Chapter 1Alexander and Amelia Korovan

A/N: This my first fanfic ever so please review about how it is.

disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers or any thing you see from the show

He was running down the abandon streets of KO-35 with his spiral saber in hand. His 12-year-old twin sister was right beside him firing her star slinger blindly behind her at the Piranhatrons chasing them when Divatox appeared beside his sister grabbing her and saying

" Say good-bye to your sister red ranger!"

"Amelia NO!" said the red astro ranger.

" Alexander stay back or she will get you too" said the yellow astro ranger to her twin.

With that Divatox and the Piranhatrons disappeared with his sister.

"NOOO! AMELIA!" said Alexander as he fell to his knees and demorphed.

18-year-old Alexander Korovan sat straight up in his bed hitting his head on the top bunk in his room on the mega ship mark 3.

"Amelia," he murmured as he rubbed his now aching head. He got up and put on his grey flight suit jacket over his red shirt and put on his black boots and tucked his grey pants into them. Next he went to the infirmary to get something for his aching head.

" DECA I need some thing for my headache," said Alex. Next he heard the swirl of the synthetron.

" Ready, Alex," said DECA.

" Thanks," Alex muttered as he took the little white paper cup and swallowed the contents.

Next Alex went to the jump bay to get some coffee and then go to the bridge to continue his search he had to find his sister.

On June 23, 2004 on KO-35 Alexander Curtis Korovan and Amelia Jean Korovan were born at 1:32 p.m. to Andros and Ashley Korovan, red and yellow atro rangers, both weighing 8 Ib 16 oz and both 18 in. long. Amelia was a dad's girl with his eyes with her mother's care free nature were as Alexander had his mother's chocolate eyes and some of his dad's broody nature but he could be care free at times both had their dad's blond and brown hair. They have 2 cousins Zeena and Zeyler, Zeyler is the same age as the twins were as Zeena is 3 years younger. In 2016 Davina stumbled upon the stone of evil unknown to her she pick it up and she became Divatox again after that she set her sights on the Korva system the three 12-year-olds heirs had to become the red, yellow, and silver astro rangers. During the attack Zeyler got injured badly and the Korova system started to fall the remaining ranges help start the evacuation of the system as the last shuttle loaded Divatox staged one last attack the rangers had to drive the attack way from the last shuttle as it started lift off after that Amelia got captured when the shuttle cleared the system and Alex has been searching on the mega ship mark 3 ever since.

A/N: I named Divatox's human form Davina because I do not know what it is or if she has one.