfriend. He could see the two talking, and felt nervous for the first time that maybe Dick might make a move on Arty. He swallowed hard. He told himself to forget that. Dick might have often taken people's dates at dances, but it was always by accident and miscommunication. Also, Arty and Wally were tight, close.
But she hasn't really been focused around me this last week. Wally sighed and was about to head out when a hand grabbed him and dragged him to the dance floor.
"Batgirl?" Wally asked in surprised, especially when she placed his hands on her hips and put her arms around his neck loosely.
"Just follow." She said. They started to move towards Nightwing and Artemis. Soon they were next to the other couple.
"I really love this song." Artemis was saying.
"Thank Bart. KF and Blue are the ones who chose the playlist." Nightwing answered. Wally swallowed.
"If I'm correct, Wally, you're graduate studies are ending soon?" Batgirl asked, loud enough to be heard by the other couple.
"Yeah. I'll be getting my doctorate the end of this year."
"That soon?" Nightwing asked. Wally noticed he wasn't really dancing with Artemis. He put his hands down off of Batgirl.
"Well, a doctorate takes four years to get… on average. I'm getting mine in three."
"Sweet." Nightwing said. Wally felt like his best friend was laughing at him.
"Yeah, my lovely, genius boyfriend." Artemis said, reaching out to stroke Wally's face. Wally beamed. Wally wasn't quite sure what happened next, but he found himself tripping over Artemis and under an arch with fake snow falling down. A mistletoe was above him, and his skin tingled as magic caused his simple clothes to change into a nice suit. Artemis found herself in a deep green dress with gold dragons lining the hem.
"What?" Artemis sounded confused. Wally smacked his forehead. A spotlight found them.
"That Dick!" He said exasperated.
"Wally?" Artemis looked at him. "Nice suit." She said appreciatively.
"You look better." He said. He heard someone clear their throat. Wally rolled his eyes, and then took Artemis's hand.
"Arty, I really need to tell you something." Wally took a deep breath. Artemis's eyes widened in understanding.
"Do tell!" She said excitedly. Wally laughed nervously.
"Will, Willyoumarryme?" Wally rushed out so fast no one could understand. Artemis seemed to by squealing, which was surprising, and jumping into Wally's arms.
"YES! Yes, yes, yes!" This was followed by a passionate kiss, and applause. Wally gave Artemis the 'one minute' gesture, and then walked up to Nightwing since the spotlight was off now.
"You're a jerk." He said. Nightwing smiled,
"You're engaged." Nightwing responded. Wally smiled.
"Thanks man." Artemis had walked up to Wally, and a slow love song began to play. "May I have this dance?" Wally asked his fiancée.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Baywatch."
11 pm, the Cave
Nightwing sighed as he watched his drunken friends dance in the strobe lights with music blaring. He himself was buzzed, but he could still walk, talk and act normally.
"EEHH! Wing-ding!" Red Hood staggered up. Nightwing sighed.
"Jay? You shouldn't drink, you're under-aged."
"Well, if you add my pre-death age to the age I am now…. Whoa, I haven't been this wasted in years!" Jason slurred before cracking up. Nightwing sighed deeply, and sipped his beer. The music was turned off and the other young-adults staggered into the living room area.
"Wing!" Artemis burst into giggles before snuggling up to Wally, who was already passed out. He would be the first to recover from getting so drunk, but it also meant the alcohol affected him earlier.
"Baby, I loooove you!" Mal was whispering into Karen's ear. Karen, who was sober smirked and took out her phone.
"I'm getting great blackmail right now." She muttered, filming her boyfriend who was now caressing the couch and giggling.
"Karen, you and Mal planning on tying the knot?" Nightwing asked. Karen sighed.
"Wing, after three years of dating, and the last year with us basically bickering everyday, I think we're already married." Nightwing smiled into his beer. Jason sighed deeply and plopped onto the couch, right onto Nightwing lap.
"Hey, bro," He paused. "You know Bats is gonna be AN-GER-REEE!" Jason burst into laughter. Nightwing rolled his eyes.
"I was exaggerating the curfew deal." Nightwing said, but Jason kept looking up at him and giggling. Nightwing was not in the mood to giggle. He just stared down at his little brother. Unlike all his friends, Nightwing wasn't much of a silly drunk. He would get very upset when buzzed then when he was completely drunk, he became almost suicidal. Not to say he couldn't be happy, he just had to get really drunk really fast to be silly. Drinking about three drinks in the past hour had left him with a mostly giggly feeling of being drunk, but an underlying sadness was also stuck in his throat.
"Dick!" A sweet voice called, and then hiccupped. Barbra sat on the armrest of the couch.
"Babs, name and costume; they don't go together." Dick smirked. Barbra blinked slowly.
"Ok." She said, and then she fell over, passed out. Artemis opened her eyes and smirked. She wasn't as drunk as she acted.
"So, Barbra, Zatanna, Mal and Wally are down for the count. Oh, and Jason too!" Artemis giggled. She was still pretty drunk.
"I think you're out too Arty." Dick mumbled into his drink. The group had of course made bets on who could drink the most. M'gann and Conner had skipped out; instead the couple had gone to Conner's room for some peace and quiet. Kaldur had been participating, but about an hour ago, Raquel had whispered into his ear and the young couple had left. At the moment, Dick, and Artemis were the only two left. Everyone had had the same amount of alcohol.
The contest had started at 8 pm. Everyone had taken three shots of a cheep whiskey and had one wine cooler each. Wally was out after the cooler. Then, at 10, everyone started on just plain beer. Dick wasn't wasted only because Batman had trained him to be intolerant of Alcohol since he was 13, and his family, though Dick didn't know it, was known to be heavyweight drinkers.
"Wing, it is scary how not drunk you are." Karen said, she had been filming the contest with one of M'gann's cameras to show everyone once they were sober.
"Ahh, life is full of mysteries." Dick slurred. He rubbed his eyes. He was probably drunk by now he reasoned.
"I think I'll take this victory and call it a night." Dick smirked because Artemis was already passed out. Karen nodded in agreement. She set the camera down and pointed it towards Nightwing. She walked over and raised his right arm. With Barbra passed out on his left shoulder and Jason flopped over his lap, it was a funny picture.
"I declare Nightwing the winner!" Karen said loudly. Jason started at the noise.
"Bats lied to you." He whispered, his words slurring like crazy." Nightwing looked down at his little brother.
"About what?" Nightwing whispered back. Jason yawned, and rolled on his side, using Nightwing's lap as a pillow.
"Me. He told me to keep up the charade cause you'd be pissed if you knew."
"If I knew about what?" Karen had walked over to the camera and walked out of the room with the camera to save the file on a computer.
"He says ." Jason hiccupped, but continued, "You expect me to be the Jason from 'before."
"Jay, I get what happened to you, sort of. It's ok." Dick assured the drunken lad.
"I just don't want you to love me any less because I'm not that Jason."
"Strangely enough, Jason, I love just as much, you're my little bro! You guys may be similar in many ways, but old Jay never wore drank, was apologetic, and wouldn't hesitate over sacrificing himself for a kid. He was nothing like you."
"Thanks…" Jason/Red Hood drifted off back into a drunken dreamland. Dick sat in the silence of passed out people.
"Damn." He muttered, his eyes stinging. "I'm really drunk."
Damian woke when he heard steps pass his room. He jumped out of bed and slid his way to the door. Peeping through a crack in the door he watched Dick exiting Todd's room. In his older brother's arms was the red-headed girl, Gordon. Damian crinkled his nose as the stench of alcohol wafted through the hallway when Dick passed.
"T-t" Damian turned and slipped back into bed.
Dick laid Barbra on his bed. The guest room wasn't on this floor, and Dick didn't feel like carrying Barbra when his own walking was so impaired by booze. He stepped out of his room and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Leaning on the counter heavily, he ruffled through the wine cabinet until he found the switch.
"So cliché." He slurred as the wine cabinet opened to reveal a secret storage of Bruce's favorite whisky. Grabbing to bottle and a crystal glass, Dick poured himself a shot. His hands shook like crazy, and some of the amber liquid slid down the side of the glass. Replacing the bottle, Dick staggered to the breakfast bar. It was just after midnight. Dick assumed Bruce to be patrolling for another hour. Sighing, he sipped the whiskey.
"That shot is about $400." A deep voice broke the silence of the night. Dick's shoulders sagged as he looked over to see Bruce in his black robe standing over him.
"I'm gonna enjoy every sip than." He croaked out. Bruce's eyebrows rose.
"You're drunk as hell, aren't you?" Bruce walked over to the cabinet and Dick could hear him prepare himself a shot of the expensive whiskey. "You have never liked my whiskey."
"I'm drunk as hell, remember?" Dick's words were almost un-comprehendible. Bruce shook his head.
"What is going on with you Dick? You keep avoiding me, and trying to do something to make me mad." Bryce sounded very concerned. Dick scoffed. Throwing back the rest of the shot he stood up, just to fall into Bruce's arms.
"I'm leaving." Dick breathed. He felt Bruce's arms tightening.
"I'm tired of all the crap I'm getting at college for living off you. I'm leaving. I'm gonna board. I gotta get out of here." Dick's head lolled. His eyes were teary. He was still in uniform.
Bruce felt his chest tighten. He didn't want Dick to leave. Ivy was keeping low, and Batman couldn't find her. Slade was still loose. The League of Assassins were still watching Dick to see if he would do anything, and Batman was hearing disturbing rumors about Gotham's underground world.
"No." Bruce said. He started to walk Dick to the couch.
"Too bad." Dick slurred. He somehow straightened and twisted, catching Bruce by surprise. The punch wasn't too strong, but it did cause Bruce to stumble and drop Dick ungracefully to the floor. Bruce rubbed his jaw as Dick slowly sat up.
"I'm leaving in the morning, I'va a'ready made the plans." He said, carefully, making sure each word got out. Bruce felt his anger flare. He found himself at a loss for words. Dick leaned against the couch and was soon passed out. Bruce swallowed. He knew he could force Dick to stay, but lately, with the strained relationship the two had… Bruce felt worry creep into his anger.
Could I lose my son? Swallowing again, Bruce threw the afghan from the couch over Dick and went up to bed.
Grayson/Wayne fallout?
As Christmas break comes to an end, Richard "Dick" Grayson was reported to be moving into the dorms of GU. Why would the famous adopted ward of billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne be leaving the nest? Could the White Knight of Gotham and Gotham's Prince be fighting over a girl? Could money claims be tearing this supposedly happy arrangement between families apart? Could Bruce's biological son, who has only recently been publically claimed might be coming in-between the two? Or the name on the inheritance papers, Timothy Drake, be the one to cause the rift? Or could it even be the age-old rumors of Grayson's and Wayne explicit, erotic relationship finally be coming to light as Grayson cuts it off? Story of the year! Continued in A2.
Well, I hope this is a good starter! Please review for me!
Love you!