Hello all, I hope that you're having a great day! Its finally my day off, so I knew I had to take the time and post this chapter. I was worried in the beginning, but I know that you'll get it and if not, its going to be explained in the end anyways.

I hope that you enjoy ! Have a great weekend guys!

( I do not own Naruto)

Chapter 12

Sakura arched her back and stretched her arms up to the sky. She had just finished working the night shift in the surgery suite, hours after she was scheduled to clock out. A patient had been admitted 30 minutes for emergency surgery of a compound fracture of the L6 and L7 vertebrae just before she was about to clock out.

Sakura walked quickly to her favorite little restaurant, even though it was still early it was a popular little spot and she wanted to grab her food to go before the afternoon rush started.


Sakura tuned around quickly at the sound of Sasuke voice.

Sakura had tunnel vision when Sasuke was involved. It was like everything and everyone disappeared when he was around. She had been trying to accidently run into Sasuke for a while now, but Sasuke was more skilled at stealth than she was and he would only be found, when he wanted to be found.

"Sasuke-kun! How are you?" Sakura said happily.

"I'm fine, and you?" Sasuke said calmly.

"I'm good." Sakura said, running a hand through her hair and hoping that she didn't look as tiered as she felt. "What are you doing here? Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"I was just passing by, but I wouldn't mind having lunch." Sasuke said evenly.

"That's great, foods good." Sakura internally winced at her own words. She sounded ridiculous even to her own ears. She was tiered and Sasuke's sudden appearance had her a little tongue tied.

Sakura and Sasuke made idle chitchat while they waited to order and receive their food. It all felt very surreal to Sakura. Usually it was like pulling teeth to get Sasuke to go out with her and talk, but today he was more than willing. Sasuke even asked her to relocate to another area so that they could talk privately.

Sasuke led her to a picnic table that was away from others. It was heavily shaded by the trees surrounding it. Sakura thought that the area was too private, she would have preferred to have stayed at the café so that others could see them together, but she supposed that this area was more romantic.

Their conversation over the lunch wasn't all that special. It was more or less the same conversation that they had in the café, but she was happy that he was with her. Usually the only time he would be hangout with her outside of training was when Naruto was with them.

Sakura tried to delicately dab the corners of her mouth with her napkin as she was finishing up her meal. They had run out of things to talk about and were not just sitting in silence. Sakura struggled for topics of conversation. She wanted to impress Sasuke with her conversational skills and show him how compatible they were but it just wasn't happening. In her fantasies it was always Sasuke who made the first move and she didn't know how to inspire that in him.

"Sakura." Sasuke said, startling Sakura out of her fantasy, "I have to get going."

"Oh," Sakura sighed dejectedly.

"But, we can meet later tonight if you're available. Possibly at the club you like, Kunai? " Sasuke asked.

"Yes." Sakura said immediately, "Of course I would love to! What time do you want to meet?"

"How about 8?"

"Sure!" Sakura said happily.

Sakura watched with a smile as Sasuke disappeared in a whirl of leaves. She felt giddy and incredibly nervous. She was happy that Sasuke wanted to meet at a club, she knew had the perfect outfit for it. Which meant that she would be able to get some sleep before she had to get up and get ready for the night.

Shikamaru basked in the soft light of the sun. The weather felt perfect, but it could he could have been in the middle of a monsoon and he would have still felt the same way.

Things with Naruto had been progressing remarkably in his opinion. He was taking it nice and slow, and their relationship was shifting from a friendship to a more romantic and personal one. His relationship with Naruto was vastly different from his old relationship with Temari. To be frank, his old relationship was a lot more passionate. Temari and he would get into heated arguments about philosophy, ethics and ninja politics, and they always had a fun time making up afterwards. But, with Naruto, things were a lot more lighthearted and comfortable.

Shikamaru groaned as he sat up, it was a quarter past three and if he waited any longer to get chicken from the market his mother would have his head mounted over the fireplace.

Shikamaru tried to stifle a yawn as he meandered towards the market. The market was slow this time of the day, so he doubted that he would have to wait long.


Shikamaru saw Sakura moving quickly towards him with grocery bags in her hands.

"Hey I'm running some errands, but I'm really happy that I ran into you. I need to talk to you, it's about Naruto. Can you meet tonight, like around 8:30?" Sakura said quickly.

"I'm free, where do you want to meet?" Shikamaru said, furrowing his brow, wondering about Sakura had to say about Naruto.

"I'm meeting up with someone at Kunai, do you mind coming there? I'll buy you a drink!"

"Sure, I'll see you tonight."

Shikamaru watched as Sakura's face twisted into a smirk, before she waved goodbye walked away.

"What a drag."

Sakura twirled around in front of the full length mirror in her room, resisting the urge to squeal. She looked amazing. She was wearing a dark pink, strapless, skintight dress with a subtle amount of padding on top. More than that, despite the tight time frame she had, her makeup and hair was perfect. But, despite how confident she felt in the way she looked, the butterflies in her stomach kept multiplying.

Even though Sasuke didn't say it, it felt like a date to Sakura. She was also nervous and excited that it was going to be at the club. Kunai was a popular spot, with civilians and ninjas alike, so naturally a lot of people would be seeing them together. While Sasuke had been with people, he had never been publically seen with anyone in a romantic sense. So tonight was a really big step in the right direction. She could lay claim to Sasuke, and by the next morning everyone would know that he was hers.

Sakura glanced at the clock, it was a quarter to eight and she was ready to leave. On a date with any other person she would happily arrive late, but she knew that Sasuke hated tardiness, but on the same note she didn't want to seem too egger by showing up early.

Sakura couldn't help herself and arrived at the club five minutes early. She could tell from a quick scan of the room that Sasuke hadn't arrived. She internally debated wither to wait by the door or head to the bar.

A unfamiliar young fair-haired waiter approached Sakura. He had a boyish face and was average in terms of looks.



"Hello Sakura-san, my name is Ren. Uchiha-sama called ahead and reserved a private booth for the two of you. He came by just a few moments ago. He said that he'd be back after he had taken care of some business but, he left you a note and a bottle of wine from his personal cellar. If you'll just follow me." The waiter said before dramatically bowing to Sakura.

Sakura couldn't help the smile that overtook her face. She had no idea that Sasuke reserve a table for the two of them. She happily followed the waiter to a cozy looking booth on the upper level of the club. The second level was busy, but had more of a restaurant feel to it.

The waiter handed Sakura a folded piece of parchment paper:


Going to be late. Enjoy the wine and pour me a glass as well. I'll be seeing you soon


The waiter poured Sakura a tall glass of wine and Sakura tentatively smelled it before taking it a large sip.

"Umm, delicious." Sakura said with a smile. The flavor was unlike anything that she had had in the past. It also made it feel... tingly.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Uchiha-sama said it was one of his favorites and he was hoping that you would enjoy it. He even gave us extra bottles if needed. I will get you some appetizers and will be back shortly. If you need anything please feel free to contact me for anything." The waiter said with a smile before disappearing.

Sakura took a big sip of wine and glanced at her clock.

Shikamaru leisurely walked into the club, nodding to fellow shinobi that he recognized. A young waiter quickly approached Shikamaru from his left.

"Shikamaru-san. Hello my name is Ren. Sakura-san said that you would be coming. She is waiting a guest upstairs and has invited you to her table in the interim. Could you follow me?" Ren said politely with a plastic smile.

Shikamaru nodded the affirmative and followed Ren to the second floor.

"Shikamaru! You here!" Sakura said, the high volume of alcohol in her system causing her to be uncharacteristically loud and happy.

"Hello." Shikamaru said, sliding into the booth.

"A glass of wine sir." The waiter said, pouring the wine and handing the glass to Shikamaru before he had the chance to answer.

"Drink it! It's so delicious." Sakura slurred, before collapsing into a fit of giggles.

"What did you want to talk about?" Shikamaru said cutting to the point.

"Shikamaru! Try the drink, try the drink! Why are you such a drag! What a drag." Sakura said mocking Shikamaru's trade mark phrase, and erupting into laughter.

"Sakura." Shikamaru said, slightly aggravated. "You asked me to come here to talk about Naruto, remember?"

"Naruto?" Sakura asked confused.

"Oh, oh, oh, yea! I need to talk to you." Sakura said, remembering her conversation with Naruto and Ino. "Somehow Naruto found out that we slept to together. But, don't worry. I totally covered! I said it was just once, so that all that you need to say too!"

Shikamaru suppressed a groan, taking a large drink of his wine. He had slept with Sakura a few time throughout the years when he was on break from his relationship with Temari. It didn't mean anything to him and he doubted that it meant anything to her, but he didn't want Naruto finding out the truth and misinterpreting it. He knew that she was inexperienced and for her sex was more of an emotional statement than a physical release.

"I got it, I'll stick with the story." Shikamaru said, drinking more of his wine before getting up to leave.

"No ! Stay Shikamaru ! Come on share a drink with me." Sakura whined loudly. Getting louder as the time passed.

Shikamaru could see people starting to stare. They were starting to attract attention and the last thing that he needed was for rumors about him and Sakura to spread.

"Fine." Shikamaru said in a resigned voice. "One more drink"

Sakura giggled happily and clinked her glass with Shikamaru's and all the while Ren, the waiter, patiently watched and made sure that there was a drink at hand at all times.

Thoughts? Comments?