Jack pov.

Time skip to last 2 weeks of school.

well. this school year has been...interesting yet boring. Met tyson, who is a jerk face. and apparently "better" than me. ya no. He and kim just got out of an realtionship..again. If your wondering about me and kim well we have our moments. we see eachother at my house but usually at school we dont talk, the reason. Tyson. I found out that even when they arent dating i cant touch/talk or look at her, even though other guys do. but does that stop me, ha no! i crack jokes with her and have conversations, like i said, we have our moments. Currently im on my way back from Japan, my grandfather wanted to see me and entered me in a competition. i was gone for 2 whole weeks, missed prom which doesnt matter and the only people who i told that i was leaving was jerry, ethan, my parents duh, and jade. Oh and dont worry, i won the tournament. *now landing at seaford airport. please put on your seatbelts for the deflate.* Putting on my seatbelt i look out the window. Getting off the plane, i text Jerry to k me up.i grab my carry on and go to the baggage claim area. my phone peeps, and Jerry text back," lunch break just started, be there in ten. you gonna do half day or go home?" grabbing my two suitcases i walk to the front of the airport to wait for jerry. i text jerry back. "half day at school, its friday so might as well go. plus three day weekend so wouldnt have school till Tuesday." i put in my headphones and listen to music till Jerry gets here. I spot a red Mercedes drive into the parking lot, picking up my stuff and walk towards it. "yo what up Jack! good to see you again, i missed ya!" i close the door and put on my seatbelt. "good to see ya too jerry, im glad to be home." he turns up the music and we head to school. we make a pit stop at my house to set my suitcases inside and grab my back pack, plus i had to change real quick, i wasnt gonna wear the clothes i wore on the long plane flight. changing into some grey sweats and a plain white tee, i put some grey and white spotted jordan socks and slid on my slides.

we arrived at school 5 minutes before th end of lunch bell would ring. throwing my bag in my locker i grabbed the books i need, i headed to class. Taking a seat in the back, i play temple run on my phone as people walk in. Yes! i beat my high score! Bring! i look up and see everyone is in class and no teacher. weird. i look back down and see i died. dangit. "Hey can i borrow a Pen?" grabbing a pen from my binder, i hand it to the girl next to me "here ya go..kim." wow, i didnt even recognise her voice, then again ive been gone for a while. "Why hello to you to Jack. Nice to see you remembered me." *juniors and seniors we decided to give you early release. thank you. And, freshman and sophomores stay in class.* "YES" as Jerry yells while he runs past our class door. rolling my eyes i pack up my books and start to walk out. "Hey jack!" i turn to kim "want your pen back?" she smiles at the end. i smile back "nah, keep it." then i head out to my locker. "yo jack! i cant take you home, im heading to Graces house! k?" Slammin my locker shut "ya thats fine, have fun!" i sling my bag over my shoulder and head out of school. looks like im walking home since Jade and Ethan are hanging out. Plugging in my headphones and turning my music on shuffle, i make my way home. A white range rover pulls over beside me, rolling down the window "Need a ride?" i open the door and slide into the passenger seat closing the door. "Thanks kim" "anytime, by the way. where have you been the last 2 weeks?" Putting my headphones away, i answer back. "um ive been with my grandfather on a trip." "oh ok. well we all missed you." "ya, its good to be back." She turns up the volume and it becomes silent except for the music. Turning into my driveway she turns down the music. "Thanks." she gives a small smile, "ya, your welcome" opening the door i grab my back pack. "hey um, you want to come in?" taking a second, "sure" she bites her lip. she turns off her car and we head inside. "you were in a karate tournament, werent you." i turn to her "um ya how did you know?" she then points to the pretty big trophy by the door. stupid me. "oh ya haha im going to put that upstairs." i grab the trophy and the rest of my suitcases i havent put away and we go upstairs. i set the trophy on my shelf outside of the door and then put my suitcases beside my bed. "so are you going to tell me what else you did?" i sat on my desk chair and spun around in it a couple of times. she moved to lay on the bed. "lets see. my grandfather called me and said that i was going to stay with him for at least a week. so i flew to Japan that night. THe first week it was mostly sightseeing and he would train me in karate more. And i went to a couple of parties too which compared to the ones ive been to here, it was huge! the last day, he told me that he entered me into a tournament and that i have to stay another week. From their i did the 4 day tournament, and then relaxed the next 3 days and just spent time with my grandfather." "oh cool!" she then looks at her phone and rolls her eyes. "just a second" she then answers her phone and walks out the door. should i snoop. i think i should, but what if i get caught? psh, nah, i wouldnt get caught. i look up to see kim walk in. well i guess i cant snoop on the phone call anymore. "that was Jade. She, Ethan, Grace and Jerry are going to go to the movies then head to a party for a bit before coming back here to sleep over. so, you gonna come?" getting up i say "nah, i have to unpack and take a shower. i will probably just hang out here until you guys get back." i give a tight smile then plop on of my suitcases to start unpacking. my phone goes off, grab it, a txt from jade. *you are coming to the movie and party whether you like it or not.* "so your coming?" i chuckle and answer a yes. "well the movie wont star until 2 hours so you can unpack and take a shower. then we can get a bit to eat before we meet them at the movies." "sounds good." i start to make a pile of dirty and clean clothes to put away. kim walks over to me and start to put away my clean clothes. then i put my extra stuff away like cologne and my phone charger. we did the for the other bag too. "Thanks." "ya, im going to get my bag from my car and take a shower in Jades room and get ready their too. ok?" "ya ok" she then walks out. i run a hand through my hair then go take a shower. Hopping out of the shower i blow dry my hair a little, then put on deodorant. walking to my closet with my towel hanging loose around my hips i hear the door open. "hey sorry, i left my phone on...the bed." kim looks me up and down then grabs her phone "its fine." i have a tight smile then walk over to my closet. she then turns and quickly leaves the room. grabbing some grey boxers i put them on. lets see now. ya i dont know what to where. i lay down on my bed and txt jerry to see what he is wearing. he txt back saying jeans a cool shirt and sneakers. ya ok, i will do that. Slowly getting off my bed i set my phone on the nightstand. then someone knocks on the door "come in." i turn to see kim only in a towel and her hair still wet. "um there is a giant spider in Jades room...so..can you kill it?" please?" i chuckle at her and follow her into Jades room. "where is it?" she points to the bathroom. we walk into the bathroom and i see a pretty big spider on the mirror. "yup. thats big." "ya now kill it!" "ok ok" i grab some toilet paper and smack it on the spider creating a big crunch noise. throwing it in the garage i use a wet wash cloth to clean up the mess on the mirror. i turn to kim "all better." i smile then start to walk out the door when a small hand touches my arm. i turn to kim and she leans up and places a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you" she smiles "ya, anytime." i then walk out the door to get dressed. i putting on a blue ve neck and black jeans (outfit from temple of doom) i put on socks and sneakers then put some colgne on. i walk out the door and head to kim. i knock on the door "come in" i walk in and kims head pops out from the bathroom "whats up" she walks out of the bathroom wearing a black tanks top with a hot pink under tanktop and leggings (outfit from temple of doom. just thought those two outfits were cute, doesnt have to do with that episode.) "well i was just seeing if you were done yet because im hungry." then my stomach growls wow good timing. she laughs "ya im almost done, just need to put on some make up and dont say i dont need make up!"she points her finger at me. putting my hands up in surrender "you said it not me!" she smiles then goes to do her make up. i sit on the ground. "are we taking you car or mine?" "yours." she then walks out of the bathroom and grabs her phone. "ready?" "ya, just gotta grab my phone real quick." she helps me up then i run to my room grabbing my phone and a white sweatshirt. i walk back to jades room and she puts on her shoes and we head to the garage.

Kim starts to get in my car "um what ya doing?" she looks at me funny and then gives an oh look and she gets in the hummer. chuckling i start the car and we head out. "where do you want to eat?" "well we have an hour till the movie so im guessing you want a meal not a snack." i nod. "so how about we get a burger and then have some frozen yogurt?" i nod again. "sounds good to me." after getting our food and yogurt. we head to the movies. "ready?" she nods and we get out to meet our friends. she holds on to my arm and we buy our tickets. we see our friends already inside and kim lets go of my arm. "hey jade." i say as i come up behind, she turns and gives me a hug. "missed you big bro." i smile then hug grace. "did you win?" i smirk and say "duh" kim looks at me then says "wait all of you guys knew. so how did i not get the information of him being in japan?" i shrug and say "didnt see the reason to tell you." "lets go see the movie!" jerry yells adding a WHOO! at the end. we go and get our seats. it goes Jerry, Grace, Kim, Jade, Ethan, and me. Im not really sure what movie we are watching, plus im not even paying attention to it. i plug in my headphones and close my eyes listening to music. A bit later, someone takes my headphones out. i open one of my eyes to see kim standing in front of me. "the movies over" i must of been listening to music longer than i thought. i get up and we head out. we all get into our cars and head to the party. "whos house is the party at?" i ask kim. "tysons" i grip the wheel a little harder and we drive onto his street. there is already tons of cars there. we park and jerry and ethans car park behind us. we head out and start to walk to the house. Jade holds me back. "If tyson sees you here with kim around you, be nice. dont try to start anything." i roll my eyes and laugh "if anything he is the one that starts stuff. im just the one that ends it." i look at kim in front of me and she turns back and glances at me. Jade speed walks back to Ethan leaving me in th back. they walk in the house and i stop. i can go home now and play video games, watch t.v, and relax. or i go in here, dance with some girls and then probably sit somewhere and be bored until we leave. im about to walk back to the car when kim grabs my arm "come on jack." i roll my eyes and walk inside to find a drink. all there is is alcohol. i shrug and take a small cup of it and drink it. not bad but i better not have anymore. i then walk over to the couch and sit on it. looking around i see people dancing outside by the pool, jade and ethan. people making out in the dark hallway, jerry and grace. and people dancing in the living room, kim and tyson. what a surprise. i get up when i hear kims voice say "tyson stop, just because im dancing with you doesnt mean we are going to get back together." i watch as she goes out the front door with tyson fallowing behind. i fallow them out and watch behind a bush by the door. "come on kim, you love me. no matter what you say now, by the end of the night you and i will be together." "its not going to happen this time tyson. im done." kim walks by him to go inside when tyson grabs her arm and pulls her back. "tyson let go!" "i will once you agree to get back together." "i wont agree with anything that i dont want to do. now let go." he doesnt let go and its a pretty strong grip he has on her. i slowly walk towards them with a relaxed look. "tyson let go of her." he looks at me then smirks. he lets go of her roughly and then steps towards me throwing a punch. i easily catch it and then shove his fist back. i shake my head then walk inside. "hey jack! wanna dance?" a girl named Bree said ( ;) ) "ya sure." we go to the rest of the dancing crowd and start to dance or should i say grind. we are laughing and making fun of the other drunk dancers around us. i see Jerry and Grace head out the door with kim,ethan and jade following them. out of the corner of my eye i see kim look back at me. i dance with bree a bit more until i say i have to go. she nods then places a kiss on my cheek and thanking me for the dance. i then head out to he car. jerry and ethans car are already gone, im guessing kim got a ride from one of them. i hop in the car and start it up. not wanting to head home yet, i drive to the beach. i take off my socks and shoes and roll up my jeans. i walk to the dock and hang my feet off in the water. i lay back on my elbows and look up at the moon. i think im falling for kim.

i hear laughing in the distance and see my friends walking and playing around in the sand not far from me. i look back at the ocean. ive always liked coming here at nights, its calm and relaxing. i hear a soft pair of footsteps start to walk on the dock towards me. i get up and take of shirt then jump into the water. its a bit cold but it feels good on my hot body. i swim out a little then go underwater, i come back up and float on my beck looking up at the stars. "jack." i turn to see my friends on the dock. i wave and swim back to them. i hang on to the dock with one hand "whats up" i ask them "nothing just hanging out. when did you get here?" ethan says "not long ago, about 15 minutes ago." he nods and i climb up on the dock. jade laughs at me "you always swim in the water, no matter what youre wearing" i smile "yup, i do dont i" "we are going to go watch another movie at the theatre. wanna come?"grace asks."ya its gonna be swag! its the new scary one that's out. i will probably have to protect grace since she gets scared easily." i laugh at Jerry "i think its usally you that gets scared and pees his pants" kim adds. "that ws only one time!"jerry mumbles "i would but i think im going to head home, im still tired from the plane ride. they nod and head to their cars. "i think im going to stay with jack." kim says to the group. i smile and i walk to the car with kim beside me.i put on my shirt and we head to the house. i go upstairs and change into some plain white trunks. i walk out to the balcony and kim walks out behind me wearing a teal blue bikini. i grab her by the waist and jump off the balcony into the pool. she screams on the way down. and once he resurface she starts to splash me "you jerk!" she laughs then dunks me underwater, i grab her by the hips and pull her down with me, she smiles underwater and we go back up. i spit water at her then go back underwater. she does to and then she wraps her legs around my hips. i go back up and swim with her to the side of the pool. with one and holding us up on the side. i stoke her face with the other and and we lean in. her soft lips make contact with mine and we slowing kiss. then it gets heating and i move to more shallow water to stand. my hand roam around her back and down her thighs. she scratches my abbs and i moan. she sticks her tongue in my mouth and moans. i pinch her but and then slip my tongue into her mouth. im running out of air so i pull back and start to kiss her neck as she runs her hands through my hair. she pulls on my hair a bit and i growl. i pull her body closer to mine and she moves her hips into me. i then kiss my way back up to her lips and we start to slow it down. we pull back and we head back inside with my arm around her waist and her cuddling into my side. i change into boxers and sweats while she puts on her undergarnments and then grabs one of my sweatshirts. we turn on the t.v and cuddle on my couch for the rest of the night.