A/N: Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers.

18-year-old Teddy Oliver son of legendary rangers Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Hart. Was walking in the forest around Angel Grove to a place where his dad had fond a T-Rex tooth like his dad Teddy loved dino-fossils and karate. He looked like his dad too with dark brown hair and olive tan skin but his eyes were all his mothers.

Teddy was looking for the site when he felt like something was pulling his another way. So he let instincts take over and followed the pulling feeling. When he reached a clearing he felt the pulling felling stop and when he looked around he saw a saber like the lost galaxy ones but was shorter and had a green gem at the end of the hilt. When he grabbed it he disappeared in a flash of green light.

A/N: Sort I know sorry but that is all I had to say about Teddy he is just like a copy of his dad.

